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The Children’s Train New official Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: The Children's Train is an adaptation of Viola Ardone's bestselling novel, "Il treno dei bambini." Set in post-World War II Italy, the story follows a group of children who are sent away from their impoverished families in the South to live with families in the North. The novel explores themes of identity, belonging, and the indomitable spirit of children. The Children's Train, also known as Il Treno dei Bambini, is directed by Italian writer / filmmaker Cristina Comencini, director of many films including Marriages, Liberate i Pesci!, The Best Day of My Life, Don't Tell, Black and White, When the Night, Latin Lover, Something New, Sex Story, and Tornare previously. The screenplay is also written by Cristina Comencini, adapted from the novel of the same name by Viola Ardone.
00:00This eye that holds a pearl
00:05Is shining like a star
00:09I'm black, I'm black
00:12Hermes, I'll give you a pair of good shoes
00:14and a baguette
00:16Have you seen how he's dressed?
00:18I know how your sighs
00:20In September they treat you like children, you know?
00:22Every sigh is a kiss
00:25Mom, I don't want to go
00:28Amerigo, go!
00:31Don't miss this opportunity
00:33Think of your children
00:41We're almost there
00:46Hi, my name is Derna
00:49Speranza Amerigo
00:54Music is beautiful
00:56Maybe I'll take a walk
00:58Why don't you know anything about children?
01:00It's not your business
01:02I always told my mom
01:04When the wheat sprouts
01:06and the field turns yellow
01:08then you can go back to Naples
01:10How long will it take?
01:12Time flies
01:15You're really good
01:17Yes, but someone taught you something about music
01:19Mom, you can sing very well
01:22Langop forgot everything, even his mom
01:25She doesn't even love you
01:27That's why you came here
01:33You can give him your sound
01:35Your life is here
01:43Sometimes you need someone who lets you go
01:48Someone who keeps you