MEDI1TV Afrique : Le quotidien des bourses - 22/11/2024
00:00Hello everyone, the Casablanca stock market suffered a loss of close to 15,000 points,
00:23the Mazi fell by 0.79% to close at 14,868 points.
00:30After two euphoric sessions, investors prioritized sales this time,
00:34and it is Maghreb Oxygen that is most likely to recede.
00:37The Maghreb Oxygen stock abandons minus 9.94%.
00:41The market as a whole has suffered the recession of real estate values.
00:45Allianz receded by minus 2.19%,
00:48leading to a flow of 61 million dirhams,
00:51and Adowa, which caught nearly 100 million dirhams,
00:54receded by minus 0.05%.
00:57At the bank level, CFG Bank is slowed down in its momentum started the day before.
01:01CFG loses minus 0.69% and mobilizes 23 million dirhams.
01:09In Tunisia, the stock market is limited to 2,488,000 dinars.
01:14The Tunindex shows a symbolic drop of minus 0.01% and closes at 9,800 points.
01:21ICF stood out from the general trend, increasing by plus 5.99%.
01:26ICF, which also imposed itself at the level of transactions,
01:29capturing a volume of 352,000 dinars.
01:32But the general drop is to be put on the BIAT asset,
01:35which would be plus today minus 0.28% in a volume of 232,000 dinars.
01:40Carthage Cement also regressed by minus 1.32% in a volume of 185,000 dinars.
01:46It is Tunisia's Atigari Bank that has the strongest rebound, minus 2.63%.
01:54New rebound granted by Composite on the stock market
01:57of Abidjan's regional real estate stock exchange.
02:00The reference index, the BRVM Composite,
02:02falls by minus 0.17% to 273.63 points.
02:07The transport sector, with the Africa Global Logistics value,
02:10is the strongest in regression, falling by minus 0.73%.
02:15In the public sector, Orange-Côte d'Ivoire and Sonatel Senegal,
02:18the two largest capitalizations in the market are falling behind.
02:22Orange-Côte d'Ivoire is down by minus 0.29% and Sonatel Senegal is down by minus 0.21%.
02:31That's it for the main news on the stock market on the continent.
02:34See you soon to see together the indices that carry the economy of Africa in full growth.