• 3 years ago
She has a moustache, and she loves it.

👉🏽: Samsaaram Media


00:00I have a moustache, but I don't want to look like a man with a moustache.
00:15It's been 6-7 years since I had such a thick moustache.
00:17There is no cream or any other care for it. It comes by itself and stays there.
00:28If I shave my beard again, will it still be there?
00:31There are people who say that I am a trans. They say that I am not a woman, I am a man.
00:47To tell you the truth, I do get a beard. That's why I shave it.
00:51I do get a beard, but I shave it. I don't like it. I like the moustache.
00:5890-95% of my customers are positive. 5% are negative.
01:12A lot of girls have commented on my Facebook inbox that they are afraid of me.
01:20Why should I be afraid of them? Because it happens naturally.
01:24It's time for girls to change their hormones.
01:29My friend has a beauty parlor here.
01:35They come to me and ask me to shave my beard.
01:38They are afraid of the society.
01:43If I shave it, will it still be there?
01:48If I shave my beard, will it still be there?
01:54People tell me to shave it, but it will still be there.
01:57It doesn't have to be there. It just has to stay there.
02:05It's just a moustache. It will stay there.
02:10He hasn't told me anything yet.
02:13He hasn't asked me to shave my moustache.
02:17He will ask me to shave it from time to time.
02:20He will keep asking me to shave it.
02:23He will keep asking me to grow it.
02:26He won't ask me to shave it.
02:29That's not a big deal.
02:31It will stay there till I die.
