• last year
Video Information:

~ You thought your cruel orgy would continue unchecked?
~ How to protect from coronavirus?
~ Is it possible to survive coronavirus?
~ Coronavirus's impact on the global economy
~ China, Atheism and Coronavirus
~ How to avoid anxiety and fear in this difficult situation?
~ How to use the free time?

Music Credits: Milind Date
#acharyaprashant #epidemic #science
00:00What's worse, there might be much more lethal and incurable viruses to come in the future.
00:26We talk of the virus as the problem.
00:31In fact, if you go to the social media to get a hang of how we are looking at the whole
00:37thing in a cultural way, you often find the virus being depicted as a demon or a horned
00:47monster or something, right?
00:50That's how we are trying to portray the virus.
00:57But is the virus to be blamed?
01:01Did the virus conspire to come and affect and kill humanity?
01:09Or did we go and force the virus to come to us?
01:17In a lighter vein, even the virus must be in a state of shock right now.
01:24The virus was gladly living where it was, where it must be, in the lap of the jungles.
01:35But when we go to the jungle, we destroy the jungle, we want to just eat and consume anything
01:44that we can lay our hands on.
01:47And so we have forced the virus to come to us.
01:50And now it is the nature of the virus to mutate and travel and propagate itself and infect
01:56as many as possible.
01:58The virus is doing what the virus must.
02:01We are not doing what we must.
02:04The virus is almost a chemical, you see.
02:07It is just a little heap of genetic information.
02:16That's all that the virus is.
02:17It hardly has any consciousness.
02:20In fact, we do not even know whether to call the virus as a living or a non-living thing.
02:28So the virus is almost a chemical.
02:30What we are saying is, oh, the chemical is to be blamed.
02:33Is the chemical to be blamed seriously?
02:36It's almost like saying carbon is evil.
02:42But then who is emitting all the carbon into the atmosphere?
02:47We are saying, oh, CO2 is a problem.
02:52Has CO2 decided on its own to invade you and maim you?
02:57Are you getting it?
03:00So because our entire worldview is flawed, because the very philosophy that forms the
03:09foundation of our civilization and our existence is flawed, therefore, we keep getting such
03:20episodic shocks from time to time.
03:26It would be a thing of mercy if such things happen only episodically.
03:34What I'm afraid of is that this thing may strike humanity in a way from which humanity
03:45may never be able to recover.
03:48One small little, almost innocuous virus.
03:53And you see how the entire world appears paralyzed, everything is in a limbo.
04:02What if a stronger strain comes through?
04:07We will not take long to meet the fate of the dinosaurs.
04:16And then we'll wonder why did this happen to us?
04:18Well, it was coming.
04:20We just didn't see it.
04:24We think of ourselves as bigger than nature.
04:30Our heroes are people who very fancifully talk of colonizing other planets and this
04:42and that.
04:43We'll go here.
04:44We'll go there.
04:45Right now, you cannot even go to the grocery.
04:48And they are saying we'll go to Mars and we'll settle there and the moon is our next colony.
04:55Right now, you cannot even walk to the next residential colony in your own city and you're
05:02thinking of having the moon as the next colony.
05:06But then the ego does not understand.
05:10It cannot.
05:12It does not have the power to understand.
05:14It can have knowledge.
05:16It's like a virus.
05:18It can multiply, but it can never be conscious.
05:24In a sense, this external virus is very, very symbolic of something within man.
05:42Something within man.
05:44The tendency to proliferate.
05:47The tendency to destroy anyone it touches.
05:52Are we talking about the virus or the ego, both?
05:57The tendency to reach anyone you come in contact with and reach in a debilitating way.
06:07Is that not how we relate to each other?
06:10There are very few who would uplift someone who comes in contact with them.
06:15Mostly, if you come in contact with somebody, you just infect him, not uplift him.
06:22That's the way our usual relationships operate.
06:26That's also the way the virus operates.
06:31We don't know.
06:32Is the ego the virus?
06:33Is the virus the ego?
06:34Who knows?
06:35The ego is such a subtle thing.
06:38We talk of it as a concept.
06:40Now is the time to see it in action.
06:44Because you see, we want proofs.
06:47After all, we are logical, rational people, or so we believe.
06:50We like to pride ourselves on that.
06:56So here is the proof.
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