• 3 years ago
These celebs had a lot to say after Roe v. Wade was overturned …


00:00It's absolutely disgusting.
00:02I'm feeling outraged and sad and depleted and scared.
00:07Stay mad.
00:13To everyone that's upset about Roe vs.
00:15Wade being overturned, stay mad.
00:20They're going to do it next with gay marriage.
00:23They're going to do it next.
00:25They're going to make it illegal.
00:26Stay mad.
00:28Get in the streets, do whatever you have to do,
00:31but stay mad.
00:33It's going to kill and endanger millions of women
00:36who are going to end up getting backstreet abortions,
00:38dangerous backstreet abortions, and end up dying from it.
00:43And if this was actually about saving lives,
00:46if anyone cared about saving lives,
00:48then after any of the mass shootings
00:52that have happened here in the United States,
00:54we would have gun control.
00:56It's not about saving lives.
00:57It's about controlling a woman's body
00:59and controlling a woman's right to choose.
01:01It's absolutely fucking disgusting.
01:04I'm on with this really beautiful essay
01:06about her abortion that she got when she was really young
01:09and about how if she hadn't have had it,
01:12she wouldn't have become the person that she'd become
01:14and I wouldn't exist.
01:15Obviously, you can understand from an individual perspective
01:21how difficult it is to live in a country
01:25where you have a constant, unrelenting, violent...
01:34I mean, tied against you, an onslaught as a woman.
01:41I live in America that is a country
01:43that is built on the idea of people as property.
01:46And so having an expectation that this country
01:49would then give people access
01:52to their own personhood, agency, and bodies
01:55is like, yeah, it's not hard to imagine how we get here.
01:59I think what we have to do though is to engage.
02:02I think that the only bright thing that we can do
02:09to make this into a positive thing
02:13is for it to be a completely new step in the movement.
02:16I'm feeling outraged and sad and depleted and scared
02:21and hopeful, not that you asked me,
02:23but I'm feeling hopeful because I know that I'm not alone
02:28and I know that we are strongest when we stand together
02:31and when we work together and we have a lot of work to do.
02:36So we're gonna need each other.
02:37I'm pledging 500K from my tour
02:40to Planned Parenthood and abortion funds.
02:43This is just the beginning of the action
02:45that I hope to take to help people have safe planning
02:48for families and on their bodies.
02:51Why should I care if someone wants to have a baby or not?
02:53Their body is not my business.
02:55Why should you care if someone wants to get married or not?
02:58That's not your business.
03:00If you don't wanna see it, close your eye.
