• last year
Cops say the "high-risk stop" went down in the parking lot of a Humdingers convenience store ... with their patrol cars partially blocking the drive-thru ... and they say a guy in a different car pulled up and yelled, "Get out of the way d***heads."


00:00What yell and you're gonna get a citation understood the lights are there that means
00:07don't go by him right I got away I'm ordering my quiet order your food nobody
00:15can get to the drive-thru for a half an hour I just can't do the drive-thru he
00:21said oh you're the first one our drive-thrus been closed there's nobody
00:24can get through yeah well because no one can get through
00:37you're gonna get a citation I need your driver's license
00:49what am I getting Justin Scott Jamie Scott something like that
00:54Oh bud hang tight buddy can I get a phone number for you
01:07you get incited for disorderly conduct obscene gesture it's 120 $20 fine you
01:13have a court date of November 28th 2024 Montrose Municipal Court if you don't
01:17wish to pay the fine you want to plead not guilty if you do want to pay the
01:20fine is $120 fine pay it before that November 28th date okay information on
01:25the back of a citation on how to do that just sign on the X and you will take
01:29care of it beforehand or do it I can't hear you I'm sorry I'm not signing
01:36anything okay refusing to sign
01:40you can't be going around flipping people off
01:47that's why you're getting a citation yeah yeah yeah the citation I'll read it
