• l’année dernière


00:30Il doit belonger à quelqu'un.
00:32Je me demande qui.
00:33Moi aussi.
00:34On dirait qu'on a un mystère sur nos mains.
00:38Et sur nos épaules.
00:45C'est Gulp-Bug, en live du parc Busytown.
00:48Alors, qu'est-ce qu'il y a de nouveau dans le sandbox, Huckle?
00:51Ce pauvre parasite semble être perdu.
00:53Et je vais résoudre le mystère de sa maison.
00:56Prêt pour ça?
00:58C'est parti!
01:00Who, what, why, how?
01:02Who, what, where, where, why, how?
01:04Who, what, why, how?
01:06Who, what, where, where, why, how?
01:09Who, what, where, where, why, how?
01:11Solve a mystery!
01:13Who, what, where, where, why, how?
01:15All together!
01:17Who, what, where, where, why, how?
01:19Hucklecat, you and me!
01:21Who, what, where, where, why, how?
01:23Who, what, why, how?
01:25Who, what, where, where, why, how?
01:28Well, there you have it, folks.
01:30Huckle has a pretty colorful mystery on his hands.
01:33And that's the buzz in Busytown.
01:35Stay tuned for important news updates.
01:40Pistachio's a pretty bird.
01:42Did you hear that?
01:44Pistachio's a pretty bird.
01:46I guess we know his name is Pistachio.
01:48That's a start.
01:49Now, where could he live?
01:51The only place I've ever seen a parrot is...
01:53At the pet store!
01:55Maybe that's where Pistachio lives.
01:57To the pet store!
02:08Pistachio's a pretty bird.
02:10A pretty bird?
02:11Oh, hiya, Huckle.
02:13Hello, Louie.
02:14I didn't know you had a pet parrot.
02:16Hi, Mr. Pat.
02:17This isn't our parrot.
02:19We found him in the park.
02:20You mean he found us.
02:23Anyway, we were wondering if he belongs in your pet shop.
02:26In your pet shop?
02:27In your pet shop?
02:28No, I only have canaries.
02:30They sing beautifully.
02:32But they don't know how to talk the way a parrot can.
02:34You're right.
02:35He can talk.
02:36So maybe we can just ask him.
02:38Pistachio, where do you live?
02:41Where do you live?
02:43That's what I'm asking you.
02:46Parrots don't understand the things they say, Huckle.
02:49They like to copy the words and the sounds they hear around them.
02:53Oh, are you copying me?
02:55Are you copying me?
02:58Well, I guess you are.
03:02Wow, that's an interesting sound.
03:04I'm sure I've heard it somewhere before.
03:06But where?
03:09Hmm, I don't know.
03:11But I've heard it before too.
03:13Wait a minute.
03:14Didn't you say parrots copy words and sounds they hear around them?
03:17Yes, that's right.
03:20That means Pistachio probably heard that ding-a-ling sound where he lives.
03:24So if we can figure out what makes that sound,
03:26then maybe we can find Pistachio's home.
03:29Thanks, Mr. Pat.
03:30You're welcome.
03:31Good luck, boys.
03:35Good morning.
03:36Not you all.
03:45Busy town is a busy and noisy place.
03:50I know I've heard that ding-a-ling sound before.
03:52But where?
03:53Think, Huckle.
03:54What could make that sound?
03:59Besides Pistachio.
04:00It's some kind of bell.
04:03Now where is there a bell in town?
04:07The fire alarm bell.
04:08Maybe Pistachio lives at the fire station.
04:15I hope there isn't a fire at the fire station.
04:19Look out!
04:37My turn.
04:40Let me guess.
04:41Smokey made his extra spicy meat to wash it down
04:44with a gallon of watered chili for lunch again.
04:49Sparky, would you mind ringing the fire bell again?
04:52Just for a moment.
04:53We need to hear what it sounds like.
04:55Not at all.
05:00Oh, that sound is very noisy.
05:03I think Pistachio sounds softer and more musical.
05:06Don't you?
05:09Thanks, Pistachio.
05:10Perfect timing.
05:11It's definitely not the same sound.
05:13Which means Pistachio didn't learn it at the fire station.
05:16And he probably doesn't live around here.
05:18We could have told you that.
05:20If we hadn't eaten so much spicy chili.
05:23Thanks anyway.
05:25Not to worry.
05:26There must be lots of other bells in town.
05:28We just need to keep looking.
05:41You don't suppose Pistachio lives somewhere near the train tracks, do you?
05:44It's possible.
05:45Maybe he lives at the train station.
05:47Only, I don't remember seeing a bell anywhere inside it.
05:52No, but there's a bell outside the train station
05:55at the crossing gates.
05:56Smart thinking, Lonely.
05:58We can compare the sound of the crossing gates
06:00to the sound Pistachio makes.
06:02Follow that train.
06:10The train is already gone.
06:12I guess we'll have to wait for another one.
06:13It shouldn't be long.
06:14According to my calculations,
06:15another train will be by in...
06:18three seconds.
06:19Three, two, one.
06:23Ah, there it is.
06:29Crossing gates aren't making the same bell sound either.
06:32Well, that's two bells we can cross off our list.
06:37Joltblog here for an important Lost Parrot news update.
06:40Tell us what you've discovered so far, Huckle.
06:43Bien, nous savons que le nom des parrots est Pistachio
06:46et qu'il fait un son de ding-a-ling.
06:48Un son de ding-a-ling ?
06:50Oui, comme ça.
06:52As-tu entendu ?
06:53Il a fait le son à nouveau.
06:54Euh, Huckle, ce n'était pas Pistachio qui a fait le son.
06:57Es-tu sûr ?
06:58Mais si ce n'était pas Pistachio qui a fait le son, alors...
07:03Ça doit être le son de ding-a-ling que nous cherchons.
07:06Allez !
07:07Vous l'avez entendu ici d'abord, les gars.
07:09Le buzz dans Busytown, c'est que Huckle et Loli sont chauds sur la route de...
07:14Un ding-a-ling ?
07:15Peu importe.
07:16Restez à l'écoute.
07:19Le son de ding-a-ling.
07:20Il est parti.
07:21Où est-il allé ?
07:25Je l'entends.
07:26Mais maintenant, il vient de...
07:29Suivez ce son de ding-a-ling.
07:34Un bruit.
07:35Il bouge.
07:37Il bouge, il bouge.
07:38Il bouge.
07:39Qu'est-ce qui peut avoir un son de ding-a-ling qui bouge autour de la ville ?
07:44Eh bien, ce n'est pas le bon son.
07:46Alors, nous savons que ce n'est pas un son de moto.
07:48C'est vrai.
07:49Alors, ça doit être d'un autre genre de véhicule.
07:51Hein ?
07:54Le marshmallow est le meilleur goût d'ice-cream.
07:56Le marshmallow ?
07:57Ce n'est pas ça.
07:58Le pineapple est le meilleur goût d'ice-cream.
08:01Ice-cream, ice-cream.
08:04Allons demander à Huckle.
08:05Quel est le meilleur goût ?
08:06Le marshmallow ou le pineapple ?
08:09Eh bien...
08:10En fait, j'aime le Raspberry Ripple.
08:13Le Raspberry Ripple, un scoop ou deux.
08:16Un scoop ou deux ?
08:17Où as-tu appris à dire ça ?
08:21C'est ça.
08:22Un véhicule d'ice-cream.
08:23C'est un véhicule d'ice-cream qui fait le son de ding-a-ling.
08:27Alors, c'est là que nous l'avons entendu auparavant.
08:29Où est le véhicule d'ice-cream ?
08:30Il se dirige de cette façon.
08:31Non, de l'autre.
08:33C'est parti.
08:34C'est parti pour le parc.
08:35À plus tard, Picolelle et Piquan.
08:37Au revoir.
08:42C'est tout, n'est-ce pas ?
08:43C'est comme le son de ding-a-ling de l'ice-cream.
08:46J'imagine que Mr. Hippo sait où il vit.
08:50Ice-cream, j'ai voyagé partout en cherchant pour toi.
08:54Alors, tu sais à qui l'ice-cream appartient ?
08:56Bien sûr que oui.
08:57Il m'appartient.
09:00Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
09:01Je suis tellement heureux que tu sois de retour.
09:03Ha! Ha! Ha!
09:04Heureux que tu sois de retour.
09:05Heureux que tu sois de retour.
09:06Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
09:07Comment sais-tu où me trouver ?
09:09Eh bien, voici ce qui s'est passé.
09:13Nous avons comparé le son de ding-a-ling de l'ice-cream
09:15que fait le son de l'ice-cream
09:18avec les différents sons de l'ice-cream
09:19autour de Bizzy.
09:26Et quand nous avons entendu le son de l'ice-cream
09:27sur ton véhicule,
09:29nous avons suivi le son jusqu'à ce que nous ayons trouvé toi.
09:32Ah, c'est très intelligent.
09:34Très intelligent. Très intelligent.
09:37Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
09:41Tout le monde ensemble a résolu un mystère.
09:45Avec Huckle, vous pouvez en résoudre un aussi.
09:50Et voici le résultat, les amis.
09:51Le mystère de la dernière paire est résolu.
09:54Rock, mystère résolu. Mystère résolu.
09:57Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
09:58Ha! Ha! Ha!
