• le mois dernier
"Daddio" is an engaging and thought-provoking film that takes place entirely within the confines of a yellow cab, driven by Clark (Sean Penn) and occupied by a young woman known only as Girlie (Dakota Johnson). This atmospheric drama, directed by Christy Hall, explores the complexities of human connection and the nuances of conversation during an unexpected delay on a cab ride from JFK Airport to Manhattan. As the two characters engage in a series of intimate discussions, they reveal their personal struggles, secrets, and insights about life, love, and relationships.
The film's strength lies in its dialogue-driven narrative, showcasing the chemistry between Penn and Johnson as they navigate through light-hearted banter to deeper emotional revelations. "Daddio" invites viewers to reflect on the significance of face-to-face interactions in a world increasingly dominated by digital communication. The characters' candid exchanges touch on themes of infidelity, personal trauma, and the search for authenticity in relationships. Throughout their journey, the audience is drawn into their world, experiencing moments of vulnerability and connection that resonate deeply.
With its unique setting and powerful performances, "Daddio" stands out as a modern exploration of human relationships. The film emphasizes the importance of listening and understanding one another, making it a compelling watch for anyone interested in character-driven stories that delve into the human experience. As Clark and Girlie's paths intertwine during this cab ride, they each confront their pasts and consider their futures, leaving viewers with lasting impressions of their encounter.

