00:30Tricks or no tricks, you won't get away this time, right?
00:34Yes, because this is a recording.
00:39It was then the police officer realized
00:41that he was handcuffed to a dummy made up to look exactly like Dr. Gizmo.
00:45I've been sitting here talking to a dummy.
00:47Me too.
00:48Me too.
00:49Me too.
00:50Meanwhile, the real Dr. Gizmo had made his way to the back of the train.
00:54Activating his famous helicopter hat,
00:57he made a clean getaway.
00:59Once free, he quickly returned to a life of crime.
01:02Pick him up!
01:03Boy, are you a lousy robber.
01:06You forgot the gun.
01:07You can't shoot me with your index finger.
01:09Oh, no?
01:10Do it!
01:11Lifting his victim's wallet with his scissor-extension wallet grabber,
01:15Gizmo fired his jet roller skates and sped away.
01:19Help! Help!
01:21Fortunately, Henry Cabot Hanhouse III and his friend Fred were nearby.
01:26Sounds like Dr. Gizmo is on the loose again.
01:28This looks like a job for Super Chicken.
01:31Ducking into an alley, Henry quickly changed into a funny suit
01:35while Fred mixed the super sauce.
01:37Here, Mr. Hanhouse.
01:38Eat your super sauce.
01:40Eat it?
01:41It's a little thick.
01:42Too much corn starch.
01:43Oh, well.
01:46The super sauce went to work.
01:48The super sauce went to work.
01:50Are you through?
01:52I think so, yes.
01:53The super sauce went to work
01:55and quickly transformed the starch-filled Henry
01:57into a muscle-filled Super Chicken.
02:01To the Super Coop, Fred.
02:02Roger will cock.
02:05And the powerful bullet took to the air to capture Dr. Gizmo.
02:12Super Chicken, eh?
02:14Well, I bet a Gizmo will take care of that dumb fuck.
02:17A short time later, as the Super Coop cruised over the city...
02:20Aha! My supervision has spotted something, Fred.
02:23You mean that sign that says Dr. Gizmo's hideout?
02:27Yes, that's it.
02:28Hey, I can see it.
02:29I must have supervision, too.
02:31If you had any supervision,
02:32you wouldn't put so much corn starch in the sauce.
02:34Hang on, Fred.
02:35We'll land on the roof and take him by surprise.
02:38Boy, is he dumb to put a sign on his hideout.
02:41Poor devil doesn't have a super brain like I do, Fred.
02:44But as Super Chicken was just about to land...
02:47Caught by one of Dr. Gizmo's tricks,
02:49our heroes fell 300 feet to the street below.
02:53What was that you were saying about your super brain?
02:55No time to explain now, Fred.
02:57Give me a hand.
02:58Nailing the Coop back together,
03:00our heroes took off to give chase once again.
03:04There we go.
03:05Into that vacant lot.
03:07I'll power dive and cut him off.
03:11Now to give that bird break.
03:15Now to give that bird brain a taste of my instant brick building.
03:21Where did that brick building come from?
03:23What brick building?
03:27It used to be a brick building.
03:29I stopped Super Chicken dead in his tracks.
03:31Not quite.
03:32You're under arrest, Gizmo.
03:34Super Chicken!
03:35I'd like to see you get me with one of your tricks again.
03:43He did it.
03:44Pulling a unicycle from under his coat,
03:46Dr. Gizmo sped away.
03:48Don't worry, Fred.
03:49I'll catch up to him with my super legs.
03:51What about me?
03:52I'll have to carry you.
03:54No, chickyback.
03:58And the mighty bird was off.
04:00The chase lasted for three days.
04:05Won't that fool foal ever give up?
04:08But Super Chicken never gives up.
04:10Let's give up Super Chicken.
04:13Hey, you're right.
04:16At last, finding himself cornered and down to his final trick,
04:19Dr. Gizmo had no choice but to turn and face the mighty bird.
04:23Come any closer and I'll blow up Freddy boy.
04:27He's bluffing, Fred.
04:29What if he isn't?
04:30You let me worry about that.
04:32Well, as long as somebody worries.
04:34The fearless chicken pointed his lightning bolt ray at Dr. Gizmo.
04:38That detonator or I'll let you have it.
04:40I wanted you, Super Chicken.
04:42So long, everybody.
04:43They both fired at the same time.
04:46And of course, Fred was blown up.
04:48But the lightning bolt also went through.
04:52Oh, I am frightened, you lucky lion.
04:54How's that, Fred?
04:55That's the first time you ever hit anything besides me.
04:59An hour later, Dr. Gizmo was back on the train, heading for prison.
05:03Yes, Fred.
05:04He could trick me, but he couldn't trick my super brain.
05:07Oh, that's what you think, Super Chicken.
05:09What do you mean?
05:10I mean, this is a recording.
05:13He tricked us.
05:14That's another dummy of Dr. Gizmo.
05:17But he's not the only dummy in the world, Fred.
05:19This is also a recording.
05:23A dummy, Super Chicken?
05:26Right, Fred.
05:27Us real guys are back in the baggage car.
05:29And he's still going to prison.
05:30Oh, I wish I had a super brain.
05:33Even the standard model would be nice.
05:36The mighty fowl hath done it again.
05:38So when you hear that cry in the sky...