• last year
Dish Daddy Brings The BOOM! #DishDaddy #ScrubDaddy #ScrubDaddyPartner #costco #costcoguys #sale #bigjustice #boom @Scrub Daddy


00:00You guys are seriously wrecking all my dishes with all these chicken bakes and double-chunk chocolate cookies!
00:06It looks like it's dish daddy time for the Costco guys!
00:09When you need to cut through deep dish grime...
00:11From your chicken bake...
00:13Or your double-chunk chocolate cookie...
00:16You need the Scrub Daddy Dish Daddy!
00:18It's Flex Texture Foam Head.
00:20It's soft in warm water and firm in cold water for more cleaning power!
00:25This guy!
00:26And you don't have to worry about the Flex Texture Foam Head scratching your glasses, dishes, or pots and pans.
00:32There's even a built-in scraper!
00:34It's perfect for those tough-to-clean spots left behind from your...
00:37Double-chunk chocolate cookie!
00:40You can get your Dish Daddy on sale for $4 off the regular price here at Costco.
00:44The sale's going on now through October 2nd.
00:47The Scrub Daddy Dish Daddy's gonna get all my dishes clean and shiny!
00:52The Scrub Daddy Dish Daddy gets a big...
