00:00There is no God out there somewhere.
00:03The prayer is to oneself.
00:05It's a kind of reminder to oneself.
00:07It's an encouragement to oneself.
00:09You could even call it a pep-up talk to oneself.
00:11There's nobody anywhere else.
00:14Gods refer to the forces inside the mind itself that offer it ascension and upward propulsion.
00:26And conversely, dhanavs, demons, refer to the forces within the mind itself that sink
00:35it into all kinds of depravities and perversions.
00:41So if I'm praying to the gods, I'm actually praying to myself.
00:45So I'm telling myself, may I hear only that which is auspicious.
00:49I'm reminding myself there are gods within, but there are others as well.
00:54And they are not quite as godly.
00:56And hence, the prayer is needed.