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Launch of Children's Theatre book by Craig Murray. House Full! - The Amazing Story of Falkirk Children's Theatre 1970 - 2000.
00:00Without Ian's help this would either never have been published or it would at least take another
00:05year and a half. So Ian, thank you very much, you know how important you've been to this,
00:17I certainly do, and I really appreciate that. Some months ago I also met with another old
00:24friend for the first time in years, I remember Terry Hughes, who very generously gave his
00:33permission for the inclusion of virtually all of the wonderful colour photographs,
00:38and a few of the black and white ones that you'll see head on throughout, and we've actually got
00:42some of those here, some of the blogs that he found in his house that day, and I just brought
00:48them and put them on the table there, you can have a wee look maybe at the break if you like. So Terry,
00:53thank you very much indeed, yeah, throughout the ages right up to the end of the century.
01:03We have production team members with us, by my reckoning I think we should have three musical
01:09directors here tonight, I didn't see Kenny Duncan arriving, Kenny are you here? Yeah, yeah, I didn't
01:16see you, good man. We've got Kenny, we've got Sheena Graham, who I know is right down there,
01:20and we've got Jacqueline Linden who is also here,
01:25and we also have two choreographers, Irene, I heard your voice earlier,
01:32and Lisa Lane is sitting up at the back there, I saw her earlier.
01:38It was very important to me when I was putting this together that we didn't leave it at cast
01:42and production team, I go back to the work family I mentioned, the net was cast much wider than that
01:49and the success was really about everyone, so I know we've got at least three long-serving
01:58crew members with us, I know Alan's here, Alan Donnell, who are you, give us a shout Alan,
02:04Stuart Burns, I haven't seen you, Stuart here, and Fred Lowe, I didn't meet earlier,
02:11from the production team, and up at the back doing the sound for us tonight is Brian Duffy,
02:15the delight in every kind of eye,
02:26Brian is Jim Allen, who did also light two or three of the shows and he's lighting us here
02:30tonight as well, and we have some dressing room mammies in them, don't forget the dressing room
02:36mammies, it wouldn't have happened without the dressing room mums, and we've got members of
02:41a front house team, well a member, sadly of course there are many people who can't be with us,
02:49can't be with us because they're no longer around, and we miss them, we miss them tonight,
02:54and we've missed them for many many years in some instances, but I'm delighted that we do have
03:00family members of some of these people who played such a vital part, and it was important if possible
03:06to get these guys along, so we've got Val Rolston, are you here Val, I think I saw you come in,
03:13Val is a former member and daughter of Boston Glegg, who was a former MD, we have Janice Gray,
03:21Janice are you here, former member, also a member of our front house team, and daughter of course of
03:29Russell Reed, and Edith and Caroline Burns, are you guys here, daughter and wife of Ian Burns,
03:38both of these guys were members of not only Children's and Youth Theatre front house team,
03:42but the Falkirk Town Hall front house team, for nearly 30 years, incredible, incredible service,
03:50we have Christina Baird, an unenticing room mum, but also wife of Jim Baird,
04:02long serving crew member, sadly no longer with us, and we have Beth Alexander, Beth are you here,
04:09I didn't see you, Beth, former member again, and daughter of Ian Christie, the original musical
04:19associate, and we have Paul Hunter and Diane Ferrier, son and daughter of a remarkable
04:33makeup man, for every one of the 30 years, Andrew Hunter,
04:38and I should say a special thanks to, should go to Paul tonight, because he's travelled over from
04:50Spain to come with us, now the next one I haven't seen either, but I hope she's here,
05:01our caretaker at Falkirk Town Hall, Beth, is Christina, you're here,
05:11so you see what I mean, that's the family of Falkirk Children's Theatre,
05:16and of course there are many many more, and hundreds and hundreds of people
05:22who played their part, and they are now scattered liberally all over the world,
05:29for example, currently in Spain on holiday, and recovering from ankle surgery, that's why he went
05:37to Spain, is Ken Moulson, now you might say, Ken Moulson, Ken Moulson directed nine of our
05:47pantos for television, under the banner Kent Productions, so he couldn't be here,
05:53but hopefully, fingers crossed, he sent this.
06:01Hi Greg, and thanks for this opportunity to wish you huge congratulations as D.D. approaches for
06:08the launch of your luxuriated book about Falkirk Children's Theatre. I think it's not just an
06:15achievement for you, but it's also an important milestone in celebrating the history of one of
06:21Scotland's most talented and respected theatre groups. As a former member of the staff at
06:30Scottish Television, I can speak on behalf of all my friends there to say we always received a
06:36fantastic warm welcome from you and the theatre people, and we love participating in our live
06:45recording of the panto every December. So let me just take this chance once again to wish you
06:52very best wishes and good luck with the book. Hi everyone, it's Debbie Shant here,
06:58reporting in from Victoria, Australia. Congratulations on the book, Greg,
07:04well done for getting it to launch, I hope everyone has a great time tonight. Bye!
07:10And just in case you missed that, that's all the way from our favourite beach
07:14on the far side of the world in Australia, Jackie Shand, complete with Crocodile Dundee hat.
07:23My good pal, David.
07:32Basically, there would be no story to tell, and no book to write, were it not for his
07:36idea, and his talent, and his drive and determination 54 years ago,
07:43and then for more than 20 years following that.
07:5310 of these years, 10 of these 20 years, I shared with him in Kilns House, and in the Town Hall,
08:00and in Calendar Park, and boy oh boy did we have some fun.
08:10And we got the privilege of working with some truly weird and wonderful people, not you.
08:20Believe me when I say, there is another whole book just waiting to be written,
08:27about the Falkirk Town Hall years, and we've spoken about it, we've spoken about it,
08:32and it's just crying out to be written. I don't know if it will ever be.
08:36So, I hope you agree with me, I felt it only fitting to ask David if he would say
08:43just a few words to us this evening, he's 92 this guy,
08:48I'm hoping he doesn't mind me saying it, but I ask David to have a wee quick word, let's see.
08:52Well thanks very much for the agreement. I would just start by echoing what so many people have
09:05said, and that is, congrats to the legislature, you've done a wonderful job, I think the book
09:13was overdue, and you've completed the task, and you've done it.
09:19The other thing that's impressed me tonight, first of all, is that you've got together here
09:28a group of people from all aspects of the theatre, you know, the backstage bums, the
09:35singers, the front of house, the orchestra, the Duffy, and I think it really illustrates
09:50that it was a family work dealing with, and I think that's how we continue to work at it
09:59all the time over here. What I would say finally is this,
10:05I think it would be a good idea, okay, if you send a copy of the book to the current progress to
10:12quarter, and tell them what the hell is missing.
10:24Now I'm going to split the audience and do the best part of tradition,
10:27all you guys on this side, you're number one, you're the Macraker clan.
10:44You guys are the famous Muckspreaders,
10:47and with your trusty woodsheet in front of you,
10:55all helping me because I've no idea what's going to happen, but then such was always the case.
11:01Last enjoy, I'm going to get in the way, a clan feud medley.
11:07Macrakers for me, Muckspreaders for me, If you know Macrakers then they are still me.
11:26And we're handsome, I'm sure that it shows
11:29They're weak and they're ugly, as everyone knows
11:38MacGregor for me
11:40Muxwella for me
11:42You guys are so thick, you can't count up to three
11:46Last week at the fifth ball, you did good midway
11:51At least we turned up, you know what's going away
11:59MacGregor for me
12:01Muxwella for me
12:04There's many they hold us and you're one between
12:08Our ancestor Charlie did great when he fought
12:12I settled in like him and he thought I was
12:20MacGregor for me
12:23Muxwella for me
12:25You're Christian, you're lawful, as you will soon see
12:29If you're looking for trouble, you're in the right place
12:33I'll soon wipe out my love, you're ugly, we face
12:46I won't shove my zombie adrenals
12:52And then I'll twist their crimps
12:57Then I will kick you with a south wind force
13:03When you are painted dead
13:07Your teeth will end up on the left leg
13:13You will come to death, I can't say
13:18Cause you're no carnage, I've said it before
13:24You will be complete without me
13:30Okay, stand by
13:34Thanks, Alice
13:40You break the beat of sailing, you float with a hailing
13:46You're just the biggest bonkers we've ever seen
13:52Don't try to make me laugh, you're just a silly knuckle
13:58You're the biggest bunch of chasers there's ever been
14:03We are the greatest band, strong and true is every man
14:09We're so brilliant that we can't be called actively wise
14:14It's not true, you're never watching, you're blind and teeth are mashing
14:20You're going to get a thrashing, now, MacGregor
14:26You're going to get a thrashing, now, MacGregor
14:44From here on!
14:47Have a holly jolly Christmas, next time I'll be you
14:54Come home before every storm and have a cup of cheer
14:59Have a holly jolly Christmas, have a cheer while time is cheap
15:04Say hello to friends you know and everyone you meet
15:09Oh, the list goes on, I'm afraid you can't see
15:14Somebody waits for you, it's several months for me
15:19Have a holly jolly Christmas, and in case you did not hear
15:24Oh my golly, have a holly jolly Christmas
15:33Have a holly jolly Christmas
15:36Have a holly jolly Christmas
15:42Have a holly jolly Christmas