00:00The tallest mountain in solar system is not Everest.
00:06Know where it is.
00:09So which one is it?
00:11The tallest mountain isn't in the Himalayas.
00:16Olympus Mons, the highest mountain and volcano in the solar system, is on the planet Mars.
00:22Olympus Mons on Mars is the tallest.
00:2624 km high.
00:28It is 16 miles, 24 kilometers high, which makes it about 3 times higher than Mt. Everest.
00:37Everest is small.
00:39It's about 2 and a half times taller than Everest.
00:44A volcano, Olympus Mons is the highest mountain and volcano in the solar system, on the planet
00:53Rich in lava, it's a shield volcano covered in lava flows.