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Video Information: 11.05.2024, VBC, Greater Noida


Even as a man casts off worn-out clothes, and puts on others which are new, so the ego casts off worn-out bodies, and enters into others which are new.
Bhagavat Gita 2.22

Ego and Identity: Unraveling the Bhagavad Gita's Wisdom
Ego: Understanding the 'I' Within - A Beginner's Guide
From Ego to Atman: Exploring the Journey Within
The Ego's Cycle: Lessons from the Bhagavad Gita
Ego and Rebirth: Insights for Everyday Life

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00Namaste Acharya ji. I have a two-part question. I understood that from the verse 222 we are
00:11talking about ego and 223 we are talking about Atma. So my first question is, is ego universal
00:19and can it be explained similar to Atma's example of ocean that was given earlier in
00:24some sessions or is it like and what does 222 mean like when ego is moving from one
00:31body to another body, is it like an ego from a single person when it's dead moves to some
00:37other person or is it some or is it ego is universal, the tendency of ego is universal
00:45that's my first question. The universe is to the ego. So what do you mean by the ego
00:52is universal? There is no universe but to the ego. The universe is the object to the
01:03eternal subject called the ego. It is only to the ego that the universe exists. Okay,
01:13so when we talk about ego moving from one body to another body, how can we relate that?
01:22It basically means that body is changed. That does not mean that the ego is hopping from
01:27this place to that place. It simply means that bodies keep changing. Bodies keep changing
01:37and particular constitutions of bodies say I. You could even proceed to say as we said
01:49that even a molecule does say I. Bodies keep changing and all bodies are to the ego. The
02:02ego associates itself with certain bodies. You could say it associates itself with everything.
02:12Depending on the body the ego is right now in association with, the sentence I am X is
02:21completed. Okay, I will elaborate. What is Prakriti? Prakriti is a duality. The universe
02:32that we call it is a duality. It is a duality. What does duality mean? On…
03:02This is just a model but a helpful model would help you understand.
03:32So, the truth has been talked of as nothingness. It is nothing or it has been talked of as
04:00a bindu, point. The word bindu denotes the truth and a bindu has no spatial existence.
04:10It really does not exist. If you say a point exists, that doesn't mean anything. For something
04:17to exist, it must have some… it must occupy some space or say something. So, the truth
04:27is binduvat, point like, non-existent and from it and now from here begins maya because
04:38the truth really does not change forms or do anything. But to us there is so much. So,
04:45from here we begin, maya begins. What happens in the sway of maya? There is duality. What
04:54kind of duality? There is this point and the rest of the universe. This point is the mother
05:01I tendency, aham vritti, I am. And then there are these infinite number of bodies that together
05:12comprise the object, the object called the universe. So, that is the first division.
05:19That is the first duality that springs from non-duality. What was the name of the non-duality?
05:24Bindu or atma or that which really does not spatially exist. So, from that comes this
05:34and this entire universe. This entire universe is one object. This is one object to this
05:41one subject. One subject, one object. One object is the is the superset of everything
05:47here. Now within this universe there are these infinite particles. This thing, that thing,
05:55that thing. So, when the ego tendency combines with this, the universe that itself has projected,
06:07when it combines with this, it says I am A. Combines with this says I am B. With this
06:13I am C. With this I am D. With this I am E. So, this is what Shri Krishna means. This
06:22arises and this combines because this is eternally present. And here it's a stream in which objects
06:34are appearing and disappearing, rising and falling, forming and deforming. The moment
06:41something forms, this attaches to that and says I am F. Even deformation is attached
06:50to. Don't we say, I am dead. Oh, I am dead. Look at the construction. I am dead. Even
06:59deformation is something that we attach to. Or I am absent. I am absent. Or I am gone.
07:09Coming is an object. Going is also an object. So, this eternal I am. Now the stream is flowing
07:19here. Things are coming and going, rising and falling. This is constantly there. I am.
07:24It is in the field of objects of I am that everything is rising and falling, rising and
07:31falling. Now something rises, it is present, already present to attach to it and say I
07:37am H. Now that thing is gone. Something else rises here. It is already present to say I
07:44am T. This is the broad model. So, ego is going to be present. Come what may. The ego is the
07:59eternal presence. In the field of space and time, the ego is the eternal presence. The ego
08:06tendency that is. The ego tendency. There will be no place, no time when the ego tendency itself is
08:17gone. It is possible that right now the object that it attaches itself to does not say, I am
08:26somebody in the way we know it. But the tendency will always be there. To give you an example,
08:37there is nuclear annihilation, let's say, and everything is flattened.
08:42Everything is absolutely flattened. No species at all remains on this earth anymore.
08:50Nothing remains. There exists now nobody to say I am or I am Mohan, I am Daniel, I am Radha. Nobody
09:01exists to say this way. Still the ego tendency will remain. Everything is gone. Even the last
09:10bacteria and the last virus have disappeared under the nuclear influence. Everything is gone. Still
09:17the ego tendency will remain. Think of the time when there were no organisms on this planet or
09:24anywhere in the universe. Where did they come from? The ego tendency was always there.
09:32The ego tendency was always there. It is there in the particle itself. It is there in the material
09:37itself. Everything in the universe carries the ego tendency.
09:46Okay. So, for example, let's say, take a stone. I am saying it is a stone. Stone doesn't know
09:54it is a stone. So, is it that with respect to me, there is an ego tendency for the stone? Like,
10:01I am saying it is a stone. But for the stone, there is no ego tendency.
10:05You too were a stone. See, how today you say, I am Varsha. Let's say, your name is Varsha. Let's
10:13say. Were we not all stones once? How did we assume what we call as life?
10:23Where did this life come from? There is no God that injected life into the stone.
10:29The stone itself took on life. The stone always had the ego tendency. Therefore,
10:37given the right time, the opportune circumstances, the stone became Varsha.
10:43Yeah. Yeah, because even I was an embryo in the beginning.
10:54In the beginning. And before the embryo, what were we? Just material. Just material. How does
11:00life get into a fetus? It never gets into a fetus. It was always there. Every sand particle in that
11:08sense is waiting to come alive. That's what we are calling as the ego tendency.
11:17My second question was related to truth being nothing. But while explaining,
11:22you already mentioned that truth is nothingness. So, my question is clear.
11:27Welcome. Thank you.
11:29Achyutji, my question is, what I understand life is, it is experiencing things around you
11:39and then understanding the futility of it and then moving towards liberation.
11:44As a part of moving towards liberation, from one of your analogy, examples what you provided that
11:51a person can be somewhere on the XY coordinates, say 1000, 1000 X and Y. And when he starts his
11:57journey towards liberation, maybe he moves to somewhere 950, 950 from his readings. Maybe I
12:07take an example of Yoga Sutras by Patanjali over here. If the seeker follows yam-nyam and has
12:13progressed towards 950, 950. And if unfortunately the seeker's journey ends in death, is his journey
12:23towards liberation incomplete? Or is there something like 00 that the seeker's journey
12:31is only complete when he goes to 00, the origin? It's not about X and Y. It's about dx by dt and
12:43dy by dt. You're talking of coordinates. It's not about the coordinates. It's about the velocity,
12:51the direction and the speed. You have to keep moving.
12:57You have to keep moving. You might never actually reach 00.
13:03Love is about movement in the face of adversity.
13:16And love towards liberation.
13:2100 is something that is just like a pole star, dhruvtara, a guiding light.
13:29The horizon, you might never actually reach it.
13:35Liberation lies in the movement, not in the achievement.
13:39Not in the achievement.
13:481000, 950, they all mean nothing. It has to be a blind, heartful tumble.
14:03One is tumbling towards his dissolution.
14:09In a blind way, in a way that intellect can never comprehend.
14:19One cannot calculate so precisely. From 1000, I have come to 950 and I have burnt
14:273 liters of petrol. Even the mileage is nice. And I have done record time.
14:33So, I'm doing well. And how do I compare with the others?
14:38Well, I stand at the 96th percentile. Not too bad. That's not the way of the lover.
15:02Singing and music and melody, that's why I have so much importance in spirituality.
15:12There are certain things that are so difficult to express in prose.
15:23That madness.
15:29It's not mathematical.
15:35Though, you must begin with mathematics.
15:38But then, very soon,
15:44something beyond mathematics takes over.
15:48You forget your calculations.
15:521000, 950, 0, X, Y, all the models, all the intelligent things like this one, so smart, so nice.
16:04He made a sleek model of everything. Subject, object, entire universe, including the self.
16:15All this is, as they say, blowing with the wind.
16:23Blowing in the wind.
16:41Thanks. Thanks.
