• last year
"Children of Heaven" is a heartfelt Iranian drama directed by Majid Majidi that tells the touching story of two siblings, Ali and Zahra, who embark on a small but life-changing journey after Ali loses his sister's only pair of shoes. Set in a modest Tehran neighbourhood, the film follows the siblings' attempts to hide this mishap from their struggling parents, as they share a single pair of shoes to attend school. Through this simple yet profound story, the film explores themes of poverty, resilience, family, and childhood innocence.

🎬 Film Details:

Title: Children of Heaven
Director: Majid Majidi
Genre: Drama / Family
Language: Persian (Farsi)
Country: Iran
Children of Heaven was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film and became one of Iran's most internationally celebrated films. Known for its warm storytelling and powerful performances by its young actors, the film captivates viewers with its emotional depth, capturing the resilience of the human spirit and the bonds of love between siblings.

✨ Watch Children of Heaven experience a moving tale of innocence, kindness, and the strength of family.

#ChildrenOfHeaven #MajidMajidi #IranianCinema #Family