• last year
Causeway Coast and Glens Growth Deal
00:00Today we are lobbying with the MPs to have our voice in the chambers to petition the
00:10growth deal to go ahead. We see the vast economic potential this growth deal has, so hopefully
00:15we can get it overturned. There's a whole section of different sectors that will benefit
00:19from this growth deal. We have regeneration funding going straight into the likes of Dungevin,
00:24Bushmills and Chisholm Daw. We also have the drug discovery unit which will benefit the
00:28pharmaceutical sector across the north. This will make the north of Ireland a leading country
00:33across Europe in pharmaceuticals and drug discovery. The main projects that are in jeopardy
00:37are those in the digital and innovation pillar and they predominantly relate to the green
00:42economy and really they're a government priority as well. So the sort of projects that we are
00:47hoping to fund under that pillar are the Desert Crate Industrial Park, a green hydrogen distribution
00:54network which will essentially service areas entirely in the west of the band as well
00:59as a concrete factory that will actually abate a very hard to abate sector. So these are
01:06genuinely innovative projects, they're led by the private sector which is also quite
01:10unusual and they will contribute very significantly to Northern Ireland's overall productivity.
01:17Most important project for us is the drug discovery project which is led by Ulster University
01:22in Coleraine. It's a globally significant biomedical project that not only has it got
01:27the potential to bring much needed high value jobs to our area, it's also some life changing
01:34medicine which has a real opportunity to create massive medical outcomes. We're offering real
01:41opportunity to drive growth and to improve the living standards for people in our part
01:47of the country and actually contribute to the economic wealth of the whole UK. The simple
01:53proposition to the Chancellor is please help us. Well there has been fantastic collaboration
01:57between the Mid South West and the Coventry Coast and Glens Growth Deal. We came over
02:02a joint delegation to lobby, we've had the chief executives from all the councils, we've
02:06had councillors from across all the parties. Going forward the picture's positive and we'll
02:09work together to ensure a better future for all our citizens.
