• last year
(Adnkronos) - “La velocità del cambiamento impatta anche nell’ambito dell’istruzione. Oggi i nostri studenti hanno degli strumenti a disposizione, come Chat Gpt, che possono utilizzare in modo positivo per supportare la loro creatività ed avanzare nell’espressione massima delle loro capacità cognitive e di studio, o facendosi appiattire, quando non lo utilizzano in modo critico. È importante l’educazione ai nuovi strumenti che l’intelligenza artificiale produce, affinché si cerchi di orientare il cambiamento nella direzione del nostro autosviluppo. In questo il ruolo della comunicazione è essenziale”. Così Luisa Damiano, professore di Filosofia della scienza e direttore della scuola di dottorato dell’università Iulm di Milano, in occasione della presentazione del The Corporate Communication Magazine n.13 dell’International Corporate Communication Hub - Icch, intitolato ‘La Velocità Del Cambiamento - economia, società, cultura’, svoltosi presso la Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei a Palazzo delle Stelline a Milano.


00:00Certainly, the speed of change also has an impact in the field of instruction.
00:10Today, for example, our students have tools available, such as the chatGPT.
00:16This is a tool that they can use in a positive way,
00:20in order to support their creativity and to advance in the maximum expression of their cognitive skills and study.
00:29But they can also use it by flattening it,
00:33by treating it as an input-output machine, as a banal machine from the same tool,
00:39when they don't use it in a critical way.
00:41So, essentially, it is important to educate the new tools that artificial intelligence produces,
00:50so that we try to guide the change, how fast and how deep,
00:55in the direction of our self-development and not in the direction of our cognitive degeneration,
01:01for example, from the point of view of instruction.
01:04The role of communication is essential, because it depends on the communication that we develop
01:10with respect to the presentation of these tools, with respect to the critical analysis of these tools,
01:15that these tools in our hands can then result in productive tools, self-development tools.
01:22Certainly, we must work much better on communication,
01:26because at the moment there is a lot of confusion about the role that artificial intelligence can play in our social contexts.
01:34And we must commit, I say, first of all, we who are educators, in this direction.
