Last Breath - Trailer VO
00:00Diver 2 está en bail.
00:01Voy a volver por ti.
00:02¡Venid a bailar!
00:03Diver 2
00:06Diver 2
00:10Bien, ahí vas.
00:11Quédate a salvo, hermano.
00:12Diver 2
00:16Diver, en el agua, a 300 pies.
00:19Bell, ¿te entiendes?
00:20Comms check.
00:21Comms check.
00:22Diver 1
00:30Slow your breathing down for me, okay?
00:32You're pushing too hard.
00:36On the job now.
00:37Keep the focus where it needs to be.
00:38Diver 1, begin equalization.
00:41Trying to work my magic.
00:42Diver 2
00:48The thrusters have gone offline.
00:49How many?
00:50All of them.
00:51Diver 2
00:52It's moving, get out of there.
00:53Right now.
00:54Copy that.
00:55A smack.
00:56There is no more slack.
00:57That's everything I've got.
00:59Diver 2
01:01The ship's not drifting.
01:02Chris has become a ranker.
01:03Diver 2
01:04That's never going to hold.
01:05Chris, on me.
01:06What happens now?
01:07Your umbilical, it's going to snap.
01:09I will come back for you, but you have to get yourself back to the top.
01:13I can't rescue you if I can't find you.
01:16Just make sure I'm a ranker.
01:17Diver 2
01:23Where's our power?
01:24Dead in the water.
01:26We're drifting out of control.
01:28How much gas do you have left?
01:29Not enough.
01:30We're going to be too late.
01:31It's a body recovery now.
01:33No, it's not.
01:35I'm not losing a diver today.
01:45I can't see you!
01:47Diver 2
01:52I've got an idea.
01:57We have to take control of the ship manually.
02:00If we make a mistake, we put the entire ship at risk.
02:02Come on!
02:04This isn't working.
02:05You can do this, buddy.
02:06I'm with you.
02:08Incoming swell.
02:10Brace for impact.
02:12Now! Now!
02:20Where are you?