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Time Savers for House Makers | movie | 1936 | Official Trailer | dG1fcF9UUkVmSHhwZ28
00:00Hello, everybody. Brooks Henderson speaking.
00:04Looks like a snowstorm we're having, but the cameraman was so interested he came up too close.
00:08Hey, let the audience see what it really is.
00:11Not snow, but fine downy powder.
00:13It's starch, a quick self-cooking starch, ready in no time at all.
00:17Watch. She moistens it first with lukewarm water.
00:20No wax to add. The glider is in the powder.
00:23It's a complete starching mixture.
00:25Now add steaming hot water from faucet or kettle.
00:28No boiling, no cooking, no need to skim or strain.
00:31Simply stir, and perfect hot starch is ready.
00:35Now look. See how the four secret ingredients in quick elastic make ironing easy.
00:40No sticking, no scorching. Your iron fairly glides.
00:44Do all your starching this wonderful new way.
00:47Things look and feel like new, fresh and fragrant.
00:50They wash easily.
00:52For easy starching, for beautiful ironing, ask your grocer for quick elastic starch.
00:57Large package, ten cents.
