• last year
Jentry Chau vs the Underworld Series Trailer HD - Netflix - Plot Synopsis: The series follows Jentry Chau (voiced by Ali Wong), a Chinese-American teenager living in a small Texas town, who finds out a demon king is hunting her for the supernatural powers that she's been working her whole life to repress. With the help of her weapons expert great-aunt and a millennia-old jiangshi (Chinese hopping vampire), Jentry must now fight an entire underworld’s worth of monsters while balancing the horrors of high school. Jentry Chau vs the Underworld is an animated series created and showrun by Echo Wu


00:00Anyone need a lab partner?
00:13You were born with these powers, gentry.
00:16They're bound to your soul.
00:22You have weird, fiery hands!
00:24Yeah, well, I-
00:25Shut up!
00:26I don't want to start magic fires.
00:35I just want to be a regular teenager.
00:41You cannot run from us!
00:46We have to start and end the day-killing demons.
00:53Google is hiding something.
00:54I need to know the truth.
00:57Are you sure you're ready for it?
01:01I'm so ready to move on from the underworld.
01:11I'm so ready to move on from the underworld.
