SuffolkNews was invited to spend the morning with Suffolk Police as part of a day-long crackdown on organised crime and motoring offences.
00:00Now try and figure out where you're going to take me, I'm very contacted.
00:15I'm stuck.
00:19Go for a second.
00:24No, you try something.
00:28Hi, I'm Rebecca McFarland, I'm Chief Inspector of the Roads and Armed Policing Team at the Norfolk and Suffolk Police.
00:33We're here at Crop Docks today, Off and Lines, which is an operation where we look to target fake reform,
00:39which is drink and drug driving, not wearing seatbelts, using mobile phones,
00:43and also looking at stopping criminality on our roads, organised crime, the movement of people, money and commodities.
00:50We're here with colleagues from the other seven forces in the region, so Kent, Essex, Redsparks and Cairns,
00:56Norfolk and Suffolk Police, and then partners from other agencies such as Borough Council, Immigration, DVLA.
01:03So I've checked in the CO2 levels in the rear of the vehicle to see if they're higher than the ambient CO2 levels.
01:13And what does the CO2 level prove?
01:16It can indicate a lot of things, it can indicate loads on the back that would give off a CO2 reading,
01:23but if it's a high level, or a peak CO2 reading, it could be potentially people concealed in the rear.
01:32The whole point of today is for road safety. I know a lot of people think it's all about getting our tickets, yes we do,
01:38but what we want to achieve is every vehicle that comes in goes out of our gates in a road-worthy condition.
01:45If there's anything we identify, yes we will deal with it, but we'll try and get it rectified here before it leaves.
01:51Just a danger to other road users and themselves.
01:54If you've got ball tyres on an overweight vehicle, it's going to take you longer to start with an overweight vehicle.
01:59If your lights aren't working correctly, you've got ball tyres, your washers aren't working, your wipers aren't working,
02:05then you put yourself in danger.
02:07Insecure loads, every load has to be secured up to the vehicle.
02:12You get numerous insecure loads in from open-backed trucks.
02:16The consequence of that is stuff falling out.
02:19All day long we're picking up ladders, wheelbarrows, bits and bobs off the A14 and A12, which does put our road users at risk.