• 2 days ago
भोपाल: देशभर के करोड़ों लोगों की तरह मध्य प्रदेश की राजधानी भोपाल में भी प्रधानमंत्री मुद्रा योजना से छोटे कारोबारियों के सपनों और उम्मीदों को पंख लगे हैं। कारोबार को बढ़ावा देने के लिए शुरू की गई प्रधानमंत्री मुद्रा योजना के तहत सरकार देशभर में छोटे कारोबारियों को बिना किसी गारंटी के लोन देती है। केंद्र सरकार की इस योजना से सूक्ष्म और लघु उद्यमों को आर्थिक मदद मिलती है। इस योजना का लाभ लेने वाले जीस अली ने बताया कि ये योजना हम जैसे छोटे कारोबारियों के लिए बहुत महत्वपूर्ण योजना है। इसके तहत मुझे 2 लाख रुपए का लोन मिला था जिससे मेरे व्यापार में काफी वृद्धि हुई है। वहीं अन्य लाभार्थी यास्मीन अली ने बताया कि इस योजना के तहत दो लाख रुपये का लोन मिला था इस लोन से उनके व्यापार में काफी बढ़ोतरी हुई है। लाभार्थी विजय यादव ने बताया कि पीएम मुद्रा लोन योजना गरीबों के लिए बहुत हितकारी है। इस योजना के तहत मैंने 50 हजार रुपए का लोन लिया था जिसमें अब पांच हजार रुपए मात्र बचे हैं।

#pmmudrayojana #mudrayojana #bhopal #pmmudrayojanabeneficiary #centralgovernmentscheme


00:00There is a lot of noise in the city.
00:02People are walking around.
00:04It is very difficult.
00:26This is a very good idea.
00:28I had never thought that I would get a benefit of a currency loan without a guarantee.
00:37But since Modi ji has come, he has thought about us.
00:42And we have also got the benefit of the loan.
00:44No, I had never thought of this before.
00:47But after Modi ji's arrival, I got to see something.
00:52We took a loan of 2 lakhs.
00:55It has given me a lot of convenience.
00:57There has been a good growth in our business.
00:59Everything is good.
01:01There is no problem in the loan.
01:03I have got a very good benefit in this scheme.
01:05So there is no problem.
01:07I thank the government for giving us a loan without a guarantee.
01:11I have got a lot of growth in business.
01:13Good business is going on.
01:15I had never thought that Modi ji would come up with such a scheme.
01:19So I thank Modi ji.
01:21It is a very good scheme.
01:23It is very good for business.
01:25If there is any problem in employment, you get money.
01:29Whenever you go, you get money.
01:31Everything becomes good.
01:33Employment is also good for filling goods.
01:35No, sir, I had never thought of this before.
01:37But when the scheme came out, we filled the form.
01:39There was an offer online.
01:41So we got a loan of 10,000, 20,000, 50,000.
01:44I have still got a loan of 50,000 in business.
01:47It is going to be cleared now.
01:495,000-6,000 are left.
01:51Everything is good.
01:53There is no problem.
01:55Work is going on.
