झारखंड: बांग्लादेश में हिंदुओं पर हो रहे अत्याचार के विरोध में झारखंड के रांची में विभिन्न हिन्दू संगठनों ने विरोध प्रदर्शन किया। इस विरोध प्रदर्शन के मोर्चे में हजारों की संख्या में महिला और पुरुष शामिल हुए। इस विरोध प्रदर्शन के बारे में जानकारी देते हुए स्थानीय ने बताया कि हिंदू संगठन का यह विरोध प्रदर्शन बांग्लादेश में हिंदुओं के साथ अत्याचार, मठ-मंदिरों को तोड़ने और इस्कॉन के संत चिन्मय दास को रिहा न करने की वजह से किया जा रहा है। हम अपनी आवाज राज्यपाल तक पहुंचा रहे हैं और उनको ज्ञापन भी दिया है। हम चाहते हैं यह आवाज केंद्र सरकार तक भी पहुंचे और देखे कि देश के हिंदू किस हद तक आक्रोशित हैं। यह हमारी चेतावनी भी है कि अगर बांग्लादेश में हिंदुओं पर अत्याचार नहीं रोका गया तो बांग्लादेश बांग्लादेश नहीं रहेगा।
#bangladesh #bangladeshhindu #bangladeshviolence #hindu #ranchi #jharkhand #protest #ranchiprotest #pmmodi #centralgovernment
#bangladesh #bangladeshhindu #bangladeshviolence #hindu #ranchi #jharkhand #protest #ranchiprotest #pmmodi #centralgovernment
00:00This is the last Indian student demonstration.
00:16In Bangladesh, against the atrocities against Hindus,
00:20against the demolition of Mathas and Temples,
00:24against the arresting of Ishkon's Swamiji,
00:29in the name of the Sanatan community,
00:33with the support of Bapu Bhatika Muravadi,
00:36at the Pramvir Albeita's square,
00:39we have reached the home of Mahamayam Rajpal Ji.
00:44Here we can see how the Hindus are being attacked,
00:48raising their voices,
00:51and also informing Mahamayam Rajpal Ji,
00:54so that this message reaches the Central Government.
00:58They are warning us that they will have to bear the consequences of what they are doing to the Hindus in Bangladesh.
01:10The problem is that not everyone understands foreign policy.
01:15What goes into saying that?
01:17The central government is making efforts.
01:21It is raising issues on the international stage.
01:24Our secretaries have gone there.
01:26They have gone to give strict warnings.
01:28And even after that, they won't listen.
01:30Then Bangladesh will no longer be Bangladesh.
01:33The central government or the representatives of the central government are connected to all the institutions.
01:40They want to give a peaceful demonstration in India.
01:44They want to give this message to Bangladesh and its government.
01:48They are giving this message to the people of India.
01:51We have been believing in the principle of peaceful coexistence since ancient times.
01:59Our path is peaceful coexistence, social harmony, social harmony.
02:06And we try to follow that.
02:09And as long as this harmony and harmony is maintained, we do not need to adopt any other path.
02:19But when we are forced to do so,
02:24then the scriptures say that Lord Krishna did not invite all the powers of the world to fight for Mahabharata.
02:34Till the last minute, five villages kept asking for peace.
02:42And when they did not get even five villages,
02:45when they got the answer that I will not give even an inch of land,
02:50then they called for the Mahabharata war.
02:55Our Indian government's foreign policy is very clear.
03:00Non-aligned policy.
03:04It is based on non-aligned policy.
03:06It is not included in any group.
03:09Today, we are seeing how the country is fighting the world war.
03:16But till then, the Indian government is waiting for peace.
03:22And anytime.
03:24Even today, I hope that when the Bangladesh is coming in front of all of us,
03:30through you, through print media,
03:33the Indian government will have more information than this.
03:37The atrocity which is very rampant,
03:40is very shameful.
03:43And all the information will be with the Indian government.
03:47And the government which believes in peaceful coexistence,
03:51we have complete faith that at the right time,
03:55will take the right step.
03:57And that step will be enough.