(Adnkronos) - “L’impegno di Msd Italia è concreto e oggi punta i suoi riflettori su una campagna di comunicazione sulla corretta informazione proprio perché ancora oggi, purtroppo, in questa malattia rara passa ancora troppo tempo all’arrivo della corretta diagnosi e quindi, se occorre troppo tempo prima di arrivare alla diagnosi, chiaramente la malattia progredisce e sarà più difficile essere incisivi per la salute proprio del paziente stesso”. E’ quanto affermato dalla presidente e amministratrice delegata di Msd Italia, Nicoletta Luppi, in occasione del lancio della campagna di disease awareness promossa da Msd con il patrocinio di Amip, Associazione Malati Ipertensione Polmonare e Aipi, Associazione Ipertensione Polmonare Italiana, intitolata ‘Al Cuore del Respiro. Ipertensione arteriosa polmonare, conoscila in profondità’, che ha l’obiettivo di accrescere la conoscenza e la consapevolezza su questa grave condizione clinica che, se non adeguatamente trattata, degenera coinvolgendo anche il cuore, che non riesce più a pompare sangue attraverso i polmoni.
00:00What is the role of MS in Italy?
00:04The role of MS in Italy is a concrete role,
00:07which today focuses its reflectors on a communication campaign
00:11on the correct information,
00:13precisely because still today, unfortunately,
00:15in this rare disease,
00:17there is still too much time before the correct diagnosis,
00:22and therefore, if it takes too long before the diagnosis,
00:27clearly, the disease progresses
00:29and it will be more difficult to be incisive
00:32for the health of the patient himself.
00:34But our commitment, of course,
00:36does not end with the correct information.
00:38For more than 20 years we have been studying,
00:40in particular, this, and not only this,
00:42obviously, rare disease.
00:44We are already present also in trade
00:46with a solution for more than 7 years,
00:48but we know very well that there is still so much,
00:51too much to do,
00:52precisely because until today
00:54we have not reached what must be the key,
00:57as has already happened in other therapeutic areas,
01:00such as oncology or in other areas,
01:02in other disease areas.
01:04So our commitment is to continue to invest in research.
01:07We have done it also in the world,
01:09certainly, but also in Italy.
01:11Last year we invested 103 million euros
01:14in clinical research and development,
01:16which represents more than 15%
01:18of all clinical research investments
01:20in our country.
01:22We want to do it seriously, concretely.
01:24In Italy we have the best researchers,
01:26the best clinics in the world,
01:28and it is important that our Italian patients
01:31not only can find expression
01:33within clinical research,
01:35but above all they can have access,
01:37years, many years before,
01:39to what will be the innovation,
01:41which is the innovation of the future,
01:43so that their life from today can be different
01:45and they can also aim,
01:47with pulmonary arterial hypertension,
01:49to an active and healthy aging.