• last year
Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) ditutup naik 0,36 persen atau 26,80 poin ke level 7.409 pada di perdagangan sesi I, Senin (9/12/2024).

Siang ini, total volume saham yang diperdagangkan sebanyak 20,31 miliar saham dengan nilai transaksi mencapai Rp38,70 triliun, dan ditransaksikan sebanyak 705.367 kali.


00:00Indica Arga Samkabungan
00:05In the first trading session, we will try to report Indica Arga Samkabungan's position.
00:13It seems that the strength continues throughout today's trading session.
00:17In the second session, Indica Arga Samkabungan is still strong at 0.36% at level 7409.586.
00:25Intraday, Indica Arga Samkabungan was opened in the first session this morning at 7382.786.
00:34Two minutes after opening, Indica Arga Samkabungan actually touched the red zone
00:39by touching the lowest level at 7380.660.
00:44The highest level throughout today's trading session at 7422.362.
00:51Meanwhile, the trading volume is at 20.315 turnover at 34.738.
01:01Meanwhile, the province is at 705.367.
01:07Let's go to the first graph.
01:09We will try to look at some of the graphic information collected by our team.
01:15Let's go to the graph of Top Gainers first.
01:17Gotoh is significantly stronger at 2.60% at 79 rupiah per share.
01:22AADI is still continuing today and still reporting the highest auto-reject.
01:27It is stronger at 19.75% at 9.550 rupiah per share.
01:32BBCA is also rapidly increasing at 7.24% strength at 10.200 rupiah per share.
01:38ADARO has been under pressure in the past few days.
01:42The previous crash of PASCA Data from EX and KUM Dividend
01:46is now stronger at 2.61% at 2.360 rupiah per share.
01:52Let's look at some of the shares that are under quite a lot of pressure today.
01:56Entering the Top Losers area.
01:58AMAN is under pressure at 9.325 rupiah.
02:01TPIA is weak at 8.450 rupiah per share.
02:03SMEL is closed in the red zone at 197 rupiah per share.
02:07MTEC is also under pressure at 565 rupiah per share.
02:11Let's move on to the last graph of Top Gainers.
02:13The sectoral movement rotation at the closing of the first session this afternoon.
02:18Energy is leading the strengthening at 0.94%.
02:21Non-primary consumption is strengthening at 0.81%.
02:24Transportation and logistics are also strengthening at 0.80%.
02:29While technology is weakening at 0.66%.
02:33Updates on the closing of the first session this afternoon
02:36and hopefully it can be one of the references for you.
02:45And don't forget to watch the second session closing program
02:47which will air at 3.30 p.m. WEST INDONESIA.
02:50Because the future must be ahead.
02:52I am Investor Saham.
02:53I am David Sanofal.
02:54Pamir Undudin.
02:55See you next time.
03:29I am Investor Saham.
03:30I am David Sanofal.
