• last year
Durante una audiencia, se discutió un acuerdo confidencial relacionado con el divorcio de Wanda Nara y Mauro Icardi, generando tensiones debido a la ausencia del futbolista. La reunión contó con la presencia de abogados argentinos, lo que fue visto como positivo por las partes involucradas. Sin embargo, el deseo de mantener ciertos temas bajo confidencialidad ha suscitado críticas sobre la transparencia en casos que podrían tener un impacto público significativo.



00:00A reservation, a confidentiality regarding what was discussed in the audience.
00:04I can simply say that for me it was a pleasure to have colleagues from the other side, Argentines,
00:10because until now Mauro always referred me to his lawyers in Italy,
00:14I have been talking to them for a long time,
00:17and the truth is that I did not like, in any way I liked to discuss Argentine law with lawyers in other jurisdictions.
00:24So it seemed quite positive to me.
00:27I did not like that he did not come, but well, that is a personal issue of mine.
00:30Well, he wanted to suspend her, obviously they did not allow it.
00:34No, they asked to suspend her, but of course the judge has the obligation within 48 hours
00:40to have adopted the measures he took to take her, with those who were present.
00:45So, Marco Becchio was introduced and...
00:48Ana, I understand well what you are saying, that you were talking to Italian Deicardi lawyers
00:53about divorce?
00:56The issue of everything, they wanted to make an integral agreement.
01:00I understand.
01:01I mean, an agreement that contemplated a real separation between them, let's say.
01:08A separation of property.
01:09It was always real.
01:10What happens is that...
01:11No, no, things were always real.
01:13And I tell you more, if eventually, because I heard a little before going down,
01:19if I eventually went to Turkey, which for me will not go,
01:24because the current center of life and the last home is very clear,
01:27which is here in Argentina.
01:28Let's suppose we get into that discussion, for example,
01:33and they want to refer to the Turkish law, here the issue of adultery
01:38starts Mauro Icardi with China, so watch out.
01:41They don't take us here...
01:43So watch out, watch out for that, because I don't think that in this case
01:46Mr. Icardi benefits, if his claim goes that way.
01:52Keep in mind that I've known Wanda for 15 years and Mauro for 10.
02:00Sure, it's been many years, right?
02:01You don't listen.
02:03I say no, it's been many years.
02:05Ana, do you hear me, Ana?
02:09She doesn't hear me, well, let's see if we can solve it.
02:11The nice thing about these things, I say, is that we are already seeing the strategies
02:15and we are seeing how the lawyers are sending messages behind the media.
02:19What Ana Roseff has just said.
02:21To warn.
02:22Watch out, because if you want to take him to Turkey,
02:24look, I have a letter in case you want to take him to Turkey.
02:26I say, messages are being sent and we are seeing the strategies.
02:29I wonder if a divorce will be worked in the same way
02:32where adultery was committed by a man or a woman, right?
02:35Well, that's key, that's key.
02:37He will never go to Turkey.
02:38What happens is that there are no images.
02:39But there is also another element, that Icardi is very famous in Turkey.
02:43That Icardi is very famous in Turkey.
02:44Yes, of course.
02:45Look if it costs him, they are stormers like in Buenos Aires.
02:47And also sexist.
02:48No, not to mention.
02:49They are sexist and they have been in Turkey.
02:52No, what I was saying is that there are images of Elegante with Wanda.
02:56There are no images of China with Mr. Icardi.
03:00It's a point.
03:01You're right, you're right, André.
03:03But, sorry, but.
03:04Going to the tests.
03:05But it depends on the date.
03:06The images with Elegante are separate.
03:08No, I have.
03:09And he asks you for proof.
03:10Bring the proof that he was with China.
03:12But how was adultery demonstrated before technology?
03:16When it was in force in Argentina.
03:17Well, with a witness.
03:18Let's say.
03:19Well, that's it.
03:20Those societies that are precambric in this regard.
03:22They appeal to this type of resource.
03:24We have many witnesses who do not come to talk and tell about that.
03:28We do not know.
03:29We do know that.
03:30It seemed important to me what Ana Rosenfeld just said.
03:33From there they begin to show the cards little by little.
03:36To say, look, if you go to Turkey, you complicate me.
03:38But I have something to take away from you that you do not have there.
03:42But yes, but you also have to see if they care about what Icardi did in Turkey.
03:46As Mariana said.
03:47I can ask Ana, who is back connected.
03:49Ana, we stay with this that you said.
03:51That made us reflect about that adultery.
03:54Or that infidelity.
03:56Is it the same way adultery for a man as for a woman in Turkey?
04:01Look, I don't know the Turkish law.
04:03I know that of course there are values.
04:06I do have divorces in other parts of the world.
04:08Where they even accept polygamy.
04:11So imagine how sad it is to think that there are still countries.
04:15Where this situation can be put on the table.
04:18I believe and after having had an audience today.
04:22That I can't reveal absolutely nothing.
04:25I was very satisfied with the attitude that the professionals adopted.
04:29I found it very ethical of the three of us.
04:33Beyond respecting absolutely the will of the minor defender.
04:39And the present secretary.
04:42And of course Wanda, who was sitting down.
04:45To give the face and tell everything that she lived.
04:47That of course I repeat again.
04:49Absolute reserve and we are going to handle it through the file.
04:53I believe that the intention is to look for a peaceful solution.
04:58Thank God with lawyers here.
05:00Because the Italian language was a bit difficult for me.
05:03And the schedules, the time difference.
05:06The time difference, the difference of understanding.
05:09With the colleagues with whom I had been handling this issue.
05:12Since about July.
05:16There is a cultural difference.
05:18Also beyond everything.
05:22Ana, how are you? Good afternoon.
05:24Help me sort out that impossibility.
05:27That you have to tell that it was in the audience.
05:29What happened and so on.
05:31To try to understand the episodes of Monday and Wednesday.
05:35I insist, help me sort out that confidentiality.
05:39There was physical aggression.
05:41There was verbal aggression.
05:43It is true that one did not allow the other to enter the apartment.
05:46Whatever you can and how you can.
05:48What can you tell us about that particular situation?
05:52Actually, I should not say anything at all.
05:55Because we have been handling this issue with Wanda for a long time.
06:00And always with the only interest that this is not resolved in the media.
06:04Nor that it is obviously a reason to throw it in the media.
06:07Obviously, everyone gave their opinion and everything was said.
06:10It was said since the boys witnessed the fight.
06:12Until, I don't know.
06:14That was not true?
06:16I don't know, Mauro and Cardi.
06:19No, I say if it was not true.
06:21I imagine it is a concern for Wanda.
06:23No, no, in no way.
06:25I was present.
06:27There were 10 police officers.
06:31And at all times, the boys were in another part of the house.
06:36Far from any conflict.
06:38They were not part of any discussion at any time.
06:41Ana, what did the conflict mean?
06:44If you say that they have been talking for so long about a sort of integral agreement between them.
06:51What was it that unleashed Cardi's anger now?
06:53That she formalized with elegance.
06:55Let's say, why is this now being recruited in this way?
06:58When, in reality, you say they have been talking about this for a long time.
07:01I think it is the non-acceptance of Wanda's decision to finally divorce Mauro.
07:08Nobody talks about Wanda's future as a couple or not as a couple.
07:12There is a decision adopted by Wanda to take a step aside.
07:16Beyond elegance.
07:17And the other part?
07:19Beyond elegance, I mean, the decision to divorce.
07:21Of course, beyond elegance.
07:23I mean, here it is not a matter, there is not a third that is the definition of a separation.
07:29Believe me, and here I do have to be prudent and reserved.
07:33This topic is not new in Wanda's life.
07:35But how long have they been separated, Ana?
07:37As you always talk about women, what?
07:39How long have they been separated?
07:42Separated for three years.
07:44Going and coming back constantly.
07:46Five thousand.
07:47I mean, Wanda also lived delicate and ugly episodes in Turkey,
07:52which she witnessed to her mother.
07:55What do you mean?
07:57But all this was kept and continues to be kept,
08:00with the luxury of details, in intimacy.
08:03Wanda never wanted to expose Mauro, never.
08:06What are delicate situations, Ana?
08:08What are delicate situations?
08:10What are delicate situations?
08:12In general, do not tell us the detail, but what is it?
08:15What am I referring to?
08:18Many things happened, I cannot give details,
08:20but many things happened that Wanda will tell you.
08:24Wanda will tell you, but in the judicial field,
08:26when the time comes.
08:28There are witnesses to everything I'm saying.
08:30I remember one, Ana, that has to do with
08:32when she wanted to travel,
08:34he hides her passports.
08:40It's true, it's also true.
08:42Well, it's just one of the examples.
08:44But much worse things happened.
08:49The only thing I tell you is that I know that today I am the non-note,
08:52because I will not be able to give you much information.
08:54I only give the face so that you know that here,
08:57after today's hearing,
08:59that thank God the lawyers were presented
09:02by Mauro, Argentine, as it should be.
09:05It's a shame, I repeat, that Mauro did not come.
09:08But the lawyers, with a lot of prudence and a lot of intelligence,
09:11are also women and understood perfectly
09:14what is the situation of Wanda with five boys.
09:17So we are looking for, among colleagues,
09:21an easy solution
09:23and that both parents can obviously handle it.
09:27Ana, you mentioned the moment of China
09:29as a letter to use in case necessary.
09:32You also mentioned three years for this part,
09:34the separation with Ida if you came.
09:36Did you see yourself coming, coming from this divorce,
09:38that is, that this would reach this level,
09:40being so close to both, as you say, more than a decade ago?
09:45When the other party does not accept
09:47that I got here,
09:49it's like when you say it's not, right?
09:51Well, in a divorce,
09:53when on the other hand they do not accept
09:55that your decision is the one you are taking at this moment,
09:58things happen. That's the problem.
10:00You, this issue has just exploded
10:03because there was no acceptance
10:06of an orderly judicial measure.
10:08If not, you would never have found out.
10:10Because I have been handling all this
10:12absolutely privately
10:14because Wanda was not interested
10:17in anything, absolutely nothing.
10:19But when on the other hand they do not accept
10:21even the decision of a judge,
10:23obviously there were much greater measures.
10:26Did Wanda know that Icardi was coming here?
10:29That he was coming to Argentina?
10:31No, no.
10:33Every time Mauro is coming,
10:37every time Mauro is coming,
10:39Wanda trembles.
10:41I know that because, believe me,
10:43even in September of this year,
10:45if I'm not mistaken,
10:47at the beginning of September or end of August,
10:49I had to be at home one morning
10:51waiting for Mauro.
10:53There was no one, just me.
10:55Many things happened,
10:57but I can't tell you absolutely nothing.
10:59The only thing I can tell you
11:01is that I was never Mauro's lawyer
11:03for Mauro Icardi himself.
11:05He always had a lawyer,
11:07it was never me.
11:09And what I was, in some way,
11:11is the person who listened to Wanda
11:14and I lived with her,
11:16the beautiful couple they built.
11:18But sometimes marriages
11:20come to an end.
11:22It's not a unilateral decision.
11:24It's a decision that
11:26is easier for one to take
11:28and more difficult for the other
11:30to accept.
11:32Ana, was there or wasn't there
11:34gender violence?
11:36I can't answer that
11:38because it's part of what
11:40was signed as confidential today.
11:42Now, is it possible to sign something like that?
11:44Wanda doesn't want to affect...
11:46I understand, but signing a public nature crime
11:48such as gender violence,
11:50can it be signed,
11:52can it be subject to confidentiality?
11:56There was an express request
11:58and I think that to preserve
12:00Mauro's good name
12:02and not to say nonsense
12:04that I don't understand in Turkish
12:06or to translate things
12:08that are not said,
12:11the truth is that we don't want
12:13an international confrontation
12:15where Wanda is a person
12:17declared ungrateful
12:19for a country where
12:21obviously Mauro Icardi is an idol.
12:23Ana, it's...
12:25Things happened between the walls.
12:27Ana, I'm sorry.
12:29There's a bee in the camera.
12:31No, Amanda Mauro.
12:33Is it okay that the Foreign Office
12:35is dealing with this cause?
12:37Is the Foreign Office correct
12:39No, no, the Foreign Office
12:41is very good,
12:43beyond the fact that we have
12:45another case.
12:47For now, no.
12:49There are other cases
12:51that are still not being dealt with
12:53because we are trying
12:55with our colleagues.
12:57Today was the first meeting with them.
12:59I'm trying,
13:01and they are also trying
13:03by all means
13:05to lower the conflictivity
13:08So, for now,
13:10you don't want to change the Foreign Office?
13:12We don't decide that.
13:14No, no, I would never change the Foreign Office.
13:16Family is family.
13:18Well, until there's an aggression.
13:20Until there's an aggression.
13:22But Martin,
13:24the Foreign Office will not change.
13:26In such a case, a Foreign Office can be annulled,
13:28but it will never cease to be family.
13:30Two questions related to this
13:32that you are discussing with Martin
13:34and also with Franco.
13:36Do you think that gender violence
13:38in these territories
13:40or the alleged gender violence
13:42crosses the walls,
13:44mainly due to the obligation
13:46of the States in this?
13:48And the question is specific.
13:50Today, the problem between
13:52Mauro and Wanda
13:54is for the money,
13:56for the heritage,
13:58or for everything that has to do
14:00with the communication regime
14:02of the girls?
14:05I don't want Mauro and Cardi
14:07to have contact with their daughters.
14:09Not at all.
14:11Here, the fight is to accept
14:13that Wanda wants to separate,
14:15but the children and the family
14:17will always be the same.
14:19What happens, Ana,
14:21is that I understand that the place
14:23where the girls will live is important,
14:25and that is within the conflict.
14:27Not yet,
14:29because you think that Mauro has a contract
14:31for a year,
14:33that he has recovery.
14:35We still don't know the fate
14:37of the player,
14:39and therefore of the person.
14:41Obviously, you don't have
14:43a mutable center of life,
14:45insofar as the mother
14:47with her children
14:49has already set this center of life,
14:51and that's why he's a competent judge.
14:53We don't understand that it's
14:55a problem of incompetence.
14:57But that's going to be a matter
14:59of discussion.
15:02What happened to Icardi?
15:06He went to the Department of Honor
15:08at the time.
15:10And does he still live there?
15:12I don't know.
15:14You have your lawyers
15:16that you know.
15:18But anyway, we agreed
15:20not to touch on today's topic,
15:22and of course,
15:24I have a secret summary
15:26of all those things,
15:28so to speak.
15:30What bothers you about Icardi's absence today?
15:32Does it have anything to do with
15:34him being in a boliche
15:36until 4 in the morning,
15:38showing an irresponsible attitude
15:40about what this morning meant?
15:42Is that so?
15:44Yes, he was drinking tequila.
15:48No, no.
15:50You can stay up all night,
15:52or not sleep,
15:54but the next day you have a commitment,
15:56and fundamentally,
15:59you have a commitment
16:01to the well-being of your children,
16:03and it seemed to me
16:05that it would have been important
16:07that Mauro,
16:09for him,
16:11until now,
16:13realize that, thank God,
16:15he put Argentine lawyers,
16:17because if not for him,
16:19I didn't have to talk
16:21more than an agreement
16:23with lawyers in other jurisdictions,
16:25and I wanted to talk here,
16:27about the conflict that could arise
16:29if he eventually saw her.
16:31Everything was fine, everything was fine.
16:33Everything was very well done.
16:35The judge acted with a lot of intelligence.
16:37I wanted to ask you,
16:39you talk about his daughters,
16:41of course, at the legal level,
16:43but what about Wanda's children?
16:45Because although they have their father,
16:47they were always very close,
16:49and Mauro always showed himself
16:51very, very close to the three of them.
16:53How is that bond?
16:56I hope it continues to exist,
16:58that good bond.
17:00I hope so.
17:02No, I don't know.
17:04I learned this
17:06with very delicate things
17:08that sometimes have to do
17:10with health,
17:12with death and so on.
17:14There are moments
17:16where you have to accept
17:18that things happen
17:20and that they can go back
17:22or there are some that are irreversible.
17:24You don't know,
17:26but children are children all their lives.
17:28That's right.
17:30We'll continue in a moment.
17:32Ana, I have many more questions
17:34to ask you, so don't leave.
17:36No, don't leave!
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18:54We'll continue with Ana Rosenfeld.
18:56Andrea, let's see.
18:58Something I was told
19:00by some people
19:02close to Mauro Icardi
19:04was that the strategy
19:06of the lawyers
19:08and Icardi, obviously,
19:10was to have the trial
19:12in Turkey
19:14because one of the lawyers
19:16or maybe all of them
19:18has the international registration
19:20which you don't have.
19:22What's true?
19:24What can be done?
19:27Obviously, we know
19:29that lawyers can be hired there
19:31but to have a clearer picture.
19:35We have a lawyer in Turkey
19:37a while ago.
19:39It's not new.
19:41Things happened
19:43that made a lawyer
19:45intervene in a matter
19:47that also arose
19:49between Mauro and Wanda.
19:51If the issue could
19:53eventually be raised
19:55in foreign jurisdiction
19:57it's a family issue.
19:59Life center, discussion.
20:03What we realize
20:05talking to you, Ana
20:07is that this has been going on for a long time.
20:09We thought it had exploded
20:11with the formalization
20:13of the relationship
20:15with Elegante
20:17and now we realize that it hasn't.
20:19It comes from Turkey
20:21and there were situations
20:24like the alleged affair
20:26of Eugenia Suarez, China.
20:28Was there any kind of
20:30division of assets
20:32or was there any change
20:34in that representation
20:36in the world of football
20:38that Wanda supposedly did to Mauro?
20:40Well, there are two questions.
20:42At the time, Wanda
20:44appeared in all the media
20:46to say that a separation
20:48of assets had been signed.
20:50So that's already answered.
20:52The second question
20:54was if Wanda had anything
20:56to do with the passes market.
20:58You know that
21:00FIFA agents manage
21:02the passes market.
21:04What Wanda did was...
21:08No, Wanda is not a FIFA agent.
21:10Yes, of course.
21:12What Wanda did was negotiations
21:14and even more.
21:16I personally, being in Milan,
21:18witnessed a negotiation
21:21between Wanda and Inter Milan.
21:23So Wanda has
21:25a very important role
21:27because in parallel
21:29to the player's contract,
21:31there are many things
21:33that need to be resolved,
21:35such as housing.
21:37I don't want to go into details,
21:39but there were many things
21:41that Wanda also managed.
21:43Yes, Franco.
21:45Ana, I go back to a situation
21:47that you alluded to a few minutes ago.
21:49You said on several occasions
21:51that many things happened
21:53in Turkey and you clarified
21:55that it is about not harming Icardi
21:57and that in Turkey
21:59he is a kind of national hero.
22:01I go back to something
22:03that seems central to me,
22:05especially at this moment
22:07because Argentina was the only
22:09country yesterday, as you know,
22:11that the UN did not vote
22:13against the eradication
22:15of all violence against women.
22:18Could it be related
22:20to gender violence?
22:24To vote against it or not?
22:26No, no.
22:28Because it strikes me
22:30that an agreement between parties
22:32like the one you and other professionals
22:34are carrying out
22:36can cover such a crime.
22:38You know that in matters
22:40that have to do with the private sphere
22:42and for now we are within
22:44that sphere,
22:46the parties can agree on
22:48whatever they want,
22:50even to make statements
22:52that the judge will decide
22:54whether the statement
22:56is accepted or not.
22:58We have seen,
23:00and especially in your program,
23:02I have heard
23:04lawyers who are about
23:06to have an oral trial
23:08in situations of gender violence
23:10have taken a step aside.
23:12They have given up,
23:14and it is up to the prosecutor
23:16or the judge to decide.
23:18I don't want to go into this
23:20because this issue
23:22has not yet reached this instance.
23:24Of course, it is the will
23:26of the parties,
23:28as Dr. Rosenfeld
23:30is saying very well.
23:32It is the will of both parties
23:34to bury this,
23:36to make it a private agreement
23:38and nothing more.
23:40It is a shame because
23:42if something of this
23:44happened to you,
23:46that this is the option
23:48for something that could help
23:50so many people,
23:52it is a shame.
23:54Sorry, Franco,
23:56I didn't say it would happen.
23:58I didn't say it either.
24:00If something of this
24:02had happened,
24:04that the option is to bury it,
24:06to throw it under the carpet,
24:08to keep it there,
24:10it would be a shame.
24:12Look, I'm going to tell you something.
24:14This microphone has a lot of value.
24:16It has a lot of weight.
24:18You have to know how to use it.
24:20Therefore, when a person
24:22has, or lives,
24:24or is a victim of gender violence,
24:26you have to move forward
24:32when you are a public person,
24:34because you are an example to follow,
24:36and that makes many women
24:38who are victims
24:40and do not dare
24:42because they do not have the possibility,
24:44follow the famous
24:46or follow the person who makes the complaint.
24:48So for me it is fundamental.
24:50But today we are not at that moment yet.
24:52Well, we are not at that moment yet.
24:54But I raise your flag.
24:56I raise your flag.
24:58Wanda is a very influential person
25:00who generates a lot of influence.
25:02His brand, you know it, Ana,
25:04more than anyone, is very powerful
25:06outside social networks,
25:08in front of a lot of brands.
25:10So it would be very important.
25:12I'm not asking Wanda Nara for extra ethics
25:14because you can't ask this to anyone.
25:16What I mean is that it would have been good
25:18if the case came later,
25:20so that it is known.
25:22It would be helping a lot of people.
25:24That's why she uses it for now.
25:26He still doesn't.
25:28He also has his time.
25:30Ana, I wanted to ask you
25:32if there is a perimeter.
25:34You can't physically approach Wanda
25:36and you can't, of course,
25:38have a communication
25:40by cell phone, social networks, etc.
25:42Well, all these things
25:44are the ones I can't talk about
25:46because they were discussed in the audience
25:48within the framework of confidentiality.
25:50Everything that happened today in the audience,
25:52all the issues that were several,
25:54are prohibited from being
25:56discussed, explained, clarified
25:58and answered by me.
26:00It is almost logical
26:02to stop it.
26:04It's the first thing they give you.
26:06I was left with this
26:08from Wanda's post,
26:10where Icardi introduces the word violence.
26:12He talked about psychological violence
26:14towards him,
26:16the fact of having exposed this message
26:18where he expressed all his love
26:20and condemned the relationship
26:22with Elegante.
26:24Why does Wanda decide to publish that?
26:26I don't know which of all
26:28you mean.
26:30She was in Brazil
26:32and she puts Icardi's message
26:34and Wanda's answer on his lap.
26:36Wanda's answer was a different day
26:38to Icardi's message.
26:42I don't want to get into
26:44messages and messages
26:46because believe me, there are books,
26:48books written by Mauro
26:50with declarations of love
26:52and Wanda's answers
26:54that in some way
26:56are also asking
26:58for respect
27:00for what he thinks, what he wants
27:02and how he wants to handle it.
27:04All of this, for now,
27:06I can't answer anything.
27:08What we understand here is that
27:10Icardi became intense,
27:12that he did not accept the separation
27:14and that Wanda decided to expose this
27:16because it was something
27:18that had been going on for a long time.
27:20No, no, no.
27:22Wanda did not want
27:24this to be exposed in any way.
27:26When she was notified...
27:28Ah, what are you talking about?
27:30The post.
27:32No, but there...
27:34What post?
27:36When she travels to Brazil,
27:38she posts, publishes in her stories
27:40a screenshot of a chat
27:42with Icardi where
27:44you can clearly see Icardi's message
27:46of love for her and her answer
27:48that had nothing to do with that message
27:50and that was on his lap.
27:52There are millions of messages of love.
27:54There are millions of messages.
27:56I know there must be millions,
27:58but why did Wanda decide
28:00for all of us to find out?
28:02I don't know.
28:04You have to ask Wanda.
28:06The truth is that I don't know.
28:08But, Ana, do we agree
28:10that it is wrong to expose
28:12a private conversation?
28:14For some reason she did it.
28:16Of course, but do you agree
28:18that it is wrong?
28:20If I have a chat with you
28:22I'm used to seeing in the media
28:24private conversations
28:26not intended to transcend.
28:28But, well, it is also reciprocal.
28:30Sometimes Mauro has also posted
28:32photos against Wanda's will.
28:34No, we are not criticizing Wanda's attitude.
28:36We are trying to understand
28:38why Wanda does nothing innocently.
28:40I have no explanation.
28:42Why does she post all this
28:44that you are telling us is so important
28:46about keeping doors open
28:48and not the conflict they have.
28:50The topic of keeping doors open
28:52was signed today
28:54because it is no longer
28:56wanted to affect
28:58the image of Mauro
29:00and the image of Wanda.
29:02It is not discussed
29:04if Wanda does things well
29:06or if Mauro does them well or not.
29:08This issue has to be resolved
29:10by keeping doors open.
29:12I am very happy
29:14to have colleagues
29:16who, immediately after the hearing,
29:18went to work.
29:20Ana, I was talking before
29:22about when he
29:24somehow retained the document.
29:26This was also heard in an audio
29:28that was heard again
29:30from Nora, Wanda's mother.
29:32Andres sent it to her.
29:34Worried about this,
29:36about the retention of the passports
29:38and also because
29:40he said that Wanda,
29:42at least Nora's assessment,
29:44was afraid of Icardi.
29:46I ask you, is Wanda afraid of Icardi?
29:48I can't talk,
29:50I can't talk, guys.
29:52Another question.
29:54Icardi, is he
29:56complying with the food regulations?
30:00That was not discussed today,
30:02so I can say that.
30:04No, he does not comply.
30:06He does not comply with the food regulations.
30:08Does this mean that Wanda
30:10is facing the retention
30:12of the passports alone?
30:14It's been a very important time.
30:16Wanda herself said it
30:18in one of the posts.
30:20And about the dogs,
30:22have the dogs been kidnapped?
30:24No, the dogs are back.
30:26They are here.
30:28I don't know, there were a lot of dogs
30:30yesterday in the house.
30:32I don't know if they are that.
30:34No, I understand that the biggest one
30:36didn't come back.
30:38Don't ask me which one,
30:40but there is one that is big
30:42and they showed me that this one
30:44did not fit in the hand luggage
30:46because Mauro came with a cart.
30:48Of course.
30:50I imagine the dogs travel in cages.
30:52Yes, but not all.
30:54It's a private flight.
30:56No, this little one
30:58came in a nice bag
31:00of good brand.
31:02Very good.
31:04Ana, the question is very specific.
31:06What would be a good deal for Wanda?
31:08That Wanda and Mauro
31:10have a beautiful
31:12and healthy coexistence
31:14according to their children
31:16as they decide.
31:22accepting the divorce,
31:24accepting this separation
31:26and not meddling
31:28in each other's individual lives.
31:30Yes, in what has to do
31:32with education,
31:34health, and the rest of the daughters.
31:36I am not
31:38meddling in anything
31:40that has to do with the
31:42proposal that I asked for.
31:44I am just hoping
31:46that these daughters,
31:48these children,
31:50grow up well
31:52like all children of separated parents.
31:54Doctor, you just said
31:56that the division of assets
31:58was already done at the time of the couple.
32:00Who is the department
32:02in which they are living now?
32:04Because we saw that Icardi had access.
32:06And if also
32:08the other departments of the building
32:10are of one in particular
32:12or are they still of the couple?
32:14I can't speak.
32:16I can't tell you anything.
32:18And with respect to
32:20if the justice,
32:22the adviser of minors,
32:24should raise, listen
32:26to the girls where they want to live?
32:30All that has not yet
32:32begun to be treated.
32:34We have an excellent judge,
32:36an excellent advisor.
32:38We have to wait. I have good colleagues
32:40on the other side, so we have to wait.
32:44did you receive any message
32:46from the building?
32:48Because they tell me that the neighbors
32:50are very angry with the situation
32:52that they are living every day
32:54with the presence of the journalists.
32:56Obviously, Wanda is not to blame,
32:58but the journalists are there for her.
33:00Did Wanda tell you anything about this?
33:02I am not the lawyer of the consortium.
33:04No, but she is Wanda's lawyer.
33:06Maybe Wanda told her,
33:08Doctor, I have a problem with the neighbors.
33:10No, in that building
33:12I have many clients, many.
33:14In fact, I must have
33:16a courtesy car with my name.
33:18But no, the truth is that
33:20I did not hear
33:22that they were angry
33:24about the media presence.
33:26In addition, the guard is very, very polite
33:28and the media
33:30are well removed.
33:32They are not at the entrance
33:34that affects people's privacy.
33:36Ana, I wanted to ask you,
33:38I don't want to let this happen
33:40that Mauro is not complying,
33:42according to the law, I suppose.
33:44No, I can't talk about food anymore.
33:46No, but I don't think it's a minor thing
33:48not to let it pass.
33:50And more if it's been a long time.
33:52In this situation, it's been a long time.
33:54Do you know why? Because of lack of money?
33:56I can't talk because
33:58the topic of food was not touched today in the audience.
34:00Therefore, I do not fit
34:02the secret about it.
34:04But for an ethical issue,
34:06I prefer not to talk about it.
34:08Because the food issue is a delicate issue
34:10in all social strata.
34:12So, to say
34:14that there is or there is not,
34:16You know it very well, Ana,
34:18because you already experienced it with Maxi.
34:22I hope it doesn't happen again, please.
34:24I hope not.
34:26Please. Thank you, Ana.
34:28I hope the lawyers resolve it peacefully,
34:30that we sit down and resolve
34:32all the issues.
34:34Thank you very much, Ana, for your time.
34:36I send you a big kiss.
34:38Dr. Ana Rosenfeld,
34:40who is defending Icardi.
34:42She can't talk, we can.
34:44Hold on, hold on.
