• 3 years ago
This unique device created by Intel and Outdu Mediatech can help reduce the number of road accidents caused by truckers. Brut finds out how…


00:00Closing his eyes.
00:30The driver or operator fatigue management system is basically a camera that is placed within the cabin of the driver or operator.
00:40It monitors the driver in a real-time basis and tracks his activities.
00:48Satish will be simulating the different things that we are checking in the driver cabin.
00:53He is tired and he is yawning, so he is opening his mouth.
00:57Again, he is looking for post variants.
01:00And the moment he is yawning, there is an alert that is generated.
01:04There is an audio alert that continues.
01:08And it continues and if he is still not correcting it, it goes into a higher escalated visual alert.
01:15And once that is there, he can correct his post and it will automatically stop.
01:30Satish will be simulating the different things that we are checking in the driver cabin.
01:34Satish will be simulating the different things that we are checking in the driver cabin.
01:55We came to know from drivers that how harsh the environment is, the conditions are in which they drive the vehicle.
02:02We also spoke to the companies and they told us the potential damages which occur to them by the drivers getting fatigued or getting distracted.
02:14So, this device typically came out as a solution to not only avoid those commercial losses to the company, but also make the human lives better.
02:25Kind of application for the system is very broad.
02:33As I said, it is from industrial to actual long distance buses to even your normal school buses.
02:41Any place where there is a human intervention which needs to be monitored, our system is going to be helpful over there.
