Brut visited a village in Uttar Pradesh where people mourn Ravana's death on Dussehra. But why?
00:00This is the birthplace of Ravan.
00:01They burn statues, right?
00:02They don't do anything like that here.
00:05He had no devotees.
00:07He put the entire Lanka at stake for a change.
00:10He didn't find anyone.
00:10There is a lot of energy here.
00:12Om Maheshwaraya Namah Swaha!
00:15Om Shambhavi Namah Swaha!
00:16Om Lankeshwaraya Namah Swaha!
00:19If he has found a way to his salvation,
00:21then that is his quality.
00:22We have come to a temple.
00:26But what's so unique about a temple, right?
00:28Ravan was born here,
00:30grew up here, got married here
00:31and then went to Lanka.
00:32How is Dussehra celebrated in this village?
00:34There is no celebration.
00:36Everyone's faces are sad.
00:37Why is that?
00:38Because this is the birthplace of Ravan.
00:40There is a coin, right?
00:41There are two sides to it.
00:43One is the heart and the other is the body.
00:45There was no bad quality in Ravan.
00:48If he has found a way to his salvation,
00:50then that is his bad quality.
00:51Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Ahankara
00:54Tyag, Tapa, Dharma, Paropkara
00:56These were his five qualities.
00:58That is why he is called Dasanand.
01:00That is why he is called Dasanand.
01:02Om Sarvedhyo Ravan Jyo Namaha!
01:05Om Sarvedhyo Devi Jyo Namaha!
01:07Om Sarvedhyo Tirthik Jyo Namaha!
01:09Om Sarvedhyo Tirthik Jyo Namaha!
01:10Because this is the birthplace of Ravan.
01:14Now, when everyone is going to stay here,
01:17then there is no need to make fun of him.
01:19We don't do anything like that.
01:23We just pray for the morning.
01:25We burn Ravan everywhere and celebrate him.
01:32I am a devotee of Lord Shiva.
01:34Ravan was also a devotee of Lord Shiva.
01:37So this time, I thought that
01:39instead of staying in Dussehra or Chandigarh,
01:42I don't want to see how people are celebrating him
01:44or how they are burning him.
01:46I wanted to go to the place where Ravan was born.
01:50Here, Ravan's Havan takes place.
01:54Look at this.
01:55This is the statue of Ravan.
01:58He came out from inside.
01:59Where did Ravan come from?
02:01He came out from inside.
02:02The significance of this is that
02:03first of all, he himself is earth.
02:05He has come out of the ground.
02:07There is no end to him.
02:09Ravan had cut his head and offered it to Lord Shiva.
02:12He offered it to Lord Shiva.
02:13On Dussehra, it is believed that
02:16all the Brahmins are descendants of Ravan.
02:20Some people came from Mandodari,
02:21which is the home of Ravan.
02:23We live nearby.
02:24Some people come from Meerut,
02:26who are descendants of Ravan.
02:28We are one of them.
02:29That is why we have come here to see Ravan.
02:30Ravan's best brother,
02:32who in order to take revenge on Shubhankar,
02:34put the entire Lanka at stake.
02:35He did not find a brother.
02:36Ravan's best father,
02:37who made his own son so capable
02:39that he won over Indra.
02:41Ravan's best father,
02:42Ravan's best brother,
02:43all of them were Ravan's best friends.
02:44Who was the biggest devotee of Ravan in the world?
02:46He himself forced God to come down.
02:49Even after accepting God as his father,
02:52he left God to die at his hands.
02:55There was no one bigger than Ravan.
02:57The vibes are different here.
02:59We say that Ravan is wrong.
03:01That was a different part of him.
03:02But if you look at it overall,
03:04there was no bigger devotee than him.
03:06The Shiva Tantra Stotram
03:08was written by him.
03:10There were good and bad.
03:12There was a reason behind the creation.
03:15Otherwise, if you look at it,
03:17he had so much knowledge.
03:19He was such a great Brahmin.
03:21There can't be a greater Brahmin than him.