• geçen yıl
#Cinematicmusic #EnderGuney #EpicMusic
Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/artist/0Gox0L9ZBHXUDh2ODrA5Ue
Apple Music : https://music.apple.com/tr/artist/ender-guney/1454237018?l=tr
Important Notes
"All music on this channel are copyrighted!"
"If you wish to use music from this channel, please contact to use.
"You can NOT sell the music anywhere."
"You can NOT claim the music as your own."
Contact: ender.guney@wediacorp.com
Pictures: Thanks, Lucas Lisbôa

Licensee: Ender Guney Music
Twitter: egmusic16
Facebook: Ender Guney Music
Instagram: Enderguneymusic

Hello everyone.
Ender Güney Music Channel is a cinematic and motivational music channel. Our channel includes cinematic music, epic music, motivational music, electronic music, freestyle and piano music. All music of the channel is original and it belongs to Ender Güney.


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