The state of Pennsylvania has been one of the pivotal swing states that will ultimately define the election results, as the election is neck-to-neck.
00:00represent. I'm just looking at the screen here to pivot back from this important lesson on history
00:09and immigration. Pennsylvania, almost 50 percent of the votes now recorded. It truly is neck and
00:16neck. It truly is. It's been switching back and forth from a light red to a light blue, and it's
00:22coming from here and there because it's right 49.9, 49.2. It goes up. It goes down. It's really
00:30there. That's where Jameer is. We might have to bring Jameer back on at 3 a.m., so tell him not
00:36to fall asleep. Jameer may cast the deciding vote from this battleground state of Pennsylvania. The
00:42experts are saying that it could come down to Pennsylvania. In 2000, it came down to Florida.
00:48In 2020, it was Georgia. It was Arizona, so it's going to be a late night. Make sure you have your
00:57cachapas. Make sure you have your tea. Make sure you have your papelĂłn, just citing some of the
01:03yummy Venezuelan foods that are going to help me get through this night. Yeah, Danny, we have a long
01:10way to go until the trends are steady and until we have something similar to an outcome of this
01:19election, but also we are not just chasing the numbers here. We are not just doing the math. We
01:25are not just adding up. We are seeing from a southern, global south perspective, we are seeing
01:32this election rolls out and which ones are the social, the economic, the historical, the political
01:40landscapes and intersections, as we have been saying, that come to play a big role in the
01:45decisions that the American people are taking tonight. So, Belén? Well, I was thinking how
01:54we're talking about the numbers. We're talking about trying to really analyze what is going on.
01:59What are the big topics that have driven these campaigns, that have driven U.S. citizens to
02:05either vote for these candidates, vote for an alternative party, or decide not to cast their
02:11votes in this democratic system that is the system of the United States, with all its things that it
02:17has. So, we were talking about migration just a moment ago, and it's really the talk about
02:25migration, the talk about the possibilities of the Latino vote, for example. In the case of Trump,
02:33it has put him in a particular spot, if we consider both his rhetoric, his anti-migrant
02:42rhetoric on the one hand, and then his need to appeal to some of these voters on key states,
02:49like the ones we were just saying, like Pennsylvania, for example. So, there's a back
02:54and forth there. What do you think about this vote? Because it's a neck-to-neck election,
03:02many are saying that it will come back to the same minority populations that the Trump rhetoric
03:10has been targeting. What do you think about this? If we look at the entire political panorama, the
03:19biggest issues for the American people, both from conservative polling and liberal polling, are
03:25the quote-unquote state of the democracy, that's more of a liberal issue. Immigration is huge,
03:30the issue of abortion, then I'm drawing a blank on the fourth of the economy, the economy of course,
03:37and that's why they've both tried to position themselves as somehow in solidarity with blue
03:42collar America. I mean, Kamala Harris is not a billionaire, she's worth in the range with
03:48her Zionist husband of about five million dollars. Nothing to scoff at from the perspective of most
03:55of us who try to get by on $40,000 or $50,000 in that range. Salaries, so many of us still
04:03continue to live below the poverty line. I think it's important, Belen, how you pointed out the
04:09hypocrisy, the political opportunism. Trump, one minute, is insulting immigrants and scapegoating
04:15immigrants and then he pivots around and he bows down before them and says, please vote for me,
04:20I love the Saudis. He's a professional actor. I mean, what a shame that so many of us fall
04:27for his professional acting skills. These are not human beings that could
04:32in any way feel real life compassion towards us.