Art et designTranscription
01:31C'est la robberie, n'est-ce pas?
01:35Préparez-vous pour rencontrer l'injustice de Mandler.
01:41Hey, Mandler, attrapez-le!
01:48Maintenant, c'est à l'aide de votre tête.
01:51Bling, bling!
02:12Il hurle si fort qu'il fait tomber les pantalons du mauvais gars?
02:16Mandler mélange le cri du caribou
02:19avec la résolve d'un ram
02:21et le souffle d'un buffalo.
02:35Dans l'issue 141,
02:37Mandler arrête un ring international de cheaters.
02:40Et dans cette, il...
02:45Mandler rencontre Mandler?
02:47Comme dans un univers parallèle?
02:50C'est écrit ici.
02:51Vous pouvez rencontrer Mandler.
02:53C'est une compétition, George.
02:55Vous écrivez une lettre
02:56disant pourquoi vous êtes le plus grand fan de Mandler.
02:58Le gagnant du grand prix
03:03George, rencontre...
03:09le 10e prix, une boîte de fruits de Mandler.
03:12Le 9e prix, un masque officiel de Mandler.
03:15Le 8e prix, un...
03:16Des millions de enfants entrent dans ces choses
03:18et personne ne gagne le grand prix.
03:20Mais George est le plus grand fan de Mandler.
03:24Je suis le plus grand fan
03:25d'un journaliste et chanteur investigatif,
03:27Regina Dooley,
03:28mais ça ne veut pas dire que je vais le rencontrer.
03:30Croyez-moi, j'ai essayé.
03:32Ne l'écoute pas, George.
03:34Je vais t'aider.
03:35Mon cher Mandler.
03:38Qu'est-ce que nous devrions dire à lui?
03:40Oh, euh...
03:42Oh, c'est bien.
03:44George of the Jungle
03:47am your biggest fan.
03:50your biggest fan,
03:51George of the Jungle.
03:53Uh, your biggest fan.
03:55Oh, I like that.
03:57Very direct.
04:04Now all you have to do
04:05is check your empty mailbox
04:07for the next eight weeks
04:08and then go to bed disappointed every night.
04:14Now we stand in 999 more.
04:17George is gonna meet Mandler.
04:27Are you okay?
04:28George hasn't gotten anything yet.
04:30Mandler wouldn't let his biggest fan win nothing.
04:33I told you, George,
04:35the chances of you winning anything are...
04:38Hey, 10th prize!
04:42Mandler Brute Snack!
04:46They probably give those to everyone who enters.
04:539th prize!
04:55After all,
04:56they still need you to keep buying comic books.
05:01And 8th prize?
05:04They have a warehouse full of that stuff.
05:06The good prizes only go to the friends
05:08and relatives of the people who work there.
05:17A handwritten invitation
05:19on Mandler's personal stationery!
05:21Dear George of the Jungle,
05:23you are my very biggest fan
05:25and I would like to spend the day with you.
05:27Signed, Mandler.
05:30George won!
05:31George won!
05:35You think George and Mandler
05:36are gonna fight crime together?
05:38They used to have pancakes and talk.
05:42I'm in the middle of issue 21
05:43where he fights the evil sheepherder.
05:45I never realized how great these were.
05:49Mandler's here!
05:50Mandler's here!
05:51Mandler's here!
05:54I don't believe it.
05:57George of the Jungle!
05:59Nice to meet you, Mr. Meadler!
06:02Mandler will not be coming to visit you.
06:05I knew it!
06:06I will take you to him.
06:08George, meet Mandler!
06:11I'm coming too! I'm coming too!
06:15George and Ape embarked on the long, long drive
06:18away from the jungle.
06:19But it was worth the long trip
06:21for a personal one-on-one meeting.
06:29I'm sorry, George.
06:31Maybe Ursula was right.
06:33Mandler obviously brought other kids here
06:35to meet Mandler's biggest fan, George!
06:46Well, well, what do we have here?
06:50When I found out how many Mandler fans there are,
06:54my endless sense told me to invite everyone
06:57to spend a day with Mandler.
06:59People often ask me,
07:02I can't see!
07:04Put down! I can't hear!
07:06This stinks!
07:08Mr. Mandler!
07:10Excuse me!
07:19Identify yourself!
07:21George of the Jungle, Mr. Mandler!
07:24Your biggest fan!
07:26Wait! I'm Mandler's biggest fan!
07:29No, you're not! I am!
07:31He can't be your biggest fan.
07:33I've got a personal invitation.
07:35But George's is handwritten
07:38on Mandler's personal stationery.
07:42Me too!
07:46Yes, you've all got invitations
07:48because you're all Mandler's biggest fans.
07:51Mandler stinks!
07:53Let's get him!
08:00Uh-oh! Mandler's in trouble!
08:16Where did he go?
08:18Everyone, please calm down!
08:20He don't want to calm down!
08:23Get the big hearing aid!
08:29Hey! Let go of me!
08:31Let go! Oh! Oh! No!
08:46Are you afraid?
08:48No! No! No!
08:51Mandler? Afraid?
09:00This reminds George of the time
09:02all the rhinos got mad and started a stampede.
09:05George was awful scared.
09:07Well, what did you do?
09:10George remembered what Mandler said.
09:12Sometimes, using your head means
09:15hiding and taking time to think.
09:18I said that?
09:20Issue 202, page 9.
09:23Will you help me think, George?
09:28And together, these two great heroes thought.
09:31They thought and they pondered.
09:33They considered and they wondered.
09:37I got nothing.
09:39Maybe your fans would like to hear
09:43the Mandler Hammer!
09:53He used the Mandler Hammer on us!
09:56That's what I came to see!
09:58We love you, Mandler!
10:00Mandler! Mandler! Mandler!
10:04Mandler! Mandler! Mandler!
10:07Mandler! Mandler! Mandler!
10:10Mandler! Mandler! Mandler!
10:13Mandler! Mandler! Mandler!
10:17Mandler! Mandler! Mandler!
10:21Hey, Ursula!
10:23George, did you have a terrible time?
10:26George got assigned Mandler!
10:30Well, at least you got something you...
10:33I'm taking the year off
10:35so I can spend an entire day
10:37with each and every one of my biggest fans,
10:40with George.
10:43Look, we're not going to buy
10:45any more Mandler stuff, so...
10:47George tells me you and I have something in common.
10:51I'm a big fan of investigative journalists
10:53and folk singer...
10:57Hiya, Ursula!
10:58So, who wants to go expose corruption
11:00then write a song about it?
11:02I do!
11:04Hey, Ape!
11:05Isn't this the greatest?
11:11A little help here?
11:25George of the Jungle does more in one day
11:28than most kings of the jungle do all year.
11:33From building a rope bridge
11:35across a bottomless crevasse...
11:39to other important things.
11:44George is finally going to taste his nose!
11:52Tastes like Ape's nose.
12:05Help me!
12:06Hang on, Bernie!
12:33Tu as sauvé Toby!
12:35Tu as sauvé mon petit bébé!
12:40Pas devant mes amis!
12:44Je pense que je parle pour nous tous, les Stonepeckers.
12:50Tu sais, comme les woodpeckers, seulement avec de la pierre.
12:53De toute façon, on ne peut pas te remercier assez.
12:57Sauver les jungles, c'est ce que George fait!
13:01Je n'aime pas prendre le nez quand personne ne regarde.
13:04Ce que George fait, c'est le jungle!
13:13George of the Jungle!
13:15We shall pay a tribute to you!
13:18George hopes it includes ice packs!
13:25Boy, a 200-foot ball sure can make a fella sleepy!
13:30Good morning!
13:40This is our tribute to you, George.
13:44We call it Mount Georgemore!
13:48George has never seen so many Georges!
13:51It's beautiful!
13:54Oh, boy! I love my faces!
14:03Hello, George!
14:24Mount Georgeless!
14:26Mount Georgeless!
14:28Ursula, c'est Mount Georgemore!
14:32George, nous protestons cet assaut sur ce qui a été un rocher simple et naturel.
14:37Pourquoi ne pas donner aux hippos du mal de peindre dans le river?
14:56George, Magnolia va pas sortir de chez elle.
14:59Tu dois lui parler.
15:02Ces Georges... Ils font en SongAll.
15:05C'est dégueulasse!
15:07C'est juste des blocs, Magnolia.
15:09C'est comme s'ils pouvaient finder que tu te mets de la peinture.
15:12Tu me vois sans ma peinture?
15:17See, George?
15:18Mount George Moore juste doesn't fit in here.
15:20Well, George loves Mount George Moore.
15:23George thinks it's one of the 17 wonders of the jungle.
15:29Right up there with the backwards flowing waterfalls.
15:34Oh, and the easy to open pickle jar.
15:40You can protest all you want, but Mount George Moore is here to stay.
15:49Good night, George.
15:51And George.
15:52And George.
15:55Oh, almost forgot George.
16:09Good morning, Mount...
16:18Mount George, what if I don't?
16:21Who did this?
16:29Hey, you mind?
16:37I'm telling you, I just found the acorn there.
16:41I know, I know, I know.
16:44And you picked that exact acorn because...
16:48Because it was lunch time?
16:54George supposes you're wondering why he called you all here.
16:58You went off to find clues as to who vandalized Mount George Moore,
17:02and now I guess you found some?
17:05Ursula's supposed to be wondering why she's here.
17:09Maybe it's because Ursula is the culprit!
17:13What? What's your proof?
17:16Might I look at your...
17:21A leaf!
17:23Where does a person get a leaf on her foot, I wonder?
17:28Oh, I know!
17:30In the jungle, doing bad things, that's where!
17:33Here's what happened.
17:36So George thinks he can ugly up my jungle?
17:40It's time to ugly up George!
17:51Ape! Take her away!
17:53Um... to where?
17:56George, it's the jungle. It's like made of leaves.
18:01Uh, George, your proof's on fire.
18:07Pas peur d'une feuille de carton, hein?
18:11Pas vraiment.
18:13Parce que Magnolia était peur d'une statue qui se regardait!
18:18Alors, Magnolia doit être la culprite!
18:25En plus, Magnolia aime les rédécorations.
18:29Oh, on s'en va pour la mort.
18:32C'était un plan bien pensé.
18:35Prendre des années, apprendre à parler le langage des oiseaux.
18:51Comment aurais-je pu m'occuper d'un paquet de oiseaux
18:53si je m'étais cachée dans ma chambre toute l'heure?
18:56Oui... c'est vrai.
18:58Alors, ça ne signifie qu'une chose.
19:01Ape est la culprite!
19:04George, ce n'était pas moi.
19:06Oh? Alors, qu'est-ce que c'est?
19:09C'est ma diapositive personnelle, et elle est fermée.
19:14Est-ce que l'Ape peut déclencher, et s'il vous plaît,
19:17les pages 1 à 100?
19:20Uh-huh! L'Ape a 100 pages de secrets!
19:24Ape! Prends l'Ape!
19:28Pourquoi l'Ape ferait-il ça à son meilleur ami?
19:33Revenons à l'essence du crime!
19:36George suppose que vous vous demandiez pourquoi il vous a appelés ici.
19:40Eh bien, vous avez demandé à l'Ape ce qu'il devait faire,
19:42et il a dit de...
19:44Ah, oui.
19:45Oui, George, nous nous demandons.
19:49C'est mieux.
19:50George, je pense que j'ai une clue.
19:58Hey, les gars, regardez!
20:00Des cheveux d'oreilles!
20:05Ah-ha! Une conférence!
20:07D'accord, alors on l'a fait, mais vous aviez à venir!
20:11Mais les oiseaux étaient ceux qui attaquaient les pauvres Stonebeckers sans défense!
20:16Sans défense? Vous n'avez pas vu ce qui s'est passé avant votre apparition!
20:21Ces pauvres oiseaux étaient en train de voler nos oeufs!
20:25Ah-ha! J'en ai encore un!
20:30C'est trop facile!
20:35Attendez, Birdy!
20:41Vous... vous protégez les petits oiseaux?
20:45Alors, vous avez trouvé notre petit schéma, hein?
20:48Eh bien, alors quoi?
20:50Eh! Emmenez-les!
20:54De tous les héros ingratifiés auxquels nous avons fait des tributs!
20:58Allez, les Stonebeckers, nous avons quelque chose à faire!
21:12George et les oiseaux!
21:18Désolé, George!
21:21Désolé, George!
21:25Désolé, George!
21:30Désolé, George!
21:42Très bien, George! Vous avez sauvé notre pays!
21:45J'espérais bien, George!
21:48J'espérais bien, George!
21:50George et George ont trouvé des endroits agréables pour vivre!
21:55C'était juste un tir de feu à nous de la planète Terre!
21:58Et nous allons les faire exploser!
22:01À l'attaque!
22:17Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada