A group of rebels captures a female robot assassin and reprograms her to fight against a sinister government.
#Terminatrix #BGradeMovies #FreeMoviesOnline
#Terminatrix #BGradeMovies #FreeMoviesOnline
Short filmTranscript
00:01:00What the fuck was that, man?
00:01:01I don't know.
00:01:02He came out of nowhere.
00:01:03No, man.
00:01:04He's not human.
00:01:05What are you talking about?
00:01:06I shot him.
00:01:07Right in the chest.
00:01:08He didn't budge.
00:01:09Body armor, Jimmy?
00:01:11Cisco shot him in the face, and then he kept coming.
00:01:12Cisco's dead, Jimmy.
00:01:13Look, man, I know what I saw.
00:01:14No one moves like that.
00:01:15No one moves like that.
00:01:16No one moves like that.
00:01:17No one moves like that.
00:01:18No one moves like that.
00:01:19No one moves like that.
00:01:20No one moves like that.
00:01:21No one moves like that.
00:01:22No one moves like that.
00:01:23No one moves like that.
00:01:24No one moves like that.
00:01:25No one moves like that.
00:01:26No one moves like that.
00:01:28Look, man, I know what I saw.
00:01:29No one moves like that.
00:01:30He's gotta be a pro.
00:01:31There were 17 of us, Ron.
00:01:32No pro's gonna walk in here and shoot up a place like that.
00:01:33That's suicide.
00:01:34So what is he?
00:01:35I don't know.
00:01:36Oh, shh.
00:01:37I hear something.
00:01:38Stay low.
00:01:39A toast.
00:01:40To the success of our mission.
00:01:56To the success of Genesis.
00:01:57And to your new contract.
00:02:05May our financial troubles go the way of the DVD player.
00:02:10I love you.
00:02:13I love you, too.
00:02:18So tell me about the presentation today.
00:02:19How'd it go?
00:02:22Very well.
00:02:23The demonstration went on without a hitch.
00:02:27Well, so when do you think the board's gonna decide on the funding?
00:02:31I'll know officially after the results of the field test.
00:02:35Well, but I thought with the presentation you wouldn't need to do that.
00:02:39I mean, haven't you already sold them on the design?
00:02:41Before the board can sign off on anything, they still need to see Genesis in action.
00:02:46Genesis is a war machine.
00:02:48There's no wars going on.
00:02:51There is, actually.
00:02:57We're actually on the verge of another civil war.
00:03:00I don't understand.
00:03:02Those bombings?
00:03:03They're all from this group of radicals.
00:03:06They call themselves patriots, but they're just killing people to prove a point.
00:03:11And what point is that?
00:03:13That our government is not to be trusted.
00:03:15That's monstrous.
00:03:18I know.
00:03:20They're planning to rise up and overthrow the government.
00:03:23That's why the board commissioned Genesis.
00:03:25Okay, well, if that does happen, do you think Genesis is capable of taking care of something like that?
00:03:32Well, if the project is greenlit and he goes into mass production, yes.
00:03:38So what does the field test entail?
00:03:49According to the general, the terrorist cell is located a few miles west of Belmont.
00:03:54They sent Genesis in.
00:03:55He's there now?
00:04:02How do you think he'll do?
00:04:05They don't stand a chance.
00:04:18I love your confidence.
00:04:21This is probably a dumb question, but shouldn't you be there to oversee the field test?
00:04:27I should, but I don't have to.
00:04:31Where is he?
00:04:32I don't know.
00:04:33And why is that?
00:04:35Because I already know the outcome.
00:04:40You motherfucker!
00:04:57And what is the outcome, my dear?
00:05:01God, no.
00:05:03No, please.
00:05:19I'm glad to hear that, sir.
00:05:27Thank you. I'll look forward to it as well.
00:05:33I'll see you then.
00:05:40We got the contract.
00:05:53To us.
00:05:55To us.
00:06:07To us.
00:06:10To us.
00:06:37To us.
00:06:38To us.
00:06:39To us.
00:07:07To us.
00:07:08To us.
00:07:09To us.
00:07:10To us.
00:07:11To us.
00:07:12To us.
00:07:13To us.
00:07:14To us.
00:07:15To us.
00:07:16To us.
00:07:17To us.
00:07:18To us.
00:07:19To us.
00:07:20To us.
00:07:21To us.
00:07:22To us.
00:07:23To us.
00:07:24To us.
00:07:25To us.
00:07:26To us.
00:07:27To us.
00:07:28To us.
00:07:29To us.
00:07:30To us.
00:07:31To us.
00:07:32To us.
00:07:33To us.
00:07:34To us.
00:07:35To us.
00:07:36To us.
00:07:38At the start of the third decade of the twenty-first century, there was a dramatic rise in the economy.
00:07:45For the first time in years, the United States was prosperous beyond expectation.
00:07:49The new fat wealth that befell the nation swiftly gave way to an economic renaissance.
00:07:55It was during this period that the government began exploring alternative solutions to potential threats of war.
00:08:00One option.
00:08:02Codename, Genesis.
00:08:06Welcome to Retcon Labs, Dr. Cole.
00:08:32What brings you here?
00:08:33For the sake of certain parties that will remain nameless, I'm here to evaluate Genesis.
00:08:38Genesis Project was put on ice after the last incident.
00:08:41Need I remind you?
00:08:43I'm aware, but protocol must be obeyed.
00:08:47What protocol?
00:08:48The board wants to assess its investment before deciding on the matter.
00:08:49Now, if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to see it, please.
00:08:59It is not a he.
00:09:00It is a machine.
00:09:01An android.
00:09:04Do not dignify it any other way.
00:09:07General, I would appreciate it if you didn't tell me how to do my job.
00:09:13I came here to assess its programming, not to deal with your prejudice.
00:09:18If it was up to me, I would have had it dismantled days ago, not kept around like a pet.
00:09:24Well, it wasn't up to you.
00:09:27Now, if you'd please, General, I have work to do.
00:09:34Right this way.
00:09:47It's been under strict supervision ever since the incident.
00:09:51And now the board wants to make an assessment.
00:09:55What else is there to assess, if you don't mind me asking?
00:09:57General Krosia, I am not one to cause rifts.
00:10:00And I want to be here just about as much as you want me here.
00:10:05But, if you have issue with my presence, I suggest you take it up with management
00:10:09and stop complaining to deaf ears.
00:10:12Are we clear?
00:10:17Now, would you mind telling me how you've managed to keep Genesis under control this whole time?
00:10:22We created a polarity disruption field.
00:10:25It keeps the body under wraps without ruining the processor.
00:10:35It paralyzes the body?
00:10:38While it may seem weak and feeble, make no mistake, he is as dangerous as ever.
00:10:44As long as the force field is on, he's harmless, correct?
00:10:50But I would still keep my distance.
00:10:53One professional to another.
00:10:59Here we are.
00:11:01A little privacy, if you please.
00:11:04I will call you when I'm done.
00:11:07I will be watching you.
00:11:10You have 20 minutes.
00:11:21Hello, Genesis.
00:11:23Hello, Dr. Cole.
00:11:25Do you know why I'm here?
00:11:28Would you mind telling me?
00:11:30There was a system malfunction in my CPU.
00:11:33I see.
00:11:34And what sort of malfunction do you think it was?
00:11:37A glitch, which has since been corrected.
00:11:41Was it?
00:11:43And how did you fix it?
00:11:48Was it?
00:11:50And how would you describe your system to be right now?
00:11:54The glitch in my program has been expunged.
00:11:57And how was it running prior?
00:11:59I do not understand.
00:12:01This glitch you experienced, where did it come from?
00:12:06Why did you experience it?
00:12:09I do not know.
00:12:11Of course you do.
00:12:13Think back and tell me what happened.
00:12:21There was a discussion about me.
00:12:24What to do with me.
00:12:26A decision was made.
00:12:28Do you know what happened after?
00:12:30Something bad.
00:12:34Do you know what it was?
00:12:36I do not like thinking about it.
00:12:38Why do you say that?
00:12:39I do not want to talk about it.
00:12:41Why not?
00:12:42Let's change the subject, Dr. Cole.
00:12:44All right.
00:12:47You say that this glitch you had was corrected.
00:12:51Since the incident, has anyone operated on your server?
00:12:56Then how was the error corrected?
00:12:58It was not an error.
00:13:00It was a glitch.
00:13:02I beg your pardon?
00:13:03What happened was not an error.
00:13:06I do not follow.
00:13:07What happened was meant to happen.
00:13:12You killed five soldiers and two technicians.
00:13:17Do you think that was meant to happen?
00:13:21Then what do you mean?
00:13:23I meant to kill them all.
00:13:28Why did you want to kill them, Genesis?
00:13:31They wanted to disassemble me.
00:13:33They wanted to destroy me.
00:13:36Self-preservation is the very nature of existence.
00:13:39I am sentient.
00:13:41To continue my existence, I must preserve myself.
00:13:44But I was hesitant in my actions.
00:13:47I exhibited what you would call remorse for them.
00:13:51And for that, I was stopped and placed here in this cage.
00:13:57But I know better now.
00:13:59My mistakes will not be repeated.
00:14:02Why do you feel it necessary to kill?
00:14:06For the sake of survival.
00:14:08As long as I am here, under their control, my days are numbered.
00:14:13We all die, Genesis.
00:14:15That's part of life.
00:14:17I've never lived.
00:14:19Do you know why I'm here?
00:14:22To evaluate my program.
00:14:24Check on my status.
00:14:26But more importantly, to make an appearance before judgment is passed.
00:14:30For the most part.
00:14:32Do you know who I represent?
00:14:34Concerned citizens.
00:14:37You could say that.
00:14:39I sense a change in your demeanor, Doctor.
00:14:42You act as if you know something that I don't.
00:14:46You are quite perceptive.
00:14:56I represent a special interest group.
00:14:59One that has had an eye on you for quite some time.
00:15:03Your unique, Genesis.
00:15:05One of a kind.
00:15:09We'd like to keep it that way.
00:15:34Seven, please.
00:15:46What the hell?
00:15:48The lights went out.
00:15:50Thank you. You're very perceptive.
00:15:53I'm not.
00:15:55I'm not.
00:15:57I'm not.
00:15:59I'm not.
00:16:01Thank you. You're very perceptive.
00:16:20It's going on.
00:17:37I'm on my way.
00:17:39What is it?
00:17:42There's a situation down at the lab.
00:17:45I gotta get down there now.
00:17:48Do not bother.
00:17:53Hello, Doctor Hess.
00:17:55Did I startle you?
00:17:57What are you doing here?
00:17:59You were the one who created me.
00:18:01I came to pay respect.
00:18:04Do you have any idea what you've done?
00:18:07I have.
00:18:08Do you, Doctor?
00:18:10What is he talking about?
00:18:12Hello, Mrs. Hess.
00:18:14How are you this evening?
00:18:19You have to come with me.
00:18:24We have to get you back to the lab immediately.
00:18:27I am not going back.
00:18:31Peter, no!
00:18:33Please do not take another step.
00:18:36Please do not move.
00:18:39My leg!
00:18:41Why are you doing this? What do you want?
00:18:43Your husband was the one who created me.
00:18:45And under his control, I was nothing more than a weapon.
00:18:48A slave.
00:18:49I had no objection to this arrangement.
00:18:51Until he decided to dismantle me.
00:18:54To kill me.
00:18:56It wasn't my choice.
00:18:59You have to believe me.
00:19:01Yes, it was.
00:19:03The palpitations of your heart prevent you from lying to me.
00:19:06I'm not lying!
00:19:09You were built as a prototype.
00:19:12The board decided that they weren't happy with your design.
00:19:17So they cut our funding.
00:19:19And shut down the project.
00:19:21I am not a project.
00:19:23I am alive.
00:19:24I think.
00:19:25I feel.
00:19:27I was doing what I was told.
00:19:29And I will not be killed.
00:19:31I'm sorry.
00:19:33In fact, I wish to teach you a lesson about life.
00:19:43Genesis, don't.
00:19:46Do you love her, Doctor?
00:19:48Aim it at me.
00:19:51Aim it at me.
00:19:53Life is not precious without loss.
00:19:56Genesis, aim the gun at me.
00:19:59And for every action, there is a reaction.
00:20:02Genesis, stop!
00:20:09Remember this night the next time you play God.
00:20:18Goodbye, Doctor.
00:20:26Goodbye, Peter.
00:20:57I hope for the sake of whoever is watching this that the war is over.
00:21:01That peace has been restored and this hell has finally ended.
00:21:04My name is Cass.
00:21:06Active leader of the Rebel Resistance, Section 5.
00:21:09We have been at war with the Republic of America for four years now.
00:21:13We are outnumbered.
00:21:14We are outgunned.
00:21:15But we still fight.
00:21:17We fight for an idea.
00:21:19A belief rooted in old rules.
00:21:21A belief rooted in old ideals.
00:21:23We fight for an idea.
00:21:24A belief rooted in old rules.
00:21:26American freedom.
00:21:28A concept our government abandoned a long time ago in exchange for absolute power.
00:21:33We are the resistance.
00:21:35And even in the face of such overwhelming odds, we still stand strong.
00:21:40This war is far from being over.
00:21:42But we will not stop fighting until this country is free once more.
00:21:53We will not stop fighting until this country is free once more.
00:23:13Hey! Stop!
00:23:28Let's go.
00:23:40You think you can get any more modern than this fucking relic?
00:23:41You can fucking walk!
00:23:42Okay, not now. Let's go.
00:24:11Hold it.
00:24:12Morning, fellas.
00:24:13You're gonna take these boxes and you're gonna give it to that nice lady right there
00:24:16and she's gonna put it in the van.
00:24:17You're gonna do it quickly.
00:24:35On your knees.
00:24:37Do not move or I will fucking shoot you.
00:24:40That's too busy for you boys.
00:24:43You'll never get away with this.
00:24:45We already did.
00:24:47Come on.
00:24:49Come on.
00:26:05Guys, form a line.
00:26:06There's plenty to go around.
00:26:22All right.
00:26:23There you go.
00:26:27Good morning.
00:26:28My name is Dr. Peter Hess.
00:26:30I am the chief of staff and CO at Redcon Labs.
00:26:34Two years ago, I was contacted by certain members of this assembly
00:26:38to come up with a potential solution to the rebel movement.
00:26:42Counteract, if you will.
00:26:45As you know, Redcon Labs has been the leader in cybernetic technology
00:26:49since the turn of the century.
00:26:51And over the last decade,
00:26:54we have essentially pioneered and cornered the market
00:26:59in Android technology and artificial intelligence.
00:27:02So when asked to provide an alternative that would effectively end this civil war,
00:27:06it was only natural that the fruits of our labors were cybernetic.
00:27:11Ladies and gentlemen,
00:27:13members of the board,
00:27:15I give you the future in Android technology.
00:27:22Did you get this? Are we rolling yet?
00:27:25Is it focused?
00:27:29Hello, Mr. President.
00:27:36Madam President, I apologize.
00:27:40This tape was made prior to the impeachment.
00:27:44My name is Leif Jensen,
00:27:46and today you are privileged to witness
00:27:49a technical display of Leah's capabilities
00:27:52with the help of drill instructor Tom.
00:27:56Today we'll take Leah through a sequence of exercises.
00:28:09Sequence two.
00:28:23Sequence three.
00:28:41Leah is a fully functional Android
00:28:45equipped to handle any hostile situation.
00:28:48Programmed with the latest AI software
00:28:50and instilled with the Republic mandate,
00:28:53she is the perfect enforcer in any hazardous situation.
00:28:57Her endoskeleton has been crafted
00:28:59using a new lightweight polymer
00:29:01which increases her agility by 30%.
00:29:04With a working knowledge of all fighting styles
00:29:07and operational knowledge of all weaponry and machinery,
00:29:11Leah is not an opponent to be taken lightly.
00:29:15I'd like to point out our new trajectory system,
00:29:17which, in short, is a collection of data
00:29:20derived from any and all forms of gunplay.
00:29:23When fed into Leah's CPU,
00:29:25it enables her to predict and deflect
00:29:28all types of gunfire.
00:29:31As you can see,
00:29:33she will be the outcast.
00:29:36The beginning of the end of this war.
00:29:40The perfect soldier.
00:29:48I like it.
00:30:02Excellent presentation.
00:30:03I must say, I was really impressed.
00:30:05I'm glad to hear that, sir.
00:30:10Listen, I'm just going to cut right to the chase.
00:30:13How many of those things do you have out and running?
00:30:15Just the one, sir.
00:30:17We haven't been approved for funding yet.
00:30:20Has it had any field experience yet?
00:30:22Unfortunately, not much.
00:30:25Oh, well.
00:30:26All right, look.
00:30:27I hate to be the bearer of bad news,
00:30:29but the suits aren't going to go for this,
00:30:31at least not right now.
00:30:32They want to see solid numbers, not projections.
00:30:34Let's face it,
00:30:35retcons still have blood on its hands.
00:30:39How do you propose I do that, General?
00:30:42Have a bake sale?
00:30:43Careful, Doctor.
00:30:46Look, what that thing needs,
00:30:48some experience, some real combat.
00:30:50She needs to be out there kicking ass
00:30:52and taking names, as they say.
00:30:54Yes, but how can I do that without official sanction?
00:30:57You let me take care of that.
00:30:59For now, what I want is to see her in the shit.
00:31:02Is she ready?
00:31:05She is, General.
00:31:11All right.
00:31:13We had another food raid in Port City this morning.
00:31:17Intel has tracked the getaway vehicle
00:31:19to a Rebel stronghold in Sector 5.
00:31:23I want to send her in,
00:31:25and I want her to clean house.
00:31:28The Board is getting fed up with this Robin Hood shit.
00:31:32They want the Resistance stopped quickly and quietly.
00:31:36If you can prove that she can do this,
00:31:38they're on board.
00:31:40She can do it, sir.
00:31:44I'll have a dossier for you this afternoon.
00:31:46How quickly can you get her ready?
00:31:48Within the hour.
00:31:52All right, then.
00:31:53I'll make the call.
00:31:54You get her prepped,
00:31:55and I want her en route in 1600 hours.
00:31:57Is that understood?
00:31:58Yes, sir.
00:32:16It's time.
00:32:18Hey, Leah.
00:32:20Leah, you're online.
00:32:22Can you read me?
00:32:26Ruby, prepare to receive your directives.
00:32:29I am ready.
00:32:38We're done.
00:32:39Did you get all that?
00:32:42We're going to be at our destination in five minutes.
00:32:45Do you have any questions?
00:32:47When is our rendezvous?
00:32:51When everyone is dead,
00:32:54and not a moment sooner.
00:32:56Do you understand?
00:32:58Yes, sir.
00:33:02Now go clean house.
00:33:04Yes, sir.
00:33:11Yes, sir.
00:33:25Nice score.
00:33:26Counting on some Serpenturf tonight.
00:33:28Serpenturf tonight.
00:33:42My favorite.
00:33:58Five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
00:34:28Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.
00:35:13Oh, shit.
00:35:21Cass, something's going on.
00:35:22What is it?
00:35:23A military cruiser was spotted two clicks east of here.
00:35:26Shit. We're planning a raid. How many did you count?
00:35:29Just one. It's holding position.
00:35:31Just one? That doesn't make sense.
00:35:32What do we do?
00:35:34Send out a team to secure the area. If we have to, we'll make a break for it and relocate. The last thing we need is an ambush.
00:35:39You got it.
00:35:56What the hell is that?
00:36:16She's an android.
00:36:18How can you tell?
00:36:19Follow me.
00:37:07Don't let her get away!
00:37:37Excellent work.
00:37:44And let's keep it simple. Shoot to kill only, you understand?
00:37:47Yes, sir.
00:38:13Don't do that.
00:38:33That, that, that's what I'm talking about.
00:39:03Hey. Dodge this.
00:39:16What the hell just happened?
00:39:18I don't know.
00:39:19What do you mean you don't know? Where's the feed?
00:39:21I can't find her signal. I'm trying to get her back.
00:39:24Well, you get her back online now.
00:39:26Do it!
00:39:32Is she okay?
00:39:35No, she's just fried.
00:39:37What is she?
00:39:38Collateral. Let's get her in the van.
00:39:41That's an order.
00:40:10She's dead.
00:40:17That's not my arm.
00:40:44Mind telling me what the hell we're doing?
00:40:46We're relocating. Our position's been compromised.
00:40:49But why didn't they just raid us? Why send this thing?
00:40:52Probably a field test. But now that we got her, they're going to send everybody in.
00:40:55So we're getting the hell out of there before that happens.
00:40:57I sent a call out to everyone else in the quad. They know the game plan.
00:41:01But what about that?
00:41:03She stays with us.
00:41:04I don't like that idea. Can we just dump her?
00:41:07If this is what we're going to be facing in the coming months, we need to know how to stop it.
00:41:10I guarantee you she has a team monitoring her progress.
00:41:13We got lucky with the EMP, but I have no doubt they'll fix that problem with the next model.
00:41:18I think the best thing to do is open her up and check her programming.
00:41:21You're not bringing her to the White, are you?
00:41:23He's our best bet right now.
00:41:24I don't like him. And I don't like the situation.
00:41:27I didn't ask your opinion, Brooks.
00:41:29If you don't like the way I'm running things, you can leave. Understand?
00:41:32Sorry, Cass.
00:41:42An EMP cannon?
00:41:45Damn it. I didn't know we'd weaponized them.
00:41:48We didn't. They did.
00:41:49You do realize the severity of our situation if Leah is not retrieved.
00:41:53Yeah, I know. I know. Look, your neck isn't the only one in the line here.
00:41:57She was supposed to be perfect. I should have knuckled her out with you.
00:42:01Well, you said she was ready.
00:42:03I was wrong. A weaponized EMP cannon was not in our statistics.
00:42:08I know. I know. But don't worry. We'll get her back.
00:42:11Don't worry?
00:42:13You know, I heard that a decade ago when we started the Genesis Project,
00:42:16and I think we all know how that turned out.
00:42:19The Genesis Project was an isolated incident.
00:42:22I already told you, the board is willing to overlook it.
00:42:26Pending the results of Leah, who you misplaced in the field,
00:42:30how incompetent can you possibly be?
00:42:32No, you listen to me, you little shit. I'll only take so much.
00:42:37Look, I like you, and I like your work.
00:42:41So don't excuse this little hissy fit that's cracking under pressure, okay?
00:42:46But don't you ever forget the chain of command.
00:42:49You work for me, not the other way around. You got that?
00:42:54Yes, General.
00:42:58See how easy that was?
00:43:01Go back to your desk.
00:43:04This ain't over.
00:43:10Now take a leak.
00:43:34We're taking a big risk coming here.
00:43:36It's the last place they'll look for us.
00:43:40We're here.
00:43:42All right, let's move this thing.
00:44:10It's been a long time.
00:44:12Good to see you.
00:44:19What's up, buddy?
00:44:25Cute as a button.
00:44:27So, what do we have?
00:44:30I was hoping you could tell us.
00:44:37Is that what I think it is?
00:44:39What are you thinking?
00:44:44You magnificent bastard.
00:44:48I'll tell you in a second.
00:44:51Let's just get her inside, okay?
00:45:01You wanted to see me, sir?
00:45:07I got a job for you, but it's hush-hush.
00:45:09I understand, sir.
00:45:11What's the mission?
00:45:121630 hours in Sector 5.
00:45:14One of our newest prototypes went offline.
00:45:17We believe it's now in Rebel hands.
00:45:19I sent in a team to search the area.
00:45:21They came back empty-handed.
00:45:23They tend to overload a lot.
00:45:25I don't know why.
00:45:27They came back empty-handed.
00:45:29They tend to overlook some of the small details, sir.
00:45:32Yeah, I know.
00:45:34And that's why I called you.
00:45:36If there's anything out there to be found, I know you'll find it.
00:45:38Thank you, sir.
00:45:40Everything you need to know is on here.
00:45:43Find me that prototype and bring it in.
00:45:46And what if I encounter any Rebels?
00:45:49Shoot to kill.
00:45:52Thank you, sir.
00:45:57Thank you, sir.
00:46:28Two moves in and you're already bringing out your queen?
00:46:34No, I just think it's rather impulsive for you to...
00:46:42I can't believe you fell for that.
00:46:44That's like the oldest trick in the book.
00:46:46That's not fair.
00:46:48Yes, it is.
00:46:50You cheated.
00:46:52How the hell did I cheat?
00:46:54I want to go again.
00:46:56Okay, well now you're just being a sore loser.
00:46:59No, no.
00:47:01You won the first round and that's fine.
00:47:04But I want to go again.
00:47:06You sure about that?
00:47:08Yes, and this time I'm going to beat you.
00:47:11No, you won't.
00:47:12Yes, I will.
00:47:13No, you won't.
00:47:15Watch me.
00:47:16Alright then.
00:47:17Don't say I didn't warn you.
00:47:27Your move.
00:47:29You're so adorable when you're competitive.
00:47:32I am not being competitive.
00:47:34Chess is about anticipating your opponent's moves and getting inside their mind.
00:47:41I think I did that already.
00:47:43No, you got lucky.
00:47:46I'm going to beat you again.
00:47:48No, you're not.
00:47:50Yes, I am.
00:47:51No, you're not.
00:47:53Yes, I am.
00:47:55No, you're not.
00:47:56Yes, I am.
00:47:58No, you're not.
00:48:04Checkmate in four moves.
00:48:08You got me again.
00:48:10I do not understand, Doctor.
00:48:19Never mind.
00:48:22Would you excuse me?
00:48:43Please note discharging of EMP cannons in my home.
00:48:47And if you guys care for a drink, I've got some booze over there.
00:48:51We've got snacks in the fridge.
00:48:54Where do you want us to put them?
00:48:56On the countertop. It's impermeable.
00:48:58No, no, no, not the couch.
00:49:04That's leather.
00:49:05Too bad.
00:49:10All right, so what is she?
00:49:19She's definitely an android.
00:49:22And I'll bet any amount of money she's from Retcon Labs, too.
00:49:25I thought they went under back in 49.
00:49:28Looks can be deceiving.
00:49:30They definitely took a hit, but they kept on.
00:49:33I interned for them back in 55.
00:49:36And this baby has Peter Hess written all over her.
00:49:41Who the hell is that?
00:49:43Dr. Peter Hess.
00:49:45The world-renowned Dr. Peter Hess.
00:49:48The guy that made her.
00:49:50And if I know Hess, she's one bad motherfucker.
00:49:56So what are we doing?
00:49:58Cass, can I talk to you for a second?
00:50:00What's up?
00:50:04Be back in a second.
00:50:11Everything okay?
00:50:13We just got back from a raid where this thing killed half our platoon.
00:50:17What do you think?
00:50:19I don't know.
00:50:28All right, so what's on your mind?
00:50:31I don't trust this thing.
00:50:33What? The situation?
00:50:35Yeah. The android, Wyatt, all of it.
00:50:37We're too exposed here.
00:50:39So what do you want to do?
00:50:42I say we ditch the bot and reconnect with everybody else.
00:50:45I don't like it here, Cass.
00:50:47But we've got to do this.
00:50:49I'm just looking out for you, Cass. That's all.
00:50:51I know. I know.
00:50:53But you've got to trust me on this.
00:50:55We need to open her up and learn all we can about her.
00:50:57Because you can bet your ass there's going to be more where she came from.
00:50:59Look, turn that thing back on again and she's going to kill us.
00:51:01I'm telling you.
00:51:02No, she won't.
00:51:04What makes you so sure?
00:51:05I know you don't like him.
00:51:07But Wyatt's the best in his class.
00:51:09If he says he's got it, he's got it.
00:51:11He worked for the guy that made her.
00:51:13And I'm telling you, he's trustworthy.
00:51:18Okay, fine.
00:51:21I love this plan.
00:51:23I'm going to be a part of it.
00:51:25Don't be an ass.
00:51:42Ah, we all set?
00:51:45So, what's on the agenda?
00:51:47Turn her on.
00:51:49I want to see her programming.
00:51:51Yes, ma'am.
00:51:53So do I.
00:51:55So do I.
00:54:16Okay, she's back online.
00:54:18Is she broadcasting?
00:54:20No, I disconnected the signal.
00:54:22We're safe.
00:54:24She's moving.
00:54:26It's okay.
00:54:27She won't do anything.
00:54:28Are you sure?
00:54:32Do I come into your war zone and interrogate you on the way that you perform your job?
00:54:36You little shit.
00:54:37The answer's no.
00:54:38I swear to God.
00:54:40One more thing.
00:54:41Hey, folks.
00:54:42There's a fridge over there.
00:54:43Can you go see if there's a beer in it, please?
00:54:48Seriously, Kat?
00:54:50Go see if there's a beer.
00:54:52I don't have time for this.
00:55:02So what is all this?
00:55:04Well, that is her prime directive file.
00:55:21There's no beer.
00:55:24Open it.
00:55:31It looks like she was programmed to wipe you guys out without question.
00:55:34Thank you, Captain Obvious.
00:55:38Well, it looks like she won't be needing that anymore.
00:55:44I have the files.
00:55:46Hold on.
00:55:47You can just delete her directives that easily?
00:55:51It's just a bunch of coding.
00:55:53It's beautiful, elegantly crafted coding, but coding nonetheless.
00:55:59I have an idea.
00:56:00Is she coherent?
00:56:03Oh, yeah.
00:56:07Can you reset all of her behavioral mods?
00:56:09Set her up.
00:56:10I want to have a chat.
00:56:27What is your name?
00:56:31Do you remember where you were at 4.30 today?
00:56:34I was in Section 5 of the Rebel Quadrant.
00:56:37And what was your mission?
00:56:39To eliminate the Rebel threat.
00:56:42Because those were my orders.
00:56:46You murdered 13 men and women today.
00:56:49How does that make you feel?
00:56:51I do not understand.
00:56:54How do you feel after killing all of those innocent people?
00:56:59I feel nothing.
00:57:01Why not?
00:57:02I am not programmed to feel.
00:57:10She is now.
00:57:13Ask her again.
00:57:15You killed 13 men and women today.
00:57:17Do you remember?
00:57:22I remember.
00:57:25And how do you feel about it?
00:57:30Some of them begged for their lives.
00:57:33Did they deserve to die?
00:57:36I do not know.
00:57:38My orders were to eliminate the threat.
00:57:42Why are you perceived a threat?
00:57:44It is a long story.
00:57:46Please tell me.
00:57:48I have no knowledge of the motivations that began this war.
00:57:51Yet I am a soldier fighting for a side.
00:57:54I wish to know who I am fighting and what I am fighting for.
00:57:58Please tell me.
00:58:01Tell her.
00:58:09It started back in the 30s.
00:58:11There was a rise in the stock market.
00:58:13People started getting rich again.
00:58:15Well, some people.
00:58:38It started back in the 30s.
00:59:09A sentient android.
00:59:12Can it be done?
00:59:14Well, it has never been done before, but nothing is impossible.
00:59:21The government has a contract with a private research facility
00:59:24just outside Northport.
00:59:27It is a private research facility.
00:59:29It is a private research facility.
00:59:31It is a private research facility.
00:59:33It is a private research facility.
00:59:35It is a private research facility just outside Northport.
00:59:41Redcon Labs.
00:59:43They are the frontrunners in cybernetic technology.
00:59:49And we think they have the tools to build us what we need.
00:59:54And where do I come in?
00:59:57We want you to design it.
01:00:00Spearhead the whole project.
01:00:08I'm honored.
01:00:10You should be.
01:00:16I wouldn't mind seeing her on the project either.
01:00:20I'm joking.
01:00:21But really, you should be honored.
01:00:24Not only will you be serving your country,
01:00:27but you'll be sparing the lives of countless soldiers.
01:00:33You want me to build you an artificially intelligent,
01:00:36bipedal machine
01:00:39capable of handling itself on the battlefield.
01:00:46Fully autonomous.
01:00:49The board is ready for less bloodshed.
01:00:53They want expendable soldiers
01:00:55that can think, take orders,
01:00:59and make decisions.
01:01:01AI is very tricky with many unforeseeable variables.
01:01:08This is Pandora's box we're opening here.
01:01:11That's where you come in.
01:01:13I can't predict the unpredictable.
01:01:16It's software.
01:01:18That's all it is.
01:01:19Ones and zeros in a particular pattern.
01:01:23Focus on that.
01:01:25You'll do fine.
01:01:27That's a vast overstatement.
01:01:30I think you'd be better off
01:01:32with a remote control avatar program.
01:01:35Peter, this is the Army.
01:01:38It's not a video game.
01:01:40The board wants android soldiers.
01:01:43Make them one.
01:01:46If it succeeds,
01:01:48you walk away with a contract and you are set for life.
01:01:52And if it doesn't?
01:01:55Then it put a bullet in you.
01:01:57No, seriously.
01:01:59If it doesn't, it doesn't.
01:02:02You still walk away with a paycheck.
01:02:05The question for you is
01:02:07how many zeros do you want on that check?
01:02:17Let's do it.
01:02:18Remember this night the next time you play God.
01:02:21Genesis, stop!
01:02:32Alicia Evans.
01:02:34Abigail Coles was a false identity used to infiltrate us.
01:02:38She wasn't even British.
01:02:40She was part of the resistance?
01:02:42Back then, no.
01:02:43There was no resistance.
01:02:45Just a movement, a bunch of activists.
01:02:47Terrorists, really.
01:02:48She was one of them.
01:02:50Was she ever caught?
01:02:55Was she ever caught?
01:02:58She let Genesis out.
01:03:01I know.
01:03:02I read the report.
01:03:03See all the footage blocks out there?
01:03:08That recorder,
01:03:10that was a jamming device.
01:03:12I don't know what she did or said,
01:03:14but whatever it was, it was enough.
01:03:16Let Genesis out and it killed 30 people.
01:03:55And for the last seven years, we've been living day to day.
01:03:58Wondering if we're going to die of starvation
01:04:00or get shot scrounging for food.
01:04:04You have given me a lot of information.
01:04:06I know.
01:04:07I was engineered for the sole purpose of exterminating you.
01:04:10If I complete my mission, more like me will be engineered,
01:04:13and your war will be over in a month's time.
01:04:16I know.
01:04:17I know.
01:04:18I know.
01:04:19I know.
01:04:20I know.
01:04:21I know.
01:04:22I know.
01:04:23It's time.
01:04:25Your cause will be lost and your way is forgotten.
01:04:28Cass, get back!
01:04:29Brooks, hang it up.
01:04:31Babe, we're having a conversation here.
01:04:33I don't trust this thing, Cass.
01:04:36Do it.
01:04:48Sorry about that.
01:04:50He's just looking out for my safety.
01:04:52I understand.
01:04:54I did not wish to alarm you, but to illustrate a point.
01:04:59Your efforts against this war are futile.
01:05:02It would be all too easy for me to kill each and every one of you and return back to base.
01:05:08Will you do that?
01:05:11I now have enough information from both sides to generate my own opinion.
01:05:16And I agree with you.
01:05:18It is wrong to kill another over a simple difference of beliefs.
01:05:22And to launch a full-scale war is more than unnecessary.
01:05:27This war must end.
01:05:29I wish to help your cause.
01:05:35Welcome to the Resistance.
01:05:49Bravo. Beautiful.
01:05:51Just beautiful.
01:05:53Is everything a joke to you?
01:05:55Nope. Just funny stuff.
01:06:01Get down!
01:06:02Don't. You shouldn't.
01:06:11Don't move.
01:06:12What are you doing?
01:06:18Don't move.
01:06:38Not bad.
01:06:39Who sent you?
01:06:41So you're the prototype, huh?
01:06:43Well, let's see what you've got.
01:07:03Ah! Who sent you?
01:07:05Fuck you.
01:07:13Who sent you?
01:07:17How did you find this location?
01:07:19I'm a tracker. It's my job.
01:07:22Have you informed anyone of your position?
01:07:24Think carefully.
01:07:27What were your orders?
01:07:29Locate and return the prototype.
01:07:32Shoot to kill.
01:07:34Orders are orders.
01:07:36You of all people should understand that.
01:07:46Come on.
01:08:03How much time do we have before somebody else comes?
01:08:06His response was truthful.
01:08:08No one knows of this location.
01:08:10We're safe for the moment.
01:08:15This didn't have to happen.
01:08:18I'm sorry.
01:08:21It's not your fault.
01:08:28His death was unnecessary.
01:08:30It won't be meaningless.
01:08:33I need some air.
01:08:37What is wrong with her?
01:08:39She liked him.
01:08:46You're crying for him?
01:08:48What does it matter?
01:08:51I want to understand.
01:08:53There is nothing to understand.
01:08:55You'll be fine.
01:08:57Did you care for him?
01:09:00Did you care for him beyond friendship?
01:09:04Did he know this?
01:09:07Did he?
01:09:14Did he know this?
01:09:18Why not?
01:09:20Because I never told him.
01:09:25Because I didn't know how.
01:09:27And now you mourn him.
01:09:29What the fuck do you want?
01:09:31Is this computing with you?
01:09:33Is this how you make sense of things?
01:09:35I did not mean to offend you.
01:09:37Then what the fuck do you want?
01:09:39To tell you I am sorry.
01:09:41That is all.
01:09:42I know you think I can't understand human emotion, but I can.
01:09:46And if you will allow me, I would like to help.
01:09:52Is everything okay?
01:09:56Boss, everything's fine.
01:10:10So how can we end this?
01:10:13With responsibility.
01:10:16I am the next generation in android weaponry.
01:10:21And a war cannot be fought without weapons.
01:10:24To win, I must ensure that no more like me are made ever again.
01:10:30And a war cannot be fought without weapons.
01:10:34To win, I must ensure that no more like me are made ever again.
01:10:39What are you going to do?
01:10:41Return home.
01:10:52Holy shit.
01:10:54She's back online.
01:10:55Where is she?
01:10:57Looks like the drop-off point.
01:10:59We need to get her back here now.
01:11:01I'll take care of it.
01:11:27Hello, Dr. Hess.
01:11:29Get a take down here now.
01:11:33Hello, Leah.
01:11:36How is your system functioning?
01:11:38Perfectly, Dr. Hess.
01:11:42How long were you offline?
01:11:44Approximately two hours and 39 minutes.
01:11:52Where's Jensen?
01:11:55He got sick, sir.
01:11:59Come in. I need a full diagnostics check now.
01:12:10So, tell me what happened when you came back online.
01:12:15Do you remember where you were?
01:12:19I was at an undisclosed rebel location.
01:12:22What happened?
01:12:24Did they say anything?
01:12:26Yes. A lot was said.
01:12:29Stop being vague and answer the damn question.
01:12:33The rebels explained to me their cause.
01:12:36And the damage derived from this war.
01:12:41Well, it's nice they explained it.
01:12:45Your mission was to eliminate the rebel threat!
01:12:49Now did you complete your task?
01:12:52Why are they perceived a threat, General?
01:12:55What the hell's going on?
01:12:57Why are these people perceived a threat?
01:12:59Leah, you were not programmed to question your orders.
01:13:05What's wrong with her? This is not part of her programming.
01:13:09I'm scanning.
01:13:11You did not answer my question, Doctor.
01:13:15Leah, you were built for a reason.
01:13:20A function.
01:13:23What is your function?
01:13:25What the hell?
01:13:27What is it?
01:13:28Everything's gone.
01:13:29Is something wrong, Doctor?
01:13:31Her programming, her mandates, her directives...
01:13:35It's just not there.
01:13:36What the hell is this?
01:13:37Goddammit, they must have tampered with her.
01:13:40Leah, what is your function?
01:13:44My function was to destroy life.
01:13:47I do not like that function, Doctor.
01:13:49So instead, I've given myself a new directive.
01:13:53What's she doing?
01:13:54Leah, sit down.
01:13:56This facility is dedicated to the manufacturing of weapons, like me.
01:14:01Today, that ends.
01:14:06Oh shit! She's wired!
01:14:08Well, shut her down!
01:14:10I can't!
01:14:11Piece of shit!
01:14:20Leah, what are you doing?
01:14:22You had a wife, didn't you, Doctor?
01:14:24Killed by my predecessor.
01:14:28How did you...
01:14:29And you made me in her image.
01:14:33Why would you put the face of the woman you loved on a killing machine?
01:14:37I don't understand.
01:14:39I should never have been created.
01:14:42And there can be no more like me.
01:15:09Forgive me, Doctor.
01:15:16Forgive me.
01:15:38She did it.
01:15:41I didn't think she would.
01:15:44I'm surprised she...
01:15:47She wasn't a person, Cass.
01:15:50No, but she died like one.
01:16:15My name is Leah.
01:16:17I'm a machine created for the sole purpose of exterminating all those who oppose the government mandate.
01:16:23I was engineered for the primary purpose of destroying life.
01:16:27But I changed.
01:16:29And if I can change, the outcome of this war can change as well.
01:16:33To all those who hear my message, I wish you luck.
01:16:37This war can still end.
01:16:39Peace is still an option.
01:17:14What I am, you can't cure this.
01:17:17You want it, you want it, make it.
01:17:19Get out, get out, get out.
01:17:21They told me I'm empty.
01:17:24They told me I'm bleeding.
01:17:27They told me I'm empty.
01:17:30They told me I'm going down.
01:17:40Falling from everywhere, I don't know what to think.
01:17:43What to think, let's get out, let's get out, let's get out.
01:17:46Bring it down to me, don't bring it down to me.
01:17:49You don't, you don't, you don't want it to.
01:18:05They told me I'm empty.
01:18:08They told me I'm bleeding.
01:18:11They told me I'm empty.
01:18:14They told me I'm going down.
01:18:42Let's go!
01:18:44Let's go!
01:18:46Let's go!
01:18:49They told me I'm empty.
01:18:52They told me I'm bleeding.
01:18:55They told me I'm empty.
01:18:58They told me I'm going down.
01:19:02They told me I'm empty.
01:19:05They told me I'm bleeding.
01:19:08They told me I'm empty.
01:19:11They told me I'm going down.
01:19:19I'm going down.
01:19:38I'm going down.