• last year
Al Sur del Corazón Capitulo 151 Completo HD
Al Sur del Corazón Capitulo 152 Completo HD
Al Sur del Corazón Capitulo 151 Completo HD
Al Sur del Corazón Capitulo 151 Completo HD
Al Sur del Corazón Capitulo 151 Completo HD
00:00I don't know what to do with myself right now, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do,
00:30I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, I don't know what
01:00To close this wound
01:04you broke my heart
01:06to take you away
01:08because you don't have
01:18I need a second
01:21to close this wound
01:25you broke my heart
01:28To take you in half, because you didn't have
01:58a chance to go to a party.
02:05I'm sure you would have to stay...
02:10Sorry, sorry. Obviously, obviously you have to stay.
02:13If you are going to work with Francisco you have to meet his people, his friends, his family.
02:18I'm going to introduce you.
02:20Ricardo, this is Patricio.
02:23Hello, how are you?
02:25Patricio, Juan.
02:32Are you in love with that guy?
02:34Keep your distance, please.
02:36I make her jealous.
02:37Ricardo, how can he make you jealous?
02:39I don't know, it's not possible.
02:44How are you?
02:48Do I interrupt something?
02:49No, no.
02:50Should I offer you a glass of wine or something?
03:09No, thanks.
03:10Hey, can you hear me?
03:12I want to apologize, but you don't want to hear me.
03:14Well, speak up. I can hear you.
03:16Sorry, sorry for ignoring you and breaking the ice law.
03:20I really don't want to lose you as a friend.
03:23I have another friend who can take my place.
03:25No, Tim.
03:26Jose will never be able to take your place.
03:31Because you are very special to me.
03:33And if you end up living with your dad,
03:35I don't want us to stay like this.
03:37It's bad.
03:40I'll think about it.
03:41Everything for you because you are a queen.
03:54Hey, is the traffic going to come?
03:57I felt a little bad.
03:59He doesn't like celebrations so much in the hostel.
04:01It brings him bad memories.
04:02You're right.
04:03What a shame.
04:04Poor thing.
04:06The boyfriend has not arrived.
04:08He left you behind and everything.
04:11What a shame, Negro.
04:13Go get him.
04:14No, no.
04:15Go get the shoes.
04:22You're so late.
04:23But I told you I wanted to come as soon as possible.
04:25Yes, we are in the middle of a celebration for my mother's commitment and...
04:28I don't want to be tied up.
04:30Hi, honey.
04:32You came to thank me for letting me live with you, right?
04:36The three of us have to talk.
04:41Go ahead.
04:42Excuse me.
04:43A grandmother is looking for you.
04:45I don't have such ugly grandchildren.
04:49Hello, miss.
04:50How are you?
04:53Here doing exercise.
04:55You are very muscular.
04:57With calves and everything.
04:59Oh, but if you are strong with everything you work in the field.
05:03I would like to be your age.
05:05I would like to be your age.
05:07I would like to be your age.
05:09I would like to be your age.
05:10To have all that strength that you have.
05:12They say that after 60 you have to do more exercise.
05:16Yes, because you just turned 60.
05:28What do you tell me?
05:31I brought you the family photo album so you don't forget us.
05:36Because now we bother you a little.
05:40Oh, stop charging feelings.
05:46The truth is that ...
05:49I come to tell you something.
05:51Oh, that doesn't smell good to me.
05:53Don't tell me.
05:54The cow that ...
05:55The calf.
05:56No, no, no.
05:57He died.
05:58No, no, no, no, Mrs. Hilda.
05:59No, no.
06:00Oh, look.
06:01What happens is that ...
06:03Emilita ...
06:06She's going to marry Don Manuel.
06:15What are you going to do?
06:17If I myself told her to make her life.
06:22It seems that it worked.
06:24Because in a blink of an eye ...
06:26He committed himself to the scarecrow.
06:28Yes, well, it seems that now he's going to have to shut up.
06:33Thank goodness I left the house.
06:37Emilia again ...
06:39Will commit the stupidity of getting married.
06:42She made a mistake once, but it wasn't enough.
06:45No, being a man and a woman ...
06:48They are the only animals that stumble twice with the same stone.
06:52Yes, but now it's different.
06:54We both know that she did not marry in love with Don Francisco.
06:58But why do people get married, I say?
07:01Finally, that they smell it, that they have children if they want, but ...
07:05Tie yourself to a man and endure him day after day.
07:10I don't wish that on my worst enemy.
07:15Well, but that's what your daughter wants.
07:18And you're going to have to support her no more, because you're going to have no choice.
07:22Besides ...
07:24She's going to get married.
07:26By the church, and with a dress and everything.
07:29Oh no!
07:31In white!
07:33As a first communion!
07:36Oh no!
07:37What a shame!
07:39Holy God!
07:40Yes, and right now ...
07:42Right now they are celebrating the commitment there in the hostess.
07:46So I also came to know if you go with me ...
07:51You accompany me and we have a good time and ...
07:54Are you crazy?
07:58For no reason!
08:00Look, I could have changed.
08:02But see with my own eyes how they ruin your life!
08:06No, that never!
08:13Trini, I'm happy that you're going to live with me, Baculico.
08:16But I don't want to take your mother and if she doesn't agree, we can't do it.
08:20She is not my mother.
08:22How can it be that every time you get angry with me, that I don't do what you want, I stop being your mother?
08:28It seems to me that we talk quietly, without fighting, this time.
08:34Let's see, my love, tell me.
08:36Why do you want to leave your house?
08:39Do you realize that it is a radical decision?
08:41Here is your school, your family, your friends too.
08:45Let's see, friends I don't know.
08:47Because Oscar is kind of weird, we are kind of fighting.
08:50And family neither.
08:52Because my grandmother went to live in a home, my mother is going to get married,
08:55Mila wants to go on a trip and what would be the pure grace?
08:58That she walks all day thinking about Felipe Toro.
09:00So it doesn't make sense to live here.
09:02That's not true.
09:03I don't think about Felipe all day.
09:05For me you are the most important.
09:08If it were the most important thing, I would have to go to Curicó with me.
09:11I would love for your mother to go live with me and you in Curicó.
09:14I would love it.
09:16But sometimes things are not as you want them to be.
09:18And for me the most important thing is that you go to Curicó.
09:21The important thing, I think, is that you are happy,
09:24that your mother is happy with who she wants,
09:26not that she is with someone by obligation.
09:29Besides, I don't think I deserve to have someone obligated, right?
09:32And your mother doesn't deserve something like that either.
09:35Do you understand?
09:38The groom has arrived!
09:52It's this moment, it's this moment.
10:07A smile that I love
10:09If you have everything I need
10:13You take me to that child who already dreamed of you
10:19Like this, with the perfume of this summer
10:25And the sweetness of your hands
10:29With you I want to walk my steps
10:33By your side
10:38By your side
10:42By your side
10:46By your side
10:51You tell me truths, those that hurt
10:55But your words don't sound so strong
10:59You make me see the flowers of life
11:02When I see everything with my eyes
11:07If there is an exit, I don't want it
11:10You closed my eyes and only you have the key
11:15Now I live in this dream
11:17I hope you never want to wake me up
11:22How not to fall in love with you
11:26If you have the smile that I love
11:30If you have everything I need
11:34You take me to that child who already dreamed of you
11:40Like this, with the perfume of this summer
11:46And the sweetness of your hands
11:50With you I want to walk my steps
11:53By your side
11:59By your side
12:03By your side
12:07By your side
12:10How not to fall in love with you
12:14If you have the smile that I love
12:19If you have everything I need
12:23You take me to that child who already dreamed of you
12:43Well, I already knew you were together. Congratulations.
12:46Thank you, Mico.
12:48You are very lucky. Grace is a great woman.
12:51I have more than clear.
12:52And Felipe is also a great man.
12:55Well, I want you to know that you can count on me for whatever you want.
12:59Thank you, Mico.
13:16I don't need you to accompany me out of pity.
13:19I didn't come to accompany you out of pity.
13:22I came to accompany you because you were my friend.
13:26I'm sorry I was mean to you.
13:29I'm sorry I ignored you.
13:38I thought that living with your dad you would be happier.
13:43It's just that he came to tell me that I can't live with him.
13:46And to kick Grace and Felipe's ass.
13:50I can't stand Felipe. I'll never be able to stand him. I hate him.
13:54I don't know what Grace sees in him. My dad is much cuter.
13:58It's not about that, Trini.
14:00It's not about who's cuter or uglier.
14:02It's about something much deeper.
14:04It's about having chemistry.
14:06My mom always says that talking, laughing, spending time with the other person...
14:12In the end, it's what's left for life.
14:15And that happens to you with Josefina?
14:19It's what's left for life.
14:21And that happens to you with Josefina?
14:24You laugh, you talk, you have fun...
14:28Do you like it?
14:31No, Trini.
14:33Because my heart is already occupied.
14:36And you know it.
14:44Thank you very much for your support, but...
14:47Let's go back to the party.
15:03Congratulations, my girl. Congratulations.
15:06I'm sorry I'm a little late.
15:08No, it's okay.
15:10I thought you weren't coming because you felt bad.
15:12Yes, a little bit, but I had to be here anyway.
15:18I'm so happy to see you happy.
15:21Congratulations to both of you.
15:23Hey, Transito.
15:26We have your blessing to marry you.
15:30Don Manuel doesn't need my blessing, but...
15:33You're going to get married anyway.
15:35Of course, of course.
15:38Thank you very much.
15:39Thank you, Nanita.
15:41Hey, everyone, please pay attention.
15:43First of all, we have the wonderful blessing of Transito to marry us.
15:50For the same reason, I want to take this opportunity...
15:54And that everyone be witnesses...
15:57Of this delivery I want to make.
16:02Which is the ring that belonged to my mother.
16:07And I want you to have it.
16:13I want it to somehow represent...
16:18All the admiration, all my commitment...
16:26And all the love I feel for you.
16:28Manuel is...
16:30The most beautiful ring in the world.
16:33I love you.
16:41I want to make the first toast to the groom.
16:45Oh, that's good.
16:47I want to wish you...
16:49That your families unite...
16:52And that you are the most beautiful family in the world.
16:56And that you are the most united family...
16:59And the strongest family in Puerto Estai.
17:07I hope you have very good health.
17:12So that you can travel together.
17:14And so that we can enjoy many lambs on the stick in the house.
17:20Well, I don't know very well yet where we are going to live.
17:24But I assure you...
17:26That we are going to be the happiest in the world.
17:30I want to toast...
17:32For the triumph of love.
17:37Emilia and Manuel are finally going to be together for life.
17:42I also want to say a few words.
17:44My friend, Manuel, Emilia...
17:47We are all here accompanying you...
17:50To live this new process that is coming in your lives.
17:53A process full of love, of trust, of empathy.
17:56Because your love is...
17:58It's very inspiring.
18:01You shine.
18:03Your love is so powerful, so strong, so strong...
18:06That no one will be able to destroy it.
18:08Because your love is like a movie.
18:11It's intense, heartbreaking and happy.
18:14And it will remind us forever...
18:16Forever that we all deserve to have a love like this.
18:24I want to say cheers for your dreams.
18:28So that you can fulfill all your dreams, your own...
18:31And the ones you are going to build together.
18:35I want to give you patience.
18:38Because you fought and fought.
18:40Well, since we are talking about fights...
18:42I also want to say cheers for fights.
18:44Because fights make the relationship more entertaining.
18:47And after the fights comes the reconciliation.
18:53And sweetness.
18:55A lot of sweetness, Emilia.
18:57Especially when my boss gets bitter.
19:01And also affection.
19:03A lot of affection.
19:05I want to wish you a lot of love.
19:07And also, from now on, I hope a lot of peace.
19:09That's right, cheers!
19:11I, boss, want to wish you...
19:13Well, that complicity you have with your best friends.
19:16And that, well, the couple is so important.
19:20And also good vibes.
19:24And sincerity.
19:26That no more lies are told.
19:30So, thank you very much for your wishes.
19:32Yes, and I also want to say cheers for tranquility.
19:37Tranquility in the couple.
19:39Hoping that, as far as possible,
19:43Mrs. Hilda, if you visit us at home,
19:46don't go with the refractor.
19:50And a lot of humor and joy.
19:52That's what we want.
20:02I wish you sensuality.
20:05A lot of sensuality.
20:07A lot of sensuality.
20:09A lot of sensuality.
20:12How nice what you said.
20:14Did you like it?
20:15I liked it a lot, yes, yes.
20:17I know my ex.
20:19What do you mean your ex?
20:21I don't know.
20:23Emilia and I were married.
20:27I thought you...
20:29No, no, don't worry.
20:31It's a long story that I can...
20:33Look, I'm going to tell you.
20:37You have time, you have time.
20:39What a surprise.
20:41I wanted us to make a toast.
20:43I wanted to thank you before.
20:45For what?
20:47For being the brave woman you are.
20:49Brave me?
20:51Yes, of course.
20:53I mean, you managed to have our daughter without knowing where I was.
20:56If I had the support of my family.
20:58We are strong women and we owe that to my grandmother.
21:01Yes, it may be.
21:03But you know that I appreciate that Trini has a mother like you.
21:05A woman who assumed her mistakes.
21:07She assumed our daughter.
21:09And now she is assuming a relationship that many people are against.
21:12That's brave and I admire you for that.
21:13I want to thank you for accompanying me.
21:16Despite all the time I hid this from you.
21:19For not doubting.
21:21For being a wonderful father to Trini.
21:24For coming here.
21:26For loving her.
21:28And for the support you have given me too.
21:44What's up?
21:46I don't know. I'm calling my mom.
21:48She is alone with Pablito at home.
21:50If you know that they are going to be mad at you.
21:52Be patient.
21:54Maybe it's weird.
21:56Besides, until now Pablito has been drinking a lot.
21:58No, he should be sleeping by now.
22:00I'm going to the house to see if everything is okay.
22:03Do you think it's necessary?
22:05Yes, I think it's better.
22:07Okay, calm down. Everything will be fine.
22:10I'm going to my house to see if everything is okay.
22:13I'm calling my mom.
22:15She is alone with Pablito.
22:17I'm going and I'll be back.
22:19Be careful and let me know when you arrive.
22:23Bye, son.
22:25Tell my dad.
22:27If he asks.
22:29Let me know if anything happens.
23:13I need a second
23:16Of this love, of these eyes
23:20To be able to prevent
23:23That you are going to kill me
23:25And I am not
23:28I need a second
23:32For you to close your life
23:36And for you to lose your heart
23:38To take you from me
23:40Because I love you
24:04There he is.
24:09I wanted to talk to you.
24:12I don't think it's the best time or place.
24:16I'm not going to ask you to come back either.
24:18It's never been so easy.
24:20It's never been so easy.
24:22Maybe a little indecisive.
24:26Tell me.
24:28I wanted to tell you that I'm leaving tomorrow, Octavio.
24:33I'm going to take a plane.
24:34And well, I know where I'm leaving, but
24:37I don't know where I'm going to end up.
24:40And I wanted to give you a hug
24:43And thank you for everything.
24:45Because I know I'm going to miss you.
26:13Dear son.
26:15Believe me, this is the best for everyone.
26:18Especially for Pablito.
26:21Who is the most important thing now.
26:24I'm going with him.
26:26I'm sure I'm the person who can take better care of him.
26:30I feel that at this moment you are not prepared to assume this responsibility.
26:36But don't worry about anything.
26:39Your son is in the best hands.
26:41You know that I adore him.
26:43Soon you will know about us.
26:46With love, your mom.