• letztes Jahr
Die Neuinterpretation von Goethes Klassiker Die Leiden des jungen Werther entführt Douglas Booth und Alison Pill ins heutige Toronto. Der Young Werther begegnet durch Zufall der introvertierten Charlotte und je mehr Zeit sie miteinander verbringen, desto mehr verliebt er sich in sie. Das einzige Problem: Sie ist bereits mit dem erfolgreichen Anwalt Albert verlobt.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/young-werther


00:06We're there
00:09I'm weather by the way, you're glad you're a normal person. Well, let's not say terrible things
00:14Tell me what will you be doing with yourself this summer?
00:17I'm off to Europe for expat adventures material for my memoir the silky and lacy variety something like that seek out smart
00:25Confident progressive women real spitfires. That's good advice
00:30My sister is 18. So no, she doesn't want to fly down to Miami with you on your sick jet. I
00:36Have never wanted anyone more. I
00:39Met a girl Werther. No, she's incredible. She's smart. She's funny and she's a reader who reads Paul
00:49Are you insane incredibly smooth girls are always saying that to me
01:00Werther I should have mentioned your wife aged what Charlotte loves Albert and you like Charlotte
01:09I'm at the girl. I want to spend the rest of my life with so there is no way
01:12I'm just gonna leave town and let her stupid fiance have her
01:16I'm Werther. Ah, Charlotte told me all about you. He's perfect a worthy opponent any indication whatsoever that you want to spend time with me
01:23Mm-hmm Albert cares about his work. I'm not saying he shouldn't I love that. He's passionate
01:27Just you wish he was that passionate about you
01:30I know that it's stupid that I like him, but you have Albert you're being stupid to
01:36Super I wanted to do here use your teeth
01:42We're trying to
01:44Into this one. No, you're going to a shooting range without. Mm-hmm funny
01:48He will shoot you with his shotgun in the face or in the back
01:57You'd be amazing at murder release the pigeon
02:03Is this the starter size
02:09If you really care for her then move on just friends look at all your friends like that
02:18To me everything's beautiful. I
02:20I heard you had to use a lady. Mm-hmm. How did that make you feel like the big strong?