• last year
00:00Listen, this is it, when it comes to your ability to impact the future of this country.
00:11And that comes through a vote.
00:13And just looking at the scope of history, you cannot tell me, and I know it moves slow,
00:20I know it moves slow and deliberate, but you cannot tell me progress has not been made,
00:28We are on the precipice and have an opportunity to elect the first female president, as well
00:35as the first black female president in the history of this country, when black women
00:46only have had the right to vote less than a hundred years.
00:54I mean, this is, it's amazing, right?
00:57So progress is happening, even though it seems it's so slow.
01:01It's like my son, he keeps growing, but I can't tell he's growing day to day.
01:05But I know over time he's growing.
01:07We have an opportunity for true growth.
01:09Do not sit this one out.
01:11Don't sit it out.
01:13You may not have gotten what you wanted before.
01:15You may not get exactly what you want in the future, but know this, sitting it out is a
01:19vote for Donald Trump.
01:21And if that's the future you want to have, then I don't know what to say, but I do know
01:28that you'll have an opportunity with a president that we, all of us on this Zoom, would be
01:35able to reach and make suggestions and try to hold accountable.
01:41That will not happen in a President Trump presidency.
01:43We will not be able to have those same conversations.
01:47So just for that very fact of being able to have the audience, don't sit it out.
01:54We need you.
