• last year
00:00Alright, it's crossover time with Willard and dibs and coming up at 2 o'clock. What's bugging you?
00:07Which we do every Friday, but welcome gentlemen. I got a list 27th week in a row that I
00:13Remember that as soon as you say it. Yeah, I don't know why I've got such a damn memory block on that
00:19Now I got to find out something that's bugging me. Yeah, it's my memory. Oh go ahead
00:25Could be
00:27Unconcocted Netflix fights if I can offer one up for you. Is that where you're going? No, I'm all in I'm loving it
00:34And you know, I'm like, I cannot wait Tyson plus 230, right? He's 50
00:41But you look at him. He's a killer
00:43Right. He's a killer. And if he doesn't kill him in the first, I don't know two or three rounds
00:49Then the young fat steroidal
00:54Is probably gonna win and so well, would you watch?
01:02Will it grown-ups?
01:05It is I'm like, no, I'll tell you what. I am interested in. What does that mean?
01:09Yeah, it means I've always called Willard, you know, he's the grown-up. He said that yeah, and he always yeah, he likes that role
01:16Yeah, he considers himself the fatherly figure of our entire staff and I just of course
01:22Of course this fights beneath them
01:28Isn't like fighting in general
01:31Also say this I'll be real with people cuz I'm assuming this is tomorrow night is this tomorrow
01:38My children my children are leaving town for the weekend. Oh you are ready
01:43So because they don't listen to the show, I will share with all of you
01:46I've never been more excited for a weekend in my entire life
01:52My my lovely lady and I are gonna do whatever the hell she wants and it ain't gonna be that what is that?
01:58It ain't that
02:00I'm gonna text
02:02It's free
02:04Issue this is no, there's no issue. No, he doesn't like
02:09No, it's just not it like there's a warrior game on tonight
02:17You also sound like the kind of person that you don't rubberneck like you
02:23Accident, I'll bet you said
02:25No, I try not to
02:27And I don't want to like, you know, I don't want to get in the way of the people behind me
02:32But now I'll give it a look. I give it a look. You know what?
02:35It's just an accident a look not to fight. No, this is like this is what interests me about this conversation
02:41Y'all been having it feels to me goo like you and many of the listeners. You've been rather saying are
02:48like Tyson's gonna win
02:52There's like his street rep is on the line
02:55Which I would argue is his legacy
02:59Which you also have audio of him saying is stupid clouds that he doesn't care about
03:04I love that
03:07Why do you think he cares it's fact that he's even taking a fight like this
03:13Suggested he doesn't give a rip what his reputation is, but I go back to the real quick. I love that
03:19But you're wrong. I'm gonna tell you this I go back to the origins of both of these guys
03:23I love you for you have no idea where Jake Paul's from but he's not a boxer. He's not from the ring
03:29This is all concocted Mike in his prime was iron Mike Tyson LL Cool J
03:35So I say that to say is I'm looking at his body
03:38I know he's 58
03:40But if you catch the wrong 58 year old sure looking like that right and you're Jake Paul and not Sugar Ray Leonard
03:47I'm giving Tyson some action tonight. That's all
03:50We had shocker call news like the streets basically were saying what you said
03:54I just think naturally DNA Mike is gonna win this fight. Yes DNA
03:59But father time is undefeated and you know Stiney made a good point to you
04:04And you didn't really take it as personally as I did okay, and he talked about you at
04:1024-hour fitness now is a 50 year old Darryl Johnson right versus a 45 year old or a 40 let alone a 35
04:18every year it becomes
04:20Exponential in your decline, and I love my brother Matt Steinmetz who's now, and I'm gonna use the s-word 60
04:31Confirmed second source
04:33You know what he is now at 60 as an athlete
04:37And he doesn't play hoop anymore, and I get that but even as a golfer and even as whatever
04:41He is and whatever. I am at 56 and you at 50 and mark is
04:46Okay, hello and 50 gonna answer now 50 will answer in about two months not this year
04:52No, can I give you soon Mike Tyson at 58 as fit as he is there?
04:57We can is your knowledge as he is he's not even Mike at 52 or 48
05:03Let alone the iron Mike that we saw when he retired at 40 whatever and he was getting beaten up
05:09Okay, my bombs, and you won't hurt my feelings
05:12Are you saying I couldn't go to let's pick a city Union City 24-hour fitness or Pleasanton and find a 31 year old
05:20Younger person than me. It's pretty terrible in basketball a that I think that's really one like that's what Jake Paul
05:27Symbolizes to my to me could you Mike Tyson's not fighting Mike Tyson could you score?
05:32He's fighting bucket on this 31 year old yes, but if you went 12 rounds with a 31 year old
05:38Honestly, I like his chances
05:40I like his chances boxing in 12 rounds. Yeah, you get
05:4621 I
05:48Could win you could be up 8 3 and then you could be down 16 12, and then you could lose because you are
05:5650 I won't
06:04Mark Jake Paul with what he is as a fighter. He's like I'm internet. I get it
06:10he's not a
06:11Tradition, but it's not like he hasn't boxed. He knows what he's doing. He'll have a strategy and
06:25You know it's gonna be like you know what it's gonna be like no doubt it's gonna be like the disgrace
06:32Well and had I played low low Neal one-on-one had I played him
06:38Seven years earlier I win that game, but I was at the point 52 going on
06:42She didn't get blown out it went down to the wire. I could not score
06:46I could not make a basket and I think about myself at 28
06:52And I go back to the year was
06:541996 and I think about me as an athlete not relative to a pro athlete
06:59But relative to me right and at 28 in 96
07:03I had both my ACLs and as a golfer
07:07I was about a 10 handicap
07:08And I could run a six minute mile and there are so many things that I could do then that at 58
07:15And I'm 56. There's no way I could do it
07:18There's no way now I could run a 10k in under 40 minutes, which is a 610 pace
07:23There's no way and so Mike Tyson as good as he was at 28 got Jake Paul
07:29Where he is now at 58 as much as he has the muscle memory as I did that day against low Neal
07:36Muscle memory only counts for well about 5% of it because when I tried to
07:41Go to the hoop and I mean I'm jumping a half inch off the ground and I can't score and he can't score and I'm
07:47Falling down and he's terrible and the rest of it
07:5058 is there's a one-hitter quitter in boxing Mike can land and I think he's capable of that that one here green agreed
07:58But this man is as you said
08:01Enhanced and he's young and he's he's thick. Okay, it's gonna take more than just one
08:0758 year old punch to knock this man down and so Mike it better hit him with at least a two-piece
08:13Maybe a three-kiss. I hate it
08:17And you're not gonna believe this you won't
08:20I'm kind of with you. I want you to watch
08:22You can go watch on the other one. I like I'm not like this is you what you want to like break down who these two guys
08:30Are one's old one's young one's tick-tock ones, but they're businessmen
08:34They're businessmen and everyone's got a fishhook in their mouth. This is a made-for-tv. You've used the word concocted three times
08:42Right what it is, but it's free
08:44It's free. It's free. It's free. It's free. It's free
08:46It's free. It's free. It's free. It's free
08:48Concocted three times
08:58It's gonna cost me time watching the Warriors, I'm out. How many fights are on the card? Do we know three?
09:04I think it might be you know what it might be over before seven. Yeah, if it starts at five
09:10Well, I'm watching the give them the question. I think that we started to show it
09:14I wouldn't do that to Bonte. Matt Barrow's give him that I already said this morning that he's going to be watching it
09:20Oh, he loves box. He's not hosting the pregame show. He is
09:24fight lands after
09:31Question that we did the show with the whole show. It's been a great show. I forget
09:38I said to you about this is the the stat when we did a whole floor
09:42We never answered the question you asked us to answer yesterday. Oh
09:47Yeah, we didn't I need to get a life 9 p.m. I get out to shower. I'm in the bed
09:52Nothing really on TV Dallas, Utah just finished and I go cracko sale came on and I didn't hear it with the Odyssey app he
10:00He didn't come at you, but there was
10:07What's funny is I never mentioned McCaffrey all I said was 21
10:18Yeah, it sounded like he refuted dibs and there's like
10:27He did not he thought that I was like diminishing who Nick Bosa was as a person and I'm like
10:34He was in that football game
10:38And I'll stay there dibs had my back and the PFF said Bosa was crap, I'm like, that's all I said
10:51To running backs one tight end and I mentioned that that one tight end was solvers and he said, oh, yeah
10:57It wasn't
11:01Yeah, I like the one we played a clip of him today I like the one where he's like I don't rip coaches
11:08Dibs and Kosela on Netflix
11:15Yeah, and that would be a 56 year old against a 60 something year old and I actually like your chances
11:21I mean, it's just leaning toward each other looking at each other and then put readers on
11:30I mean just anyway number on Brock
11:34Yeah, I was a no, but now you gotta tell everybody what the hell the question this is
11:40Party one through ten ten being the highest on the first nine games this year. Well eight games just this year
11:46He said you can't go back to last year. I'll give him an eight. All right, I'm a yeah
11:50I give I give him an eight a seven and a half. Yeah, I'm seven. It's all pretty perfect
11:59So in your face those all feel kind of the same I mean without words behind them
12:03They all feel kind of the same is Brock Purdy been great this year
12:08I wouldn't use that word on the ball, but what I'll tell you what I will refute
12:11I heard someone call your show yesterday and say that he has regressed or taken a step back or something like that that I
12:18Disagree with that's being a boxscore, baby
12:21If you ask me now, you're flying on to the computer screen and you're going numbers were this last year numbers
12:28Numbers are numbers and numbers are numbers, but here's the problem with that two totally different assignments and scenario
12:35Yeah, like those numbers last year
12:38I think at times like I remember last year people were like, oh, but he's thrown three picks or four picks that were dropped
12:45It's like see that's that's the kind of stuff that affects numbers to me
12:50Brock Purdy has shown this year two things that he didn't show last year, which are important to me one
12:55He's shown the ability to move ball up and down the field without a lot of his stars
12:59Including Christian McCaffrey for the entire time. That's why my great
13:03Secondly, I think he has shown a more mobility this year
13:07I go you could argue he's been tried to be too mobile this year where he's ducking out of the pocket sometimes too early
13:14So those are all kind of the intricacies of it
13:17But bottom line Brock Purdy is having another very good seven and a half, right?
13:22And you mentioned earlier and I know it's I'm just real quick. I'm earlier that seven is a C
13:27That's not true because we grade this on a curve
13:30So if you were to give any quarterback a grade right now, you would have nobody in a tent
13:35And so when you have our Jackson would be a teen. Okay, okay
13:44Full grading scale and I talked to my son at UCSB. Yeah, and he's like dad
13:49I got like a 60 cows, but they they curved it and that was a B because everybody tanked it
13:54So if you look at all 32 quarterbacks and you grade on a curve
13:58Which means the highest grade is the highest grade it doesn't mean you graded out of ten
14:03But this was just his performance, right? And if he's a seven and a half, that's a solid B
14:08It's not a C based on 75 percent is a C
14:11You grade it on a curve because there's a lot of quarterbacks that are four and a half and five
14:16Okay, so why instead of doing a number? Let's do a letter grade because we're like Grandy does this with it. I love it
14:22What will be your letter grade for Brock Purdy this year B plus the same?
14:25Yeah, same and a regular B me too. Now. You're in a 80%
14:32Again, you're dwelling on the out of ten. This is what you do
14:42Grandy's on me. Oh, yeah, actually didn't say a word
14:45To 95 7 the game KGM Z FM and HD 1 San Francisco always live on the free Odyssey app
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15:08Disappear visit at co pest control comm today and enjoy a cockroach free home
15:16Time for the what's bugging you segment nice. Yeah
15:18I would argue that cockroaches are more than pesky pests for me
15:23They are like they're on the Rushmore. It's rats and it's cockroaches
15:29and yes, you could put the rat on the table, but if you've got rats and or
15:34Cockroaches shout out to Al Pacino and nice, you know your favorite movie
15:38But those to me are more than just pesky pests. All right, what's bugging me is
15:45Got to use it from yesterday is people actually getting in sense that Michael Strahan didn't put his hand over his heart
15:51Mmm doing the national and he's catching hail. I mean, come on
15:55Go ahead
15:57You know, he's there's he's gotten some backlash for it and he but he was standing with his arms. He looked fine
16:04I just don't understand add in the military to dad
16:09So people were upset but everybody else had their hand on their heart and he just
16:14You know was standing there wrecked with his hands a club class. Yeah, so people were upset, right?
16:20What does it mean how to put your hand over your heart? Like what is the I don't get
16:28It means you're patriotic and you're showing love to your country, I'm not I don't do it at the games
16:33I stand up. Well, that's the hypocrisy of the whole thing
16:35I mean going back to Kaepernick is
16:38Everybody freaking out about what you're supposed to do during the anthem and half the people who are mad or in line to get a burger
16:44man, it's like you'd like you
16:47When the hell at a sporting event did the anthem become something where everybody?
16:53everybody stops and
16:56Everybody does the same thing. It's never been that it's never been that it's only when people who are out front facing and are suddenly
17:05Making you uncomfortable with the message. They'd like to get across now. Suddenly we all have to act
17:10Accordingly, it's lame. Yep. Mm-hmm. Exactly
17:14I'll go next. Okay flight yours is heavy. What's bugging me nose hair. Oh, man. I'm a man
17:25Man who is struggling to grow hair on his head
17:28My beard is you know can be it's nice
17:31It can be nice. It'll be full and it's you know, salt and pepper and the rest of it, but I don't want hair
17:38Growing out of my nose. I want hair on my head. You have a beautiful head of hair. Shout out the waves
17:44Willard's holding on for dear life
17:47Stein he spends 130 bucks on haircuts. That's all you I
17:51I don't mind the fact that I'm bald
17:54But if I'm bald, I also should not have to deal with nose hair
17:58That's a bunch of crap is what that's great if you're bald if there's a God
18:03Above then the hair bald man does not have to deal with nose hair, but I tell you it's tiny twice a week
18:10I'm going hand-to-hand battle. We're doing combat because all of a sudden I got more trouble with the ear hair
18:17Oh, I mean don't get me started one hell. There's no doubt nose hair is what's bugging me mark
18:24Where's the bin gay? Oh, yeah, I'll try to be brief with it. It's
18:28Heavy light. We got a question for you both. Okay, good
18:32You want to know we go to OT today, baby. I'm there much fun when we go OT. I'm not gonna hide
18:38What this is about?
18:39Yeah, it is it is obviously about what has taken place throughout the last week and a half and repeatedly in
18:46In our industry. What's what's really bugging me is the the corporate hedge fund owners and CEO's
18:54Who every time they sit down with a spreadsheet and they know that a company needs to save money because we're in the middle of a
19:00Changing world they decide to fire the people who are under them instead of them taking a freaking pay cut
19:06That's what I'm talking about because it's you all the listeners who lose in this particular case
19:12I'm not gonna do the whole it's a dark day for our industry thing because I actually don't believe that all
19:17Industries evolve and Tom is gonna be fine. Yeah, and John is gonna be fine
19:22There's actually names you don't know who are not gonna be fine
19:25And the fact that like for instance someone who used to be a producer of mine
19:29That's on an hourly wage got fired in this thing earlier this week
19:34And it's because somebody with a corporate pen who makes seven figures
19:39Decided that they couldn't take a little bit of a shave and so each and every one of you out there who are on that side
19:46Hiding in some upper corner office. You're the coward
19:50You're the one making the wrong decision, and you're the ones who are doing bad things to all industries. That's what's bugging me Wow
19:58I'm not mad
19:59Man, I've got to go after that. I will this is a PSA
20:03I just want to teach everybody how to use a damn telephone
20:07I am sick and tired at 50 years old having grown people ring my phone my iPhone 15 max
20:14When you call somebody you don't say hello
20:18They say hello
20:20You say can I speak to such-and-such all of a sudden people are saying hello as they call my phone
20:28I'm supposed to say and I do
20:30Hello, who's this calling and all I get and I won't name you. Hello
20:36That's and it just gets off to the wrong start
20:40Identify yourself if I don't have you locked in but when you're calling you're not answering
20:46You don't have to say hello. There's confusion and it's happening on my phone too much and I'm driving in this morning
20:52Like that's the last
20:55Identify yourself and I'm the one on the other end whose phone you're calling
21:00I say hello, but they're saying hello
21:18You've got Lionel Richie with hello and the other one you too. Hello
21:24Wasn't wasn't that Melania with the one? Hello. What was that? You said Adele Adele with the song?
21:33Trump one word. Oh, I don't know about
21:35Larry King from CNN. Hello
21:44I'm thinking Lionel. I'm thinking Adele
21:50Well, the only question I have for you you're the last person in this world who's answering his phone like that's the fix
21:57Who's answering the phone? I got some stuff going on
22:01I got you. I got hello. We just it's confusing and awkward
22:07Yeah, that's what's bugging me. Yeah, okay. It's fair. All right. Yeah, what else you said you had a question? Oh, yeah
22:20Hide the bag, come on Stiney. Let's be friends
22:23In the question the Niners are dead last the receivers are in yak and yeah
22:30Yeah, I heard you guys talking about it for Stiney as quick as you can take it down. Why do you think that is IDK?
22:38That was my like, I mean, that's a
22:40No, are they throwing it downfield more? Yes, and that's the answer
22:45Their yards are up and their yak is down, but their air yards were good last year, too
22:50Better this year. It does happen. Their air yards are up this year
22:54Oh, yeah, but it can't it can't just be one thing because they were both last year like then Brandon is a good yak guy
23:01He's out
23:02Debo has been in and out McCaffrey and McCaffrey is not played until last week
23:09I mean those have to be contributed quick a caller said Brock hasn't been his accuracy hasn't been the best this season
23:15Anything to that to wear Steven Langford Oh Langford, that's a small
23:21When you make a throw a short throw and it's not in stride the yak it will go down and there have been some of
23:27Those where you don't have to jump up and catch that one over the middle. I'm sorry, buddy
23:34It's all good
23:35I mean, don't you also think that I would imagine after this season the Niner offense had last year
23:41The other NFL defensive coordinators spent the
23:46Entire I'm going how do we how do we slow this down? Yeah, and also defensively now you it's tiny
23:52You know this and I don't want to steal from you, but there's a lot more
23:55To safety looks that you have they're using a robber a lot of cover to a lot of cover to robber
24:01And so teams are
24:06Teams are a lot more willing to let you catch it
24:11What they've been doing to Debo he's getting gang-tapping on these in the round
24:15Just look at their overall yards per play and their overall yards as an offense top
24:19It's all up. So if it's yak if it's air yards, it doesn't matter
24:23They're still very prolific that now everything you just said is right, but McCaffrey was not on the field dibs
24:33Paint me as having said that which is
24:36You tried no, I didn't stick around if these two are gonna fight
24:40All I did was hold on point
24:42Cosell because that's what it sounded like right point Cosell, but that was off the air, but he was out of line
24:48It was just a finger in the air. Nobody knew you just now they do
24:51Yeah, now we know cuz you you score the interview, but he's every question you said
24:57Go to the tape all of you. Yeah
25:03But you were on it with you versus Cosell and somehow I lost
25:09You know, I'm not trying to be a jerk guy
25:12He's just like this is just who I am. I love it. I love the interview every week because it's like such great information
25:19Now I've never seen dibs prep for something like he does
25:26He's already working on next week, yeah
25:29Oh, yeah, and they'll be notes and I watch this game coming up Sunday a couple of times and I look forward to today
25:35With the fade the dibber the pick is already in and you guys gonna love this
25:43Don't forget her man words. Hello. That's what I said
25:50On 95 we're gonna work on that this weekend, right? Yeah on 95 7 the day. Thanks for Stanley