Moonlight-Regisseur Barry Jenkins bringt für Disney einen Live-Action-Nachfolger zu Der König der Löwen ins Kino. Das Drehbuch zu Der König der Löwen 2 aka Mufasa: The Lion King schreibt Jeff Nathanson, der bereits beim Vorgänger beteiligt war. Es soll zugleich ein Prequel und Sequel sein, also Simbas Herrschaft ebenso ausloten wie die seines Vaters Mufasa.
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00:00Well, what do we have here?
00:03Move your head and let me see. Come on.
00:06Oh, oh, this is the thing.
00:08What thing?
00:09It's the thing!
00:11It's time I tell you a story.
00:13A story!
00:14So glad I brought some crickets.
00:16Rafiki, keep going.
00:17The story about a prince who would come to be known as Scar and an orphan named Mufasa.
00:24Two brothers who set off on a dangerous journey to find a new home and a new family.
00:33Why are you following us?
00:34I was hoping to find my pride.
00:36My name is Mufasa.
00:37I'm Sarabi.
00:38My name is Taka.
00:39He's going to start a new kingdom.
00:41Come with us.
00:42You don't have anyone.
00:43She does indeed have someone.
00:45That's Zazu, my scout.
00:46Don't eat him.
00:47You heard her. Do not eat me.
00:51Places to go. Kingdoms to see.
00:55Finally, food.
00:56If you take my life, you will never find where you're going.
00:59Taka, do not eat him.
01:01Wonderful. Another we're not supposed to eat.
01:06You expect us to follow this hallucinating baboon?
01:12No offense.
01:16Outsiders, this is not a drill.
01:20There will be one Lion King.
01:24We have to carry on.
01:25We owe that to each other.
01:29We're trapped.
01:30What do we do?
01:31Get ready to run!
01:35I never signed up for this.
01:42We have come to rule without mercy.
01:47This was a bad idea!
01:50I will not bend to evil.
01:52We must fight together.
01:54We are nearing destiny, Mufasa.
01:58And so, the earth must shake.
02:03Stand down!
02:04I am highly trained and occasionally effective.
02:07We rule together!