Barbie: Day of Miracles is an enchanting addition to the beloved Barbie franchise, celebrating themes of culture, friendship, and self-discovery. This animated film follows Barbie as she embarks on a vibrant adventure inspired by the Día de Muertos (Day of the Dead) celebration. Emphasizing the importance of honoring loved ones and embracing heritage, the film showcases Barbie's journey as she learns about the significance of this colorful holiday.
In Day of Miracles, Barbie teams up with her friends to prepare for a grand celebration, where they create beautiful altars adorned with marigolds, sugar skulls, and photographs of those they wish to remember. Through their preparations, Barbie and her friends discover the rich traditions associated with Día de Muertos, including storytelling and community gatherings that foster connections among family and friends.
The film features stunning animation that brings to life the vibrant colors and intricate designs synonymous with Día de Muertos. With catchy songs and engaging choreography, Barbie: Day of Miracles aims to inspire young audiences to appreciate their cultural roots while promoting messages of love, remembrance, and unity.
Join Barbie on her heartfelt journey in Barbie: Day of Miracles, a film that celebrates life, love, and the enduring bonds that connect us all.
In Day of Miracles, Barbie teams up with her friends to prepare for a grand celebration, where they create beautiful altars adorned with marigolds, sugar skulls, and photographs of those they wish to remember. Through their preparations, Barbie and her friends discover the rich traditions associated with Día de Muertos, including storytelling and community gatherings that foster connections among family and friends.
The film features stunning animation that brings to life the vibrant colors and intricate designs synonymous with Día de Muertos. With catchy songs and engaging choreography, Barbie: Day of Miracles aims to inspire young audiences to appreciate their cultural roots while promoting messages of love, remembrance, and unity.
Join Barbie on her heartfelt journey in Barbie: Day of Miracles, a film that celebrates life, love, and the enduring bonds that connect us all.
Art et design