• last year
Cette saison effrayante, regardez une vilaine sorcière désirer se transformer en une personne normale et ordinaire ! ‍♀️ Des sorts fous aux astuces beauté magiques, cette transformation d'Halloween est pleine de surprises et de rebondissements inattendus. Le souhait de la sorcière se réalisera-t-il ou restera-t-elle effrayante pour toujours ? Découvrez-le dans cette histoire de transformation amusante et inquiétante ! N'oubliez pas d'aimer, de partager et de vous abonner pour plus de transformations magiques et de divertissements effrayants ! #TransformationHalloween #TransformationSorcière #AmbianceEffrayante #AstucesMagiques #DivertissementHalloween #RelookingSorcière #IdéesCostumesHalloween #HistoiresEffrayantes #MagieHalloween Partage et abonne-toi si tu aimes la vidéo : https://goo.su/2BJZ Active la cloche de notifications __________________________________________________________________________ Musique par Epidemic Sound : https://www.epidemicsound.com/ ___________________________________________________________________________ Cette vidéo est réalisée dans un but de divertissement. Nous ne faisons aucune garantie quant à sa faisabilité, sa fiabilité ou les risques qui l'entourrent. Toute action basée sur les informations recueillies dans cette vidéo n'engage que vous et nous déclinons toute responsabilité en cas de dommages ou de pertes. Il relève de la responsabilité du spectateur de faire preuve de jugement, d'attention et de toutes les précautions nécéssaires en vue de reproduire ces actions. La vidéo suivante peut mettre en scène des activités pratiquées par nos acteurs dans un environnement contrôlé. S'il vous plait, faites preuve de jugement, d'attention et de toutes les précautions nécéssaires si vous prévoyez de les reproduire. Tous les produits et noms de compagnies apparaissant dans cette vidéo demeurent les marques commerciales™️ ou marques déposées®️ de leurs propriétaires respectifs. Leur utilisation ne suggère aucune affiliation ni approbation de leur part.
00:00Let's try to get some candy here.
00:02Knock, knock.
00:03Oh, hi there, young Emma.
00:06Candy or a spell?
00:09Oh my god! The zombie apocalypse is real!
00:12Hey, what's wrong?
00:13Hi, candy or a spell?
00:15Hey, who are you?
00:16That was too much for me.
00:17Wow, hi.
00:18Uh, would you like to leave, please?
00:20Candy? But of course! All the candies are just for you.
00:23Oh, all that? Thank you very much!
00:25Huh? Nothing for me? Not a single candy?
00:28Oh, that's not fair! It's so unfair!
00:34It's juicy and delicious.
00:37It's the best thing in the world.
00:39Huh? What?
00:41Oh, fresh meat! Come see mommy.
00:44No! Please! Help!
00:46Hurry up, my dear human!
00:48What do you want from me?
00:50Candy or a spell?
00:51Candy or a spell?
00:53Of course!
00:55All right, this one's for you, and you'll get the rest.
00:58That's very kind of you, thank you.
01:00And just one for me?
01:03Oh no, what have I done?
01:05No one appreciates me, not even Halloween.
01:07I'm never given candy.
01:11Oh, what's this?
01:12The Lala magazine?
01:14I'm curious, I'll take a look.
01:16How to become a Barbie, be so cool and have such a soft skin?
01:20Wow! A real police officer? Is that possible?
01:24Let's see what we can do.
01:26Let's see.
01:27So, the skin.
01:28If I rub it enough, I think I'll be able to make it smooth enough.
01:32Oh, the first layer is starting to come off.
01:34Well done, zombie!
01:35Now I can take it off.
01:37The more you say, the better.
01:38We must remove everything.
01:39Let's get rid of all this old skin.
01:41There, there, and there too.
01:44Let's finish with all this.
01:46Now let's take a look.
01:53No, no, no, no, no, no, what did I do?
01:55That was really too much!
01:56I really need a new skin.
01:58This one looks good.
02:00Yes, let's try it.
02:01Let's stick it to the skull.
02:03Very, very strong, yes!
02:04Oh, I think it's finally good.
02:06Well done!
02:07Oh, la, la, now I look so brilliant!
02:09I shine like real glass.
02:12Оооооо, ааааааааааааааааааааа
02:15What? How? Oh no, all the shine is gone!
02:19And my makeup! No, no, no, no!
02:21Barbie is not a Barbie without her makeup!
02:23Come back to me, makeup!
02:25And that's it!
02:26Finally, everything is in place.
02:28Now let's see what I have to do.
02:30Next page.
02:31My blond hair, my golden and silky hair.
02:34Oh, it looks great!
02:36But how to get there?
02:37Let's think a little.
02:38Just a little, a little.
02:40Glue them together.
02:41Hi! Hi, baby!
02:42Oh, Barbie doesn't need you.
02:43Go away!
02:44Everyone, get out of my head!
02:46Right now!
02:48Huh? There are so many!
02:49There will be even more!
02:50We'll get out of it!
02:52My brain?
02:53But how did it fall?
02:55Oh no, I think I should keep it.
02:58Let's put it back in place.
03:00Okay, that's better.
03:02Let's get back to the hair.
03:04Let's brush it at least.
03:06I don't think it will be that easy.
03:08Stupid brush!
03:09It's better to do it the old way.
03:11With this!
03:14I'll get better results.
03:16And there you go, slowly and gently.
03:18You can put it on the other side.
03:20Thank you, my little man.
03:21You helped a lot.
03:22Thank you and goodbye.
03:26Gelatin candy for a fresh breath.
03:28So, where was I?
03:30Golden hair, right?
03:31But how to make his hair blond?
03:33I think I have an idea.
03:35But first, I have to go to the bathroom.
03:41And I'll need that too.
03:43With water from Javel.
03:44Yes, that's exactly what I need.
03:46I need blond hair to become a Barbie.
03:48Oh no, I forgot to get rid of the water.
03:51So, let's open the bottle.
03:53And let's pour some on the brush.
03:55The more, the better.
03:57Just enough to make all my hair as blond as possible.
04:01Let's try.
04:03Layer by layer, strand by strand.
04:05With slow and fluid movements.
04:07And the last strand.
04:09Half of the work is already done.
04:11And now let's take the aluminum foil.
04:14Just tear off a piece and stick it on a strand of hair.
04:17I'm going to need a lot of leaves here.
04:19Let's prepare them all.
04:22I can even take a nap during this time.
04:24Sweet dreams!
04:29Wow, hello, my beauties.
04:31It's time to get rid of this evil aluminum.
04:34Let's check the result.
04:36Not bad.
04:37But the smell...
04:39Oh, it smells bad.
04:41Even for a zombie's nose.
04:43This thing looks good.
04:44And it smells divinely good.
04:46Let's use it.
04:47The more, the better.
04:48Let's check the smell.
04:49Hmm, it smells good.
04:50What else is on the list?
04:52Fabulous outfit.
04:54And it's pink.
04:55Pink is in fashion.
04:57Okay, so I need pink clothes.
04:59I need to know where to find some.
05:02Here we are.
05:03Now let's check.
05:04What do we have here?
05:06No pink, no pink...
05:08Hmm, but what do we have here?
05:12Let's open the box.
05:13Shoes? Oh no!
05:15And they're not pink either.
05:17But I can paint them.
05:18Let's put them here and add the clothes I need.
05:21Let's put absolutely everything.
05:23And now I need paint.
05:25Pink paint?
05:27Now let's empty it in the box that contains the shoes and the clothes.
05:30So that it covers everything.
05:31Well done, zombie! Thank you very much!
05:33And now, let's add dynamite.
05:35Just light the fuse with a lot of caution.
05:38It's done!
05:39Now let's put it in the box.
05:41Very gently.
05:42I'll sit on it and wait.
05:433, 2, 1...
05:46Oh, it looks great.
05:48I can't wait to see the results.
05:49Let's see what we got.
05:51Let's open it.
05:53Wow, it's impressive!
05:55Everything is bright pink and very chic.
05:57Now I'm going to wear them.
05:59Oh, wow!
06:00It's so nice and comfortable.
06:02Now I really look like Barbie.
06:04And the shoes!
06:05Oh, look at these beauties!
06:07All ready to go out and impress everyone.
06:10Now they're perfect!
06:12All eyes will be on me.
06:14It's going to be great.
06:16And what do we do with these?
06:18Now I can finally get rid of them and forget them once and for all.
06:22Oh, what?
06:23Where is it?
06:24Oh, my hand!
06:25My poor hand!
06:26I'm so sorry!
06:27I hope you're okay.
06:28But wait, there's something else.
06:30A nice manicure.
06:32Pink is also the best choice.
06:34It seems easy.
06:36Especially now.
06:37Let's think about how to proceed.
06:39Let's color the nails with this.
06:41That's exactly what I need right now.
06:43Don't move, darling.
06:44And it will be done in no time.
06:46It won't hurt.
06:47Let's start with one.
06:49Then a second.
06:50Just like that.
06:51Slowly and gently.
06:53Finally, it's done.
06:54But how?
06:55It doesn't look like the picture at all.
06:57My manicure is not very pink and it looks very messy.
07:00I don't want to waste it.
07:02Let's fix it.
07:06Oh, come on.
07:07Why doesn't it come off?
07:09I'll rub you one way or another.
07:14Oh, my God!
07:15What did I do?
07:16There's only water left.
07:17What do I do with this?
07:18Barbies don't have horrible hands.
07:20I guess I need a spare piece.
07:22There's no other solution.
07:24Here it is.
07:25And I'll be just as new.
07:28I take it.
07:30And I put it in its place.
07:32And it's done.
07:34Let's start again.
07:36But this time I'll be more careful.
07:38We don't have time.
07:39All the nails will be perfect.
07:41You see, it wasn't that hard after all.
07:43Now I also have beautiful nails.
07:45They look fabulous.
07:47Last check.
07:49Now I'm as beautiful as a real Barbie.
07:51Oh, my stomach.
07:52Oh, my stomach.
07:53Oh, my stomach.
07:54Oh, my stomach.
07:55I'm still hungry.
07:56I think I still have enough to eat.
07:58I have some fresh products left.
08:00Here they are.
08:01They look really delicious.
08:02Bon appétit.
08:06It's so good.
08:07But my lipstick.
08:08I must throw it away.
08:10That's better.
08:11What else do I need?
08:14I think so.
08:16And I have an idea.
08:17Let's use the eyes.
08:20Oh, great.
08:21They're not pink.
08:23But I have a solution.
08:25For cases like this one,
08:26there is a kettle.
08:28Just take an eye,
08:29put it in,
08:30wait a second,
08:31and it will do its own magic.
08:33Now let's take it out and check it out.
08:35Exactly the color I needed.
08:37It's so beautiful and worthy of Barbie.
08:39Now I'm going to wear them.
08:40And one.
08:42And two.
08:43I'm finally ready.
08:44This time,
08:45all the candy will be mine.
08:47Ready and confident.
08:49It's now or never.
08:50One, two, let's go.
08:52Knock, knock.
08:53Oh, hello.
08:54Candies or a spell?
08:56Wow, like a real doll.
09:01There's love in the air.
09:05Here I am, Tick-Tock.
09:12What is this place?
09:13Where are we?
09:14I don't know.
09:15Some kind of secret room.
09:17Let's keep going.
09:18Don't tell me spiders live here.
09:20No staff.
09:22Oh, no.
09:27Oh, no.
09:28Oh, no.
09:29Oh, no.
09:30Oh, no.
09:31Oh, no.
09:32Oh, no.
09:33Oh, no.
09:34Oh, no.
09:35Oh, no.
09:36Oh, no.
09:37Oh, no.
09:38Oh, no.
09:40Are you afraid of the dark?
09:42Because I am.
09:45It's too dark in here.
09:48I need a window right now.
09:53Right there.
09:55Yes, ma'am.
10:00Nice job.
10:01But can you do the cleaning?
10:03Of course not.
10:04Can it change your mind?
10:07I'll do whatever you want, ma'am.
10:10Good job.
10:13A switch, ladies and gentlemen.
10:15You have to press the button.
10:17You see?
10:19The sun is better for the skin, so it's my side.
10:23Respect my border.
10:27It's my side, so don't cross it.
10:29My side is much better than yours.
10:31I don't even want to...
10:35Let's see our equipment.
10:38We don't need this.
10:40Let's get to work now.
10:42You come here.
10:46We have to put this diagonally.
10:49Now, let me take my scissors.
10:52Now, let's switch to Harley Quinn mode.
10:56Here we go.
11:00Something is missing.
11:03Look at this.
11:06I can hear the waves.
11:08And now, it's time for the croissants.
11:14It must be pretty boiled over there.
11:17And a little fried too.
11:21It's my chance.
11:25Now it's better.
11:28This one...
11:30It hurts.
11:32Let me show you how we decorate.
11:34I'm going to make it rain gold.
11:41It's so art deco,
11:42I can almost see Gatsby the Magnificent in it.
11:47It's my side.
11:49Now, let's go.
11:53It's perfect.
11:55Let me just...
11:58I'm super human.
12:00The fun part.
12:02It's not gold, but we don't care.
12:05It's glamorous.
12:08What do you think?
12:10It's so grotesque.
12:13Something is missing.
12:16Here we go.
12:18Now, I know what to do.
12:23It's so beautiful.
12:25That's how we do it.
12:28What if...
12:30A moment of enlightenment.
12:34Picasso mode activated.
12:36A girl's trash is another girl's treasure.
12:39And I'm not talking about men.
12:41Let me paint this heart.
12:45How dare you?
12:46I have to do something.
12:51Things are going to get colorful.
12:53I hope you like pink, my dear.
12:55And I'm not talking about flowers.
12:57Let's spread it.
12:59Don't be shy, but still.
13:05I deserve some rest after this hard work.
13:11Don't tell me that...
13:13I have an emoji on my back.
13:16I got it.
13:18Wait a second.
13:20It's a heart.
13:22Now, let me give some love to the wall.
13:26Can you feel the love floating in the air?
13:28And on the wall too.
13:31Are you coming to...
13:37But something is missing.
13:39It's not enough.
13:40Let me think.
13:46I knew I still had some.
13:49They are so beautiful.
13:51I'll do better.
13:53My favorite box.
13:55I got exactly what I needed.
13:59Now, let's take this little guy.
14:01And a glue stick.
14:02Let's put some glue at the end.
14:05And join the two sides.
14:07I see you.
14:11You're like magic.
14:16I'm the queen here.
14:18You little...
14:19You'll see.
14:23I put them all together.
14:27I bet you can't do that.
14:33I need more light.
14:39My eyes!
14:40My eyes!
14:41Why is it so hot?
14:43Shade mode activated.
14:44That's why.
14:48The floor is so ugly.
14:49I need a place to sit.
14:52Come here.
14:54This on top.
14:55And the cherry on top.
14:59Let's try this.
15:04I want a chair too.
15:07Let's see what we have here.
15:10A bunch of useless things.
15:12The DIY gods don't smile at me.
15:15Look at this.
15:16Isn't it great?
15:24I'm out of breath.
15:26But the result is amazing.
15:29Come here, smoothie.
15:34These little guys are tight.
15:40It's so comfortable and cool.
15:42I love it.
15:44Cool balloons.
15:45It would be a shame if something happened to them.
15:51Is it a plane or a bird?
15:55Ginger Air Light.
15:56The best company.
15:59What do I miss?
16:01Oh no!
16:02I need to change.
16:06I'm here, miss.
16:08Now, get out of here.
16:09Yes, of course.
16:12Not bad.
16:14Let's try this.
16:15I look great, as always.
16:20Just like me.
16:23I need to change my shoes.
16:27Now, everything is perfect.
16:32I think I saw a Martian over there.
16:36I can make something better than that.
16:37You'll see.
16:41My hair, Mrs. Plant.
16:43You're mine now.
16:47You're coming with me.
16:51You never skipped three steps, did you?
16:55Oh no!
16:57You don't need that.
16:59Let me look at the future.
17:03It's for later.
17:05Let's go now.
17:07Let's swim in this pink.
17:08I'm an avant-garde genius, aren't I?
17:10Something is missing.
17:15It's my lucky day.
17:17I must say I'm a genius.
17:20Look at this beauty.
17:22And now, revenge.
17:24Gold never ages.
17:27I want your brain
17:29and your gold.
17:33That's not enough.
17:35Look at this.
17:41Can you help me?
17:43It's too heavy.
17:45And you're so strong.
17:49Why should I help you?
17:54Look at this cute little eye.
17:56That's it.
18:00You're welcome.
18:01That's it.
18:04Let me warm up my muscles.
18:08I did it.
18:09I'm so, so strong.
18:11Let me get back to work.
18:14Can you help me now?
18:16I'm so tired.
18:20Poor me.
18:24Get some rest.
18:26She's gone.
18:29The grill doesn't taste like me.
18:32Let's change that.
18:36I can never fool you with gold.
18:39Can the wind be stronger?
18:44Where are you going?
18:46I'm almost done.
18:48Wait, what?
18:49Where did the tire go?
18:51Thank you, Mr. Director.
18:53La, la, la, la, la, la, la!
18:55Maybe it's not right,
18:56but that's how I work.
19:00I have a plan.
19:02Look at this.
19:05I just have to cut this.
19:07Perfect for my DIY.
19:11And this.
19:12Ivy can't do anything against me.
19:15Let's add all this.
19:17The cherry on the cake.
19:18My hunt for the perfect table
19:19doesn't stop here.
19:21Would you mind if I took a little piece?
19:24I hope not.
19:26Come with me.
19:28Watch out!
19:30What's going on?
19:32There's no glass.
19:34Don't do that at home, kids.
19:37And there you go.
19:38The cutest table in the world.
19:41But it's not gold.
19:46I need a mirror.
19:48Here you are, Miss.
19:49Do you need anything else?
19:50Yes, I'm hungry.
19:51My favorite dish.
19:53Here you are, Miss.
19:56Let's taste this.
19:59My stomach is full of dinosaurs.
20:01I'm so hungry.
20:03Who needs food
20:04when you have make-up?
20:08It's my chance.
20:10I'm the best thing on earth.
20:12Look at me.
20:13I'm the best thing on earth.
20:15Look at me.
20:16It's my chance.
20:25It will be my mirror.
20:27It's time for a new little DIY,
20:29my friends.
20:32And a perfect decoration.
20:34You'll see.
20:40I'm a craftsman.
20:41Or artisan.
20:43We're in 2022.
20:45Cute, isn't it?
20:50Hey, where's my plate?
20:54Look at this girl.
20:55What's she doing?
20:57Why does this mirror look like my plate?
21:01It's just an illusion, my friend.
21:04Something's wrong.
21:07I need a fireplace.
21:13Oh no.
21:14Dad blocked my cards.
21:17I'm done.
21:20I'm sorry, miss.
21:23What's that?
21:24Wait a second.
21:27Does that mean
21:28I'm free?
21:35How cool is that?
21:37What's that?
21:39Alfred left me.
21:44Maybe I should help him.
21:50We can make a fireplace.
