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八点最热报 | 早前发生在柔佛新山的华裔富商绑架案,轰动全国,该名富商在支付2千万令吉给绑匪后成功脱绑。这宗绑架案的关键人物今天被控上庭,他就是该名富商的57岁妻子。根据控状,被告被指共谋绑架59岁的富商,抵触了绑架法令。(主播:梁宝仪)


00:00Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:04Earlier this morning, the Huayi rich businessman kidnapping case in Ruofu Xinshan shook the whole country.
00:09The rich businessman paid another 20 million RMB to the kidnappers and was successfully released.
00:13The key person in this kidnapping case was detained in court today.
00:17He is the 57-year-old wife of the rich businessman.
00:21According to the charges, the defendant was arrested in the early morning of October 13.
00:25Three men, including the 46-year-old local Chinese man and two Vietnamese men,
00:30who were detained in the early morning of October 13,
00:34and the 59-year-old rich businessman in Xinshan Haijing Road,
00:37were charged with kidnapping.
00:39If the charges are established, the defendant can be sentenced to up to 40 years in prison and probation.
00:45The 57-year-old woman who was suspected of kidnapping her husband was detained in Xinshan today.
00:51She was wearing a black top and a red jacket.
00:54She was wearing a mask all the time and didn't speak a word.
00:56She looked down and avoided the camera.
00:58The defendant's lawyer in court said that the defendant needed to take care of four grandchildren,
01:02had a heart disease,
01:04took medication on a regular basis,
01:06and went to the hospital for treatment,
01:08in order to get the bail for the defendant.
01:10But the relevant statement was refuted by the prosecutor.
01:12After more than an hour of interrogation,
01:14the Xinshan court dismissed the defendant's request for bail
01:17and extended the case to November 17.
