• last year
(Adnkronos) - Circa 4 milioni di italiani convivono con la forma più diffusa di diabete, il diabete di tipo 2. Una pratica fondamentale sia per la prevenzione che per la gestione di questa patologia è lo sport. I benefici dell’attività fisica per i soggetti diabetici sono tanti e possono essere massimizzati seguendo una dieta equilibrata ricca di alimenti integrali, verdure, proteine magre e grassi sani. In occasione della Giornata Mondiale del diabete, il 14 novembre, Unione Italiana Food – Gruppo Edulcoranti pone l’accento sull’importanza di promuovere una corretta alimentazione tra le persone che soffrono di questa patologia e intende incoraggiare un dibattito sul ruolo utile degli edulcoranti, in linea con il parere degli esperti che consigliano le migliori pratiche per coniugare corretta alimentazione e stile di vita sano.


00:00About 6% of the population, that is 4 million Italians, live with the most widespread form of diabetes, type 2 diabetes.
00:12It is estimated that globally there are more than 530 million adults affected by diabetes, a number intended to increase to 640 million in 2030, according to the Italian Barometer Diabetes Report 2024.
00:27In the face of this negative trend, a fundamental practice, both for the prevention and management of this pathology, is sport.
00:34Even if today in Italy more than 19.4 million people do not practice it, yet the benefits of physical activity for diabetic subjects are many and can be maximized by following a balanced diet.
00:48On the occasion of the World Diabetes Day, Unione Italiana Food, a group of sweeteners, emphasizes the importance of promoting a correct diet among people who suffer from this pathology
01:01and intends to encourage a debate on the useful role of sweeteners in line with the opinion of experts.
01:07Sweeteners are substances that are used to sweeten foods without bringing calories.
01:12They are very important in the campaign against obesity because they allow us to reduce the overall caloric intake and obesity we know to be one of the main factors in the risk of diabetes.
01:23In diabetics in particular, they help to prevent the rise of post-prandial glycemia, which instead occurs with the use of sugars.
01:31Glycemic control is therefore the standard word for those who live with diabetes, and to do so, experts recommend the best practices able to combine a correct diet and healthy lifestyle.
01:42The correct diet goes from a plan of meals, not only in terms of choosing individual nutrients, but also in the timing of meals, which must keep in mind the pre-race and the post-race.
01:56Let us remember that hydration is the pillar of the correction of deficiencies that can occur during physical activity, as well as the choice of individual nutrients.
02:07The measurement of glycemia before and after physical activity in subjects who begin to do this type of sport is fundamental,
02:15as well as the advice that the doctor is always present in the management of these events.
02:21Therefore, nutrition is the pillar that supports physical activity in the choice of nutrients, in the timing and also, for example, in the use of sweeteners as a substitute for simple sugars to avoid the rise of glycemia during sports.
