00:00Hey Drat ! Stop chasing those worms. He's a greedy little object. Oh no you don't. Don't want anything coming out of there today. We ain't got too much to do without anything horrible creeping out of that trap door.
00:20Right, better cook old flabby ghastly upstairs some dinner I suppose.
00:27Look ! The rubbish needs chucking out.
00:31Old globbits, it's one thing after another round here. Send it down then Sawyer.
00:37What a way to earn a living.
00:42Old globbits.
00:44Oh dear, I hope he isn't going to chuck it down the trap door.
00:49Oh, you know, I'll chuck it down the trap door.
00:54Oh, it's him again.
00:56Oh, hello Burke.
00:59Oh no.
01:02Not that stupid pink thing again.
01:05His name's Rog.
01:11Hello Boney.
01:14Hello Boney.
01:31He's eating all the garbage.
01:34Well, it'll save me a job.
01:44Hey, you can't go in there.
01:48I can't.
01:53Oh, globbits and further globbits, he's gone upstairs.
01:56Him upstairs will throw a wobbler when that Rog pops out in his bedroom.
02:00Burke, what's this ? It's not even cooked properly. Get up here and remove this thing from my boudoir.
02:07Oh, that's done it now. I think I'm in trouble.
02:10Don't worry Sawyer, I'm coming.
02:13Hello, you're ugly.
02:16Get out ! Get out !
02:19Don't like him.
02:26Oh, you stupid creature.
02:28Burke ! Here am I, trying to get my...
02:30What happened again, oh wondrous and immensely wobbly one ?
02:34And as for you, turnip bot.
02:37Landing me right in your...
02:39And as for you, turnip bot.
02:42Landing me right in your...
02:44You and me are going back downstairs.
02:47Come on, back down the trap... door !
02:52That... hurt.
03:04You who ?
03:06You who ?