• last year
¡Se hablará mucho de Sanem y Can Love!

Después de trabajar en la tienda de comestibles de su padre durante unas horas por las mañanas, Sanem pasa todo el día soñando y trabajando en su libro y está extremadamente feliz con su vida. Hasta que la madre diga que si el turno del niño no encuentra un trabajo adecuado, ¡tiene que casarse! Sanem tie
ne que empezar por el trabajo de su hermana en el artículo. No se da cuenta de que lo espera allí junto a su gran amor que embellece sus sueños, y sin saberlo se convierte en parte de una trampa tendida contra Can y la compañía ...

¿Podría ser un amor basado en mentiras? ¿Y Sanem? ¿Puede quedar atrapado en Can he odia?

Producción: Gold Film
Productor: Faruk Turgut
Director: Çağrı Bayrak
Guión: Ayşe Kutlu Üner

Sanem Aydın: Demet Özdemir
Can Divit: Can Yaman
Leyla Aydın: Öznur Serçeler
Mevkibe Aydın: Özlem Tokaslan
Nihat Aydın: Berat Yenilmez
Emre Divit: Birand Tunca
Ayhan Işık: Ceren Taşçı
Muzaffer Kaya (Zebercet): Cihan Ercan
Deren Keskin: Tuğçe Kumral
Cengiz Özdemir (Ceycey): Anıl Çelik
Güliz Yıldırım: Sibel Şişman
Osman Işık: Ali Yağcı
01:30Pájaro soñador.
01:41Musaferla, sal, ñat, pimientos y especias.
01:44¡De prisa!
01:45Por cierto, necesitaré más cebolla cortada en cuadros pequeños.
01:49Y tú, pela los ajos.
01:50¿Cuántos necesitas?
01:51Todos los que ves ahí.
01:54¡Llegaron! ¡Buenos días!
01:55Buenos días.
01:56Buenos días, Usman.
02:00Señora Mevkivé, estamos muy agradecidos por toda su ayuda.
02:03Ay, ni siquiera lo menciones, Usman. Este también es nuestro trabajo.
02:06Nos preparará una comida deliciosa.
02:09Hay que preparar 300 salbóndigas veganas.
02:12¿Pero tantas?
02:13Hay que comenzar para tenerlas listas por la mañana.
02:16¿Trabajar hasta mañana?
02:17No, Usman, debes descansar. Tú eres actor.
02:20¿Cuál actor? Solo tuvo suerte. Cualquiera lo haría mejor que él.
02:23Que ponga los pies en la tierra.
02:24Él es el carnicero y este es su trabajo.
02:26¡Tiene que ayudar!
02:27Tranquilos, todos cocinaremos. También es nuestro trabajo. ¿Están de acuerdo?
02:31¿Y qué haré en el set? Es decir, actuar y cocinar. ¿No es lo mismo?
02:35¡Pero no te quejes!
02:38Esta vez también iré, John. No me lo permitiste la última vez, pero mañana estaré ahí.
02:42Yo también iré.
02:44Armaremos una carpa y ahí podré cocinar algunas verduras con queso, unos bollos rellenos de carne...
02:49¡Eso me gusta!
02:51¿Qué dicen? Así entraré al mundo de la publicidad.
02:54Será un placer estar juntos.
02:58¡Manos a la obra! ¡Lavaré los pimientos!
03:00¡La cebolla va finamente picada!
03:02¡Si criticas mi trabajo, ¿por qué no lo haces tú?
03:04¡A la mitad de lo que ella dice, es lo más fino!
03:06¡Hago lo mejor que puedo!
03:07¡No discutan! ¡Trabajen! ¡Trabajen! ¡Hay poco tiempo!
03:09¡Sí, sí! ¡Mira todos los ajos que pelé, Mefkiveh!
03:16Hola, Eileen.
03:17Hola, Polen.
03:21¿Emre está?
03:23No, todavía no llega.
03:25Tal vez se fue a la agencia.
03:28Estoy segura que ya no tardará en llegar.
03:32Ya no vendrá.
03:33¿Qué dices?
03:34¿No lo sabías? Todos se quedarán a dormir allá.
03:37Filmarán muy temprano.
03:40Bueno, si tú regresaste, él también lo hará.
03:44Polen, discúlpame.
03:46No tienes por qué disculparte, Eileen. No es algo que esté en tus manos.
03:49Yo... solo esperaba que volviera a mi lado.
03:53Eso es todo. En fin.
03:55Pasarán la noche en tiendas de campaña. Habrá insectos de todo tipo.
03:59A mí no me gusta eso.
04:02A mí me gusta acampar, siempre y cuando no haga tanto frío.
04:06¿Y por qué no regresas?
04:08Podrías tener una noche romántica con Jen.
04:11Aunque parece que su relación es muy compleja.
04:14Es la impresión que me dio.
04:16Sabes que la complejidad siempre ha estado presente en nuestra relación.
04:20Quizá no quería que me quedara con él.
04:22Está mejor.
04:28¿Qué estás haciendo?
04:40Solo estoy mirando.
04:42¿Sí? ¿Con tu esposa?
04:46¿Por qué?
04:48Solo estoy mirando.
04:50¿Sí? Continuemos pegando esto.
04:58Sanem, deja de jugar y ponte a pegar etiquetas.
05:00Ay, ya voy.
05:06Te equivocaste. Ten más cuidado.
05:08¿Sabes lo caro que son esos jugos?
05:10Son orgánicos y esto también.
05:12Esa característica significa que te lo puedes comer.
05:15Lo digieras fácil, mira.
05:18¿Te lo comiste?
05:19Sí, me lo comí.
05:22El orgánico se puede comer.
05:25Y sabe bien.
05:26Y frente a nuestros ojos está algo muy orgánico.
05:31Tenemos mucho que hacer.
05:38Lo que no entiendo es cómo puedes darle tanta libertad a Jen.
05:41Admiro tu tranquilidad.
05:45Aylin, también conoces muy bien a Jen.
05:47Sabes que es un hombre que necesita tener su propio espacio.
05:51Puedes estar con él solo si él así lo quiere.
05:54Sí, pero otras mujeres no respetan ese espacio personal
05:57y entran sin preguntarle, ¿cómo las detienes?
06:00No podría tener tu calma.
06:02¿Qué mujeres?
06:04Una de sus empleadas, Sanem.
06:07Creo que estás exagerando, Aylin.
06:09No estés tan segura.
06:10Nadie lo dice, pero donde está Jen, ahí está ella.
06:15Te diré algo, Aylin.
06:17Siempre ha habido muchas mujeres alrededor de Jen,
06:20y eso nunca fue un problema para nosotros.
06:24Porque Jen nunca estuvo...
06:26Nunca digas nunca.
06:28A los hombres les gusta la atención.
06:30Si le das libertad a Jen y no le prestas atención a Sanem,
06:33después las cosas no serán fáciles de arreglar.
06:36El otro día un cliente ofreció una fiesta.
06:38Se fueron juntos sin decir nada.
06:40Salieron tomados de la mano.
06:42Nadie lo creía.
06:45Aylin, no creas que soy una mujer ingenua
06:48que no se da cuenta de nada, al contrario.
06:51Sé qué pasa, pero conozco a Jen.
06:53Pensará bien las cosas y volverá a mí.
06:56Así siempre ha sucedido.
06:58Es posible que regrese, pero ¿será el mismo hombre?
07:02Por supuesto, no creo que sus intenciones con ella
07:04sean algo serio.
07:06Pero, aunque sea pasajero, ¿no te sientes traicionada?
07:12Además, la chica no es tonta.
07:14Ella no lo deja.
07:16En tu lugar, vigilaría a ambos.
07:19Cuida a lo que es tuyo.
07:22Todos los hombres son iguales.
07:36Toma, Osman.
07:38¿Tenemos todo para esta noche?
07:40¡Ah! ¡Enseguida! ¡Voy por él!
07:42Con eso tendríamos todo listo.
07:44Mañana la señora Mevkibe llevará el resto.
07:46Ah, muy bien.
07:49Muy bien, el pan está acomodado y podemos cerrar aquí.
07:54Lo logramos.
07:55¿Nos vamos, Osman?
07:59Pensé que tal vez podríamos pasar por Leyla
08:01e irnos todos juntos.
08:03¡Osman! ¡Si Leyla asiste!
08:05¿No crees que lo haría al lado de su rubio y elegante jefe?
08:08¿Cómo es que él y el otro jefe se comenzaron a apoderar de nuestro vecindario?
08:11¡Aún no entiendo eso!
08:12Ozan, no exageres.
08:13Tranquilízate y súbete al auto.
08:15Me voy.
08:17¿No crees que es buena idea ir con la señora Mevkibe
08:20y preguntarle si necesita algo?
08:22Y aprovechamos para decirle que Sanem se quedará.
08:24Osman, creo que puede avisarle a sus padres por sí misma.
08:27Es mejor no interferir.
08:29Tenemos mucho que hacer y el camino es largo.
08:40Saldré a caminar un poco.
08:43Pulen, disculpame por lo que te dije.
08:45Lo siento.
08:47No digas eso.
08:49Hiciste lo correcto.
08:51Quiero caminar y tomar un poco de aire fresco.
08:54¿Puedo ir contigo?
08:57Debes estar cansada.
08:59No, no.
09:01No puedo.
09:03No puedo.
09:05¿Puedo ir contigo?
09:08Debes estar cansada.
09:13¿Cómo estás, Emre?
09:15Hola, ¿qué hacen?
09:17Voy a caminar un poco.
09:19Ustedes tal vez quieran hablar.
09:21Nos vemos.
09:24¿Qué le sucede?
09:25El interés de Sanem en Can la tiene preocupada.
09:28Es una tontería.
09:29Sanem sería incapaz.
09:32¿Pulen no conoce a Can?
09:34Sí, pero no me escuchó.
09:35Además tiene otro problema.
09:37Quiere que Can renuncie a la agencia
09:39y que regrese a su trabajo anterior.
09:41Que tenga su viejo estilo de vida.
09:43Y tiene razón.
09:45Lo siento mucho por ellos.
09:48Igual yo.
09:49Creo que Pulen merece una segunda oportunidad.
09:53Es cierto.
09:56¿Y qué dices de una segunda oportunidad para nosotros?
10:04No insistas.
10:05Emre, te lo prometo.
10:07No te diré más mentiras.
10:09Ni haré nada a tus espaldas.
10:11Lo prometo.
10:13Una oportunidad.
10:24Tu café es una delicia, Nihat.
10:27Nadie lo prepara como tú.
10:30Trabajaste mucho en la cocina.
10:32Fue un placer hacerte un café, Mevki.
10:35Las niñas llegaron.
10:41Hola, mamá.
10:42Ay, mi preciosa niña.
10:43¿Estás cansada?
10:45Solo pude regresar yo.
10:48Gracias, papá.
10:49Sanem se quedó en el set.
10:50¿Por qué?
10:51¿El problema técnico fue por causa de tu hermana?
10:54No, papá.
10:55Sucede que comenzaran a trabajar muy temprano mañana
10:57y prefirieron quedarse a dormir en tiendas de campaña.
11:01¿Qué hablas?
11:02Si trabajan en la misma agencia,
11:04¿por qué tú estás aquí y Sanem se quedó allá?
11:06Mamá, no solo Sanem se quedará.
11:08Hay mucha gente de la agencia que lo hará.
11:10Además, mi puesto es diferente al de ella.
11:12Yo soy la asistente de finanzas y Sanem
11:14solo es la chica que lleva y trae las cosas que le piden.
11:17Esto no me gusta nada.
11:18Tu hermana está exagerando.
11:20Tiendas de campaña y quedarse toda la noche.
11:22Haz una videollamada.
11:23Quiero que me explique esa locura.
11:26No estarás tranquila hasta que llame, ¿verdad?
11:29Está bien.
11:30Llamala, hija.
11:31Sí, papá.
11:34Mi corazón me dice que algo anda mal.
11:36Ay, peores.
11:46Sanem, regresa a la casa.
11:47De inmediato.
11:48Es una orden.
11:49Mamá, no te pongas así.
11:50Tenemos mucho trabajo que hacer aquí.
11:52No puedo regresar.
11:53No regresarás.
11:54Tú y tu hermana trabajan en el mismo lugar
11:56porque ella está en casa y tú no.
11:58Mamá, no voy a quedarme sola.
12:03Yeye está conmigo.
12:05Ahora, ¿qué haces, Sanem?
12:07Buenos días.
12:08¿Quién es ese tarado, eh?
12:10Su ropa le queda apretada y se ve raro.
12:15Mamá, es una videollamada y estás en altavoz.
12:18Los demás también pueden escuchar.
12:20Perdón, ¿qué dijo?
12:21¿Sobre mi ropa?
12:22Yo mismo la hago.
12:23Es decir, la diseño, la coso y está a mi medida.
12:26¿Por qué le parece rara?
12:27Ese es mi estilo y me siento cómodo así.
12:29No, fue una broma.
12:30Le encanta hacerla.
12:32Ah, mira.
12:33Osman también está aquí.
12:34Ay, Han.
12:35Y, a ver si...
12:36Oh, señora Mevkive, quédese tranquila.
12:38Yo estoy aquí del bosque.
12:39Cuidaré a Sanem.
12:40Por ahora, estoy armando la tienda de campaña.
12:44Ya vi que todos están ahí, pero sigo teniendo dudas.
12:48No hay ningún problema.
12:49Quédese tranquila.
12:50Tengo todo bajo control.
12:51Señora Mevkive, ¿cómo está?
12:52Ay, señor Jan.
12:53Estoy bien.
12:54Y usted, ¿cómo está?
12:55Discúlpeme, pero cuando escuché sobre las tiendas de campaña,
12:57me imaginé un lugar muy lejano.
12:59Me preocupa mi hija.
13:01No se preocupe.
13:03Es momento de irme.
13:04Debo colgar.
13:05Bueno, pero no vayas a resfriarte.
13:07Abrígate bien, hija.
13:09Ah, el señor Jan es un hombre tan educado.
13:12Espero que sea feliz con su novia.
13:15Mamá, sigues en línea.
13:17Te estamos escuchando.
13:19Ay, ¿qué hiciste?
13:21Espero que no haya escuchado nada.
13:23Dime, ¿qué tiene de malo lo que dije?
13:26Fue un buen deseo que fuera feliz con su novia.
13:29Ya, ya.
13:30Ay, mamá.
13:31Mi madre.
13:33¿Sabes qué?
13:34Las madres siempre dicen la verdad.
13:36Es una mujer muy dulce.
13:37Me cae muy bien.
13:38Es mejor que lo obedezcas.
13:41Siempre escucho sus consejos.
13:43Siempre escucho sus consejos.
14:13No se preocupe.
14:39Compañeros, les pido que mantengan las tiendas de campaña limpias.
14:42En todas hay un manual de instrucciones para su uso.
14:44Al terminar, quiero que me lo devuelvan.
14:46¿De acuerdo?
14:47No tendrán ninguna duda del uso porque yo mismo redacté las instrucciones.
14:50Asegúrense que las tiendas estén bien armadas, por favor.
14:52Y quiero que me regresen mi manual.
14:54Y tú, retírate, por favor, del fuego.
14:56No quiero accidentes.
14:57Ya, ya.
14:59¿Dónde está Zanem?
15:00Zanem está en aquella tienda.
15:01¿Por allá?
15:05Muy buenas noches.
15:06¿Qué se le ofrece?
15:07¿Se le perdió algo?
15:08Te conocí en el vecindario, ¿verdad?
15:09No lo sé, señor.
15:10La última vez que lo vi estaba mojado.
15:11¿Existe una diferencia entre una persona mojada y una seca?
15:14El cuerpo mojado brilla y el cuerpo seco es más deslucido.
15:17El cuerpo mojado se considera sexy y de un cuerpo seco no se puede decir nada.
15:21Y no creo que eso...
15:22¿Señor Zan?
15:23¿Qué estás haciendo?
15:28Eso sí que no.
15:29No, ¿qué?
15:30No quiero que se sienta atacado, pero esto es propiedad privada.
15:32Hay un límite de privacidad.
15:35Se ver sed.
15:38Pero estaré cerca.
15:39No lo olvide.
15:44¿Señor Zan?
15:47¿Un admirador?
15:50Un trauma de la infancia sería más conveniente.
15:53¿Estás bien?
15:57¿Necesitas algo?
15:59Tal vez una manta, una almohada o agua.
16:02No, gracias.
16:08Parece que después de regresar del mar todos nos miran extraño.
16:16A mí no me importa que miren, que hagan lo que quieran.
16:20¿Te molesta?
16:25¿Vamos a caminar?
16:27Claro, vamos.
16:34¡Hay insectos!
16:35¿Qué sucede?
16:36¡Ay, me pican!
16:37¿Por qué los gritos?
16:38¡Esto te pasa enorme!
16:41¡Hay un insecto peludo y horrible!
16:42¿Será una tarántula?
16:44¡Sin ningún peligro!
16:45Ve a ayudarla.
16:46Buenas noches.
16:48¡Deren, ya tranquilízate!
16:49¡No pasa nada!
16:50¡Por favor, tranquila!
16:51¿Dónde está ese insecto?
16:52¡Ayúdame, Zan!
16:56Está ahí adentro.
16:57¿Qué es eso?
16:58¡Ya me picó!
16:59No veo nada, Deren.
17:00No lo sé.
17:01Tal vez se fue o se escondió.
17:02No sé.
17:03¡Te juro que era horrible, peludo, negro, con alas!
17:06¡Quería comer!
17:07Sí, de verdad tiene alas.
17:08Debió volar.
17:09Ya no está aquí.
17:10Puede ser que por el miedo me haya confundido.
17:12Quizá no tenía alas, pero no puedo dormir aquí, Zan.
17:16¿Exageraste un poco?
17:17A mí me parece que sí.
17:18No hay ningún insecto.
17:19Puedes dormir.
17:21Siento que me muerde.
17:22Es como si algo caminara por mi cuerpo.
17:34Ay, Zan.
17:36Lo intento, pero no puedo dejar de pensar en él.
17:39No tienes que decírmelo.
17:40Has hablado de él desde la mañana.
17:45Tal vez tu madre quiere hacer una videollamada
17:47antes de ir a la cama.
17:48Dile que ya me dormí.
17:51¿Es él?
17:52¿Me llama el señor Zan?
17:55¡Ay, idiota!
17:56¡Me asustaste!
17:57No puedes dormir.
17:58Yo tampoco.
17:59¿Quieres que platiquemos?
18:00Lo único que haré es hablar por teléfono.
18:02Vuelve a tu tienda.
18:03Quédate junto a este árbol.
18:04No quiero que camines por allá, por la oscuridad.
18:06Pierdes el rumbo y te perderás.
18:07Te estás diciendo que regreses.
18:09Está bien, pero ten cuidado.
18:10No te pierdas en el bosque.
18:14Ya duérmete.
18:15¡Y me voy a dormir!
18:22Señor Yan.
18:23¿No te desperté?
18:25No quise llamar de nuevo a mi abuela.
18:34¿Zanem, Zanem?
18:40I didn't want to call again or bother you.
18:42I was awake.
18:44Me too.
18:46I went out to see if I could find him, but he's not here.
18:50I was walking for a while and I found a small place near the sea.
18:54It's likely to spend the night here.
18:56There are a lot of people around you and obviously we can't be alone.
19:00You're right.
19:06But don't hang up because I want to hear your voice.
19:10It's the first time we've had a romantic conversation.
19:14Your voice seems strange to me.
19:18It's like you have a special depth.
19:26Say it as always.
19:28I don't know. Now I feel like your voice sounds great.
19:32Let's change the subject.
19:34I don't want to start talking nonsense because I'm nervous.
19:36I'm going to hang up.
19:40Good night.
19:42Sweet dreams, Sanem.
20:02I'm thirsty.
20:04What are you doing? It's too late.
20:06Go to sleep. You're losing hours of sleep.
20:08Get in your tent.
20:10Don't be stupid.
20:12Sweet dreams.
20:18Wake up.
20:20Wake up, friend.
20:22I'll go.
20:24I'll go with Mr. Jam.
20:26Where are you going at this hour?
20:28I'll do what my heart tells me.
20:30I'll be right back.
20:32Okay. I won't tell you anything. Do whatever you want.
20:34We have to make a plan.
20:36Go with Musa Fer and tell him you want to go to the bathroom.
20:38He has to go with you because you're scared.
20:40And when he's far away, I'll go out and escape.
20:42Okay. I'll go wake him up.
20:46I'll stay here and at your signal, I'll run.
20:50I'll take the sock.
21:02Musa, wake up.
21:04Ayhan, something happened to Sanem.
21:06She got lost in the forest, right?
21:08Don't deny it. Something inside me said this would happen.
21:10I knew it, but I rescued her.
21:12Don't make up those stories, Musa.
21:14I need to go to the bathroom and I don't want to go alone.
21:16Come with me.
21:18I'm afraid to go alone.
21:20You're going to the bathroom?
21:22Ayhan, you're not a child anymore. You're an adult.
21:24Why didn't you go to the bathroom when there was still light?
21:26You shouldn't have drunk so much water before going to bed.
21:28Now, hurry up.
21:30I don't want to hold on. I want to go to the bathroom.
21:32I need to go now.
21:34Ay, I thought something happened to Sanem.
21:36Let's go.
21:40Five minutes and we'll be back.
21:42Okay. As you wish.
21:44I can't go so fast.
21:46I don't want to have an accident.
21:50Ayhan, I don't like to walk away from the store.
21:52Poor Sanem is alone in the middle of the night.
21:54My duty is to take care of her.
21:56I swear that if something happens to her while we're here,
21:58I won't forgive you.
22:00Go do what you have to do and we'll be right back.
22:04Ay, don't worry.
22:06She's probably already asleep.
22:08Is it possible?
22:10Why did you want to go to the bathroom?
22:12Ay, you behave like a girl,
22:14not like my life counselor.
22:16With that attitude, how are you going to help me?
22:18What does this have to do with my job?
22:20I just want to pee. Don't scold me.
22:22Ay, hurry up. We don't waste time.
22:24Do you know what all your courses have been for me?
22:26To be Sanem's night guardian.
22:28When will I see other results?
22:30I'm not satisfied with taking care of her from afar.
22:32I need you to change your attitude towards me.
22:34I don't see you helping me.
22:36Don't complain now. What do my lessons have to do with that?
22:38I'm a professional.
22:40Don't you realize that you're the one who has to change?
22:42Okay, but hurry up.
22:44I don't want anything to happen to my Sanem in my absence.
23:12Hi John.
23:16I came to see you for five minutes.
23:18Okay, welcome.
23:20Now that I've seen you, I have to go.
23:22No, no, don't go.
23:24This time you could forget the excuses.
23:26I don't know.
23:28Maybe you can stay longer.
23:30What do you say?
23:34Of course, if that's what you want.
23:38Why don't we sit down?
23:40We just need to sit down at the same time
23:42so we don't lose our balance.
23:44Okay, 3, 2, 1.
23:50I hope it doesn't bother you.
23:54No, but I'm afraid, you know?
23:56You're the only thing I'm afraid of in life.
24:00Are you afraid of me? Why?
24:02I don't know.
24:04You're like the wind,
24:06and sometimes I feel like I can't catch you,
24:08as if your nature was always to run away.
24:10I can't hold you in my arms,
24:12and I don't know how to tell you what I think,
24:14so you don't misunderstand me
24:16and you run away,
24:18or maybe you ask me to leave.
24:22I want to apologize for what happened.
24:26Don't say anything.
24:28We said we wouldn't argue or ask questions.
24:30Let everything flow.
24:36Are you comfortable?
24:38Do you want to lie down?
24:40I think it would be more comfortable.
24:42Come, come, lie down.
24:44Well, I'll try.
24:46It's easier if you jump.
24:48Come on, jump.
24:50Here I go.
24:52Don't you think it's more comfortable?
24:56I like hammocks.
25:00How many stars are there tonight?
25:02In fact,
25:04every night by your side is...
25:08Don't stop, go on.
25:10Say what you want to say.
25:14Do you have a star?
25:16I mean, a favorite star?
25:18I don't have any in particular,
25:20but from what I understand,
25:22you do.
25:24What's your favorite star?
25:28It's Orion.
25:32You chose more than one star.
25:34It's a whole constellation.
25:36That's fine with you.
25:38Do you know his story?
25:40Tell me.
25:42I'll tell you.
25:44The beautiful Artemisia was known
25:46for being a great archer.
25:48An archer woman?
25:50I like it.
25:54met a great and expert hunter,
25:56Orion, and fell in love with him.
25:58But Artemisia's brother,
26:02was jealous that he would pay more attention
26:04to Orion.
26:06He didn't want them to be happy
26:08or to be together.
26:12he set a trap
26:14for Artemisia.
26:16Really? Come here.
26:20Keep telling me.
26:22He proposed
26:24a competition.
26:26He had to shoot
26:28a distant target
26:30in the middle of the sea.
26:32From that distance,
26:34a rock appeared.
26:36But it was actually
26:40He had entered the sea
26:42to rest and floated up
26:44to admire the sky.
26:46But Artemisia
26:48didn't know.
26:50She threw her arrow
26:52and it went straight to the heart
26:54of her lover.
26:56Orion was wounded to death.
26:58Artemisia couldn't take the pain.
27:00And she decided
27:02that to perpetuate her love,
27:04a constellation
27:06would be named Orion.
27:08Once again, you tell me a sad story.
27:10Where is Orion?
27:12Can we see her? Show me your constellation.
27:14It's the brightest of all.
27:16You can see it from anywhere in the world.
27:18I'll show you.
27:34It's better if I go.
27:36Please, five more minutes.
27:38Please, please, please.
27:40Five minutes.
27:48Five minutes.
27:50Five minutes.
27:52Five minutes.
27:54Five minutes.
27:56Five minutes.
27:58Five minutes.
28:00Five minutes.
28:02Five minutes.
28:04Five minutes.
28:06Five minutes.
28:08Five minutes.
28:10Five minutes.
28:12Five minutes.
28:14Five minutes.
28:16Five minutes.
28:18Five minutes.
28:20Five minutes.
28:22Five minutes.
28:24Five minutes.
28:26Five minutes.
28:28Five minutes.
28:30Five minutes.
28:32Five minutes.
28:34Five minutes.
28:36Five minutes.
28:38Five minutes.
28:40Five minutes.
28:42Five minutes.
28:44Five minutes.
28:46Five minutes.
28:48Five minutes.
28:50Five minutes.
28:52Five minutes.
28:54Five minutes.
28:56Five minutes.
28:58Five minutes.
29:00Five minutes.
29:02Five minutes.
29:04Five minutes.
29:06Five minutes.
29:08Five minutes.
29:10Five minutes.
29:14John, it's daytime.
29:16The night is over.
29:18When did time go by so fast?
29:20I don't understand.
29:22Do you want a cup of tea?
29:24Tea? Do you want tea?
29:26No, thank you.
29:28I told you I'd stay five minutes.
29:30I've been here all night.
29:32I'd better go.
29:34Where's my bag?
29:36Are you okay?
29:38See you later.
29:40See you later.
29:42Do you remember?
29:44There was a banana peel on the floor.
29:46It fell and I laughed a lot.
29:48Yes, I saw that scene.
29:50You always make me laugh.
29:52I can watch that episode a thousand times.
29:54Do you remember the cat that followed you?
29:56Yes, it was funny.
29:58It's one of my favorite animations.
30:00Mine too.
30:02What a coincidence.
30:04Maybe one day we can go to the movies.
30:08I see you get along very well.
30:10Yes, but you almost scared us to death.
30:12Where were you?
30:14Darren screamed all night for the insects.
30:16He didn't let us sleep.
30:18Didn't you hear him?
30:20Yes, of course I heard them.
30:22That's why I'm in such a good mood.
30:24Hurry up, the team is coming.
30:26We must get ready.
30:30Comrades, let's get everything ready.
30:32Tell me what happened last night.
30:34I'll tell you, but now is not the time.
30:36Let's go.
31:06Let's go.
31:36Let's go.
32:06Here you go.
32:08This is a breakfast.
32:10Look at the variety.
32:12Osman thought of all the flavors.
32:14Very good.
32:16Enjoy the vitamins.
32:18We were just missing the orange juice.
32:20It's good.
32:22It's good.
32:24It's good.
32:26It's good.
32:28It's good.
32:30It's good.
32:32It's good.
32:34It's good.
32:36It's good.
32:38It's good.
32:40It's good.
32:42It's good.
32:44It's good.
32:46It's good.
32:48We were just missing the orange juice.
32:50And my mother's bread.
32:52I feel so happy and very energized today.
32:54Yeah, it's obvious.
32:56I'm sure your energy can be seen
32:58all over the Galapagos Islands.
33:00I see life in a different light.
33:02flexible, and fast so that everything goes well.
33:04We don't have much time.
33:06But it seems to me that everyone knows what they're doing.
33:10There's coordination and also concentration.
33:12JJ, I don't want you to forget that tomorrow night
33:14you have to see the watchman
33:16to give him all that material, okay?
33:20Who told him to come so early?
33:22Just seeing her makes me nervous.
33:24The ex-girlfriend team looks very aggressive, Beren.
33:27I won't fall for their game, no matter what they plot.
33:43Good morning.
33:45Good morning, Aileen.
33:47How are you?
33:49I wanted to welcome you with open arms
33:51and be the first to see your beautiful face.
33:54I missed you a lot, too.
33:56I'm so happy about today
33:58that you won't interrupt my mood.
34:00Don't worry, I won't interrupt the recording.
34:02I'll sit down and see how everyone else is working.
34:05Aileen, I'll take care of it.
34:14Good morning, Pauline.
34:15Good morning.
34:16Uh, where's John?
34:18He was around here.
34:19If you want, I'll go get him.
34:21Don't bother.
34:22It'll be easier if I get him.
34:27Ah, there he is.
34:29Oh, that's right.
34:31I'm going with him, you know?
34:33I missed him so much last night.
34:35I missed him so much.
34:37Anyway, I'll see you later.
34:41Uh, Zanem.
34:44When you're done, can you bring me a coffee?
34:47Yeah, I'll take it.
34:49If you don't mind.
34:54How are you?
34:55Did you get any sleep last night?
35:01You look tired.
35:03You didn't sleep?
35:05Yeah, I slept well.
35:07Better than other days.
35:08You know, I love this kind of place.
35:11The weather was wonderful.
35:12Something warm.
35:13It's a shame you didn't stay.
35:14You would have rested a lot too.
35:16Uh, no.
35:17You know, I'd like us to talk.
35:19Can we do it before the filming starts?
35:22We can talk in that area.
35:24There will be less noise.
35:37Excuse me.
35:38By any chance, have you seen Miss Pollen?
35:40Yes, I saw her.
35:41They're over there.
35:42She and John left together.
35:44The love between them is noticeable.
35:46I love them.
35:49I understand.
35:50I'll bring you the coffee you asked for.
35:52No, I think for now she's interested in your coffee.
35:54She's in a romantic moment.
35:56You understand me.
36:08John, I want to ask you something.
36:12Everything we've been through together for so many years,
36:15you don't care about it anymore?
36:21Of course I do.
36:24You care.
36:25I think about it and I still can't understand it.
36:27That girl is always after you.
36:29She doesn't leave you alone for a minute.
36:31I don't want you to deny it because I saw it myself.
36:34Besides, realize the kind of neighborhood you live in.
36:37You can think that someone from a place like this
36:39has things in common with you.
36:42Put your feet on the ground.
36:44You really don't believe it, John?
36:46Don't tell me that girl is good for you.
36:49Leave all this game, will you?
36:52Look, you can't even think about her
36:55to have a temporary relationship.
36:58Please understand her.
37:00You'll break her heart and the worst thing is,
37:02she'll be hurt.
37:04She's a simple girl.
37:05She only sees where she lives.
37:09Don't do this, Polen.
37:15All right.
37:17I won't say anything else.
37:18I just want to ask you something.
37:20Let's spend time together.
37:22Until tomorrow night.
37:23That way, you'll have time to think.
37:25And at night, you'll tell me your decision.
37:28All right?
37:30All right.
37:44What you're asking for isn't a problem for me, Polen.
37:49We can spend this time together.
37:52But let's not force it.
37:54I made a decision.
37:56I'll repeat it one last time.
37:58This is over.
38:00There's nothing left to think about.
38:03So, if you can't accept it, come back.
38:09I don't want you to feel bad, nor do I.
38:14Mr. John, whenever you like.
38:16We're ready.
38:17I'm coming.
38:18Go ahead.
38:26Brother, what do you think?
38:31Is something wrong?
38:32A huge battle is about to begin.
38:34Are we looking for reinforcements for the battle?
38:36Now, Polen will face Sanem.
38:39What are you trying to do?
38:41Didn't you say you'd let him go?
38:43Are you going to fight Polen?
38:44Yes, I will.
38:45I'm determined.
38:46I know Mr. John won't be for me.
38:48I know.
38:49But I won't let Polen go either.
38:52One second, please.
38:55Osman, we'll start in a few minutes.
38:58Everything's ready.
39:00Osman, what are we going to do with Sanem?
39:02What do you mean?
39:03Can't you see she's determined to do what she wants?
39:05In fact, I'll talk to Leila tonight and no one will stop me.
39:08Osman, come back!
39:10Oh, what will I do?
39:17You have all the time in the world.
39:19Feel safe.
39:20Imagine you're a girl from Havana with that cadence.
39:23I want you to walk slowly, but with a certain ghoulish movement.
39:26Something elegant, but simple, okay?
39:28Look up and always smile.
39:30Exactly the same as what you do in the office.
39:32Smile at everyone, be yourself, ghoulish, just that.
39:36Thank you very much.
39:37Osman, you did very well.
39:39You continue like this.
39:41Excuse me, Mr. David, but what's so special about your performance?
39:44He's not handsome.
39:45I don't see any innate acting talent in him.
39:47Anyone could do better than him.
39:49He's just a butcher.
39:50I could take his place.
39:51Sit down!
39:52Sit down!
39:56If everything is ready, let's get started.
40:12How are you?
40:13Very well, thank you.
40:14I hope everything goes well.
40:16What are you doing, Sanem?
40:18This girl is really well-traveled.
40:20It could be, JJ, but that's her way of being.
40:24Three, two, one, action!
40:38He's so handsome.
40:39He does it very well.
40:40Do you like it?
40:41Yes, I do.
40:53What is he doing?
41:00That's all.
41:01Let's take a few minutes to remove the shine from his nose.
41:07Do you want some water?
41:08I'd love to.
41:10You're very kind.
41:11I'll bring it to you, Mr. Jan.
41:15That's not right.
41:16That's not ethical.
41:17You can't sit next to the boss.
41:19Are we ready?
41:24I'll correct her.
41:25You're right.
41:29To your positions.
41:31One more take.
41:32Osman, lift her up a little.
41:35Sanem, what are you doing?
41:37You can't sit next to the boss.
41:39Get up!
41:40I won't move.
41:41Let me go.
41:42I have something to do.
41:52No, Osman.
41:53Those weren't the instructions they gave you.
41:55Learn to listen.
41:56You have to keep your mouth shut.
41:58What are you doing?
41:59You're a traitor.
42:00You have to sit down.
42:01Please, Mr. Jan.
42:02What's wrong with you?
42:03I'm better than him.
42:04Get out of here.
42:05What are you doing?
42:07Mr. Jan, I'm sorry.
42:08It won't happen again.
42:09Don't worry.
42:10It's okay.
42:11Let's focus.
42:12Everyone to their positions.
42:13The product wasn't visible.
42:14It was simple.
42:15The idiot just had to lift her up.
42:16Don't do the same thing again, kid.
42:17Three, two, one, action!
42:34What kind of doctor are you?
42:37You're too much.
42:38I'll tell you again.
42:39You just have to let us talk.
42:40I'm going to kill you.
42:41Get out of here.
42:42I'm going to kill you.
42:43I won't let you in.
42:44I'm going to kill you.
42:45What's wrong with you?
42:46I don't understand why you're doing this.
42:47I can't do it.
42:48I want to try.
42:49I have to talk.
42:50I'm better.
42:51Yay, yay.
42:52Go with them, please.
42:53Make sure they don't hurt him.
42:54What a shame, Nihat.
42:55Why is he behaving like that?
42:57It's the same madness his mother inherited.
43:00Hey, we said we'd be together,
43:04but I didn't mean something physical like this.
43:08Well, in my opinion, it's not bad.
43:17Yes, I like it too.
43:19I could stay here without any problems.
43:29I'm sorry.
43:30I'm sorry.
43:31I'm sorry.
43:32I'm sorry.
43:33I'm sorry.
43:34I'm sorry.
43:35I'm sorry.
43:36I'm sorry.
43:37I'm sorry.
43:38I'm sorry.
43:39I'm sorry.
43:40I'm sorry.
43:41I'm sorry.
43:42I'm sorry.
43:43I'm sorry.
43:44I'm sorry.
43:45I'm sorry.
43:46I'm sorry.
43:47I'm sorry.
43:48I'm sorry.
43:49I'm sorry.
43:50I'm sorry.
43:51I'm sorry.
43:52I'm sorry.
43:53I'm sorry.
43:54I'm sorry.
43:55I'm sorry.
43:56I'm sorry.
43:57I'm sorry.
43:58I'm sorry.
43:59I'm sorry.
44:00I'm sorry.
44:01I'm sorry.
44:02I'm sorry.
44:03I'm sorry.
44:04I'm sorry.
44:05I'm sorry.
44:06I'm sorry.
44:07I'm sorry.
44:08I'm sorry.
44:09I'm sorry.
44:10I'm sorry.
44:11I'm sorry.
44:12I'm sorry.
44:13I'm sorry.
44:14I'm sorry.
44:15I'm sorry.
44:16I'm sorry.
44:17I'm sorry.
44:18I'm sorry.
44:19I'm sorry.
44:20I'm sorry.
44:21I'm sorry.
44:22I'm sorry.
44:23I'm sorry.
44:24I'm sorry.
44:25I'm sorry.
44:26I'm sorry.
44:27I'm sorry.
44:28I'm sorry.
44:29I'm sorry.
44:30I'm sorry.
44:31I'm sorry.
44:32I'm sorry.
44:33I'm sorry.
44:34I'm sorry.
44:35I'm sorry.
44:36I'm sorry.
44:37I'm sorry.
44:38I'm sorry.
44:39I'm sorry.
44:40I'm sorry.
44:41I'm sorry.
44:42I'm sorry.
44:43I'm sorry.
44:44I'm sorry.
44:45I'm sorry.
44:46I'm sorry.
44:47I'm sorry.
44:48I'm sorry.
44:49I'm sorry.
44:50I'm sorry.
44:51I'm sorry.
44:52I'm sorry.
44:53I'm sorry.
44:54I'm sorry.
44:55I'm sorry.
