In Mecha BREAK, a coronal mass ejection from the Sun kicked off geological disasters around the globe on a scale unmatched throughout human history. Humanity still clings to this transformed world, splintering into multiple different factions who are now battling over a mysterious new resource known as ‘Corite’. This battle for resource control has driven society into a new age, with each faction holding its own ulterior motives.
00:00Years ago, the world as we knew it ended.
00:07A coronal mass ejection triggered a chain of geological disasters, the scale of which humanity had never seen, scarring the face of our planet beyond recognition.
00:18Scraps of human existence remained, now inhabiting a hostile, unfamiliar world.
00:26Standing on the precipice of annihilation, we are left with one mission, survival.
00:33After the catastrophe, we began to rebuild society in the face of harsh, unpredictable weather, disease, and a rising new threat, Corite pollution.
00:44Resources are scarce, warfare has become commonplace, and it seems every last faction of humanity harbors ulterior motives for Corite.
00:54Power, control, religious fanaticism, to some, Corite is salvation, to others, the harbinger of the end.
01:03But all motives and outcomes aside, one message is clear.
01:07The threat posed by Corite demands our attention.
01:10The time has come to rise with the storm, or be swept beneath its fury.