• last year
(Adnkronos) - L’audizione di Raffaele Fitto in commissione Regi al Parlamento Europeo è stata “molto solida” e “siamo ottimisti” sulla sua nomina a vicepresidente esecutivo della Commissione Europea. Lo dice a Bruxelles, a margine dell’audizione, il capodelegazione di Fdi (gruppo Ecr) Carlo Fidanza.


00:00Very solid and concrete, he responded to everything, he also responded to the provocations in a very serious way, measured as usual, but without giving up a step.
00:15Are you optimistic?
00:16Absolutely, yes, we were before, but we are more reasonable after this excellent hearing.
00:20It seems that we are going towards a debate tomorrow on all the vice-presidents, we were obviously ready to vote today on everything, but there is no indication from the groups that have the majority, so we hold on, we prepare for the voting tomorrow.
