• el año pasado
series en audio latino y subtitulado , peliculas en latino y subtitulado , animes en audio latino y subtitulado, dramas en latino y subtitulado , todo en latino y subtitulado #peliculaslatino ,#dramasenlatino #kdramas #doramas #animeslatino #doramasenlatino #kdramasenlatino , #kdramas


00:09To me esto means pure muchísimo me sirve de motivación para poder trabajar con mucha vision Hesta penas inicia
00:25Who who who
00:30Ay, la letra de esta parte no me gusta.
00:33Voy a escribir eso.
00:35He, you, you, he, you, you.
00:41Estoy intentando varias cosas diferentes, pero...
00:44Ay, es que el final no se me ocurre un buen final
00:47y siento que ya estoy volviéndome loco.
00:49¡Qué calor!
00:52No estoy seguro de cómo componer toda la canción por mi cuenta.
00:56Pa-bam-ba-bam, ba-bam-ba-bam, ba-bam-ba-bam.
01:00Para mí, componer el estribillo, las estrofas y todo eso es mucho.
01:05Siento que es una gran responsabilidad.
01:10Más porque mis habilidades son limitadas.
01:19Siento un gran crecimiento psicológico.
01:22La semana pasada se trató de oír que opinaban
01:25las cuatro personas y trabajar para lograr todo eso.
01:29Incorporar sus consejos sin perder mi vibra.
01:32Ya estoy terminando una canción.
01:34Lo tengo.
01:37Estás avanzando rápido.
01:38Pienso todo el día en esto.
01:40Hasta cuando voy al baño pienso en eso.
01:42Cuando oigo las gotas cayendo.
01:49Mezcla, mezcla, mezcla, mezcla.
01:51Todo va a quedar rico.
01:53Todo un éxito.
01:54La semana pasada me puse en contacto con alguien increíble.
01:58La invité a venir a mi estudio.
02:00Es la mejor actriz y artista musical de Corea.
02:04Como oí que le gusta el cerdo agridulce, cociné eso.
02:13Sí, se ve rico.
02:15Se ve muy rico.
02:18Si se te pega, lo separas.
02:26¿Y si mejor pedimos a domicilio?
02:39Sabe bien.
02:41Le tiene que gustar.
02:49¿Saliste a recibirme con este frío?
02:52¿Sí? ¿Qué tiene?
02:54¿Yung Sok?
02:55¿Cuánto tiempo?
02:57Qué gusto verte.
02:59Hola a todos.
03:00Yo soy la amiga de Yung Sok.
03:02Me llamo Ayú.
03:03Un placer.
03:07¿Qué es eso?
03:08¿Qué es eso?
03:09¿Qué es eso?
03:10¿Qué es eso?
03:11¿Qué es eso?
03:12¿Qué es eso?
03:13¿Qué es eso?
03:14¿Qué es eso?
03:15¿Qué es eso?
03:17Muchas gracias.
03:18Yung Sok es todo un veterano.
03:20Un gran colega a quien le guardo muchísimo agradecimiento.
03:23Como tengo un poco más de experiencia que él en la creación de álbumes,
03:27quería devolver la ayuda que alguna vez recibí de él,
03:30así que por esa razón fue que vine.
03:33¿Cómo estás?
03:35Oye, ¿y esto qué trajiste?
03:37Galletitas y un difusor.
03:39Solo eso.
03:41Oye, pero no tenías que traer nada.
03:43¿Qué es esto?
03:44Bueno, es que hice cerdo agridulce para ti.
03:47¿Tú preparaste todo esto?
03:49Por supuesto.
03:50No, no es cierto.
03:51Sí, sí es cierto.
03:52¿De verdad?
03:53Con confianza, come.
03:54¿Pero cómo te sabes la receta?
03:55Tú no preguntes.
03:56Ay, Dios, ¿la salsa también la hiciste tú?
03:58Sí, sí, por supuesto.
03:59Ay, Dios.
04:04Oye, qué rico.
04:07¿Me quedó rico?
04:09O sea...
04:11Está demasiado bueno.
04:13Es la primera vez que alguien lo prepara para mí.
04:16¿Ah, en serio?
04:18Normalmente lo compro.
04:20Una vez, cuando hicimos You Are The Best,
04:22fuimos a un restaurante chino.
04:25Y recuerdo que te encantaba el cerdo agridulce.
04:28No inventes.
04:29Hace más de 10 años de eso.
04:30Pues sí, pero para que veas que sí me acuerdo.
04:32Y todavía me encanta, ¿eh?
04:33Sí, por eso pensé hacerlo para ti.
04:37Sí, recuerdo el restaurante.
04:38¿Tú te acuerdas de Beautiful Song?
04:41¿Cuando hacíamos You Are The Best?
04:42Sí, cuando grabamos ese.
04:43Te pedí esa canción así de último minuto.
04:46Exacto, exacto.
04:47Todo muy apresurado.
04:48Dijiste que querías regalársela a tus fans, me acuerdo.
04:50¿No está en internet?
04:51Sí, se la regalé.
04:52No creo, ¿eh?
04:53Porque no fue una canción de lanzamiento oficial.
04:55No, pero en YouTube siempre aparece todo.
04:58Ah, sí está.
05:05No inventes.
05:06¿Te acuerdas?
05:09Ay, esta canción.
05:10Cómo me encanta esta canción.
05:13Guau, hace tanto que no la oía.
05:16¿En serio?
05:19Qué lindo.
05:32Hacía tanto tiempo que no oía esa canción.
05:35Sentí muy raro, como si fuera llorar o algo así.
05:38La parte que me hizo llorar fue el sentimiento
05:41con el que él la cantó.
05:43Yo también la sentía, claro, pero ahora que tengo más o menos
05:47la edad que él tenía en aquel entonces,
05:50a ver, una joven más de 10 años menor que él
05:53le pide un favor y él corre al estudio de grabación.
05:56No es algo fácil de hacer, pero él lo hizo por mí.
05:59Y se sintió como...
06:00Él se esforzó por hacer un gran trabajo.
06:03A la fecha le agradezco tanto que lo hiciera.
06:07Fue muy conmovedor volver a escuchar la canción.
06:12Qué linda.
06:17Ay, qué bonito.
06:19Hace exactamente 10 años se subió.
06:22No inventes, por poco me haces llorar.
06:24¿Ah, sí?
06:25Es que recordé tanto.
06:26En serio, que hayas hecho esto por mí fue tan impresionante
06:30y tan lindo.
06:31Ay, no tanto.
06:32¿Por qué hiciste algo así de lindo?
06:33Yo fui muy feliz de poder hacerlo.
06:37En ese entonces, ambos cantábamos con tanta sinceridad.
06:40Sí, muy sinceros.
06:41Y tú también me diste consejos.
06:43Sí, es cierto.
06:44Para el estribillo y esas cosas.
06:45Exacto, sí.
06:47Oye, oír la canción y recordar todas estas cosas
06:50me hace sentir muy orgulloso.
06:52¿De qué o qué?
06:53De que hice un dueto hace como 10 años con Ayu.
06:56Con la gran Ayu.
06:58Guau, o sea, que hice un dueto contigo hace 10 años.
07:00Cuánto tiempo.
07:01Qué loco mirar así atrás.
07:02Qué loco, ¿verdad?
07:03¿Y cómo terminaste produciendo esto?
07:06¿Cuántas canciones van a hacer?
07:07Quiero que sea un álbum completo.
07:09Así que yo creo que como unas 6 o tal vez 7 canciones.
07:14Uy, es bastante trabajo hacer uno de esos.
07:16Es algo muy serio, ¿no?
07:18Claro, son muchas canciones y hay mucho en qué pensar.
07:21Como en qué orden poner las canciones para que no se sienta
07:24aburrido y esas cosas.
07:26Claro, sí.
07:27Sí, es bastante trabajo.
07:28Pero bueno, tú ya tienes logros musicales.
07:30Ay, no digas eso.
07:31Claro que sí.
07:32No es cierto.
07:33Tienes esa increíble historia de tu canción en el ranking,
07:37Fue por el programa, nada más.
07:39No, oye, no porque un programa sea popular significa que su
07:42banda sonora también lo vaya a ser.
07:43Bueno, sí, te doy la razón en eso.
07:45Tu voz conmovió a la gente.
07:46El éxito está en tu voz.
07:47Yo escuché tu versión muchas veces.
07:49¿En serio?
07:50Ay, guau.
07:51Eso que dijo me conmovió mucho.
07:53En serio.
07:54Es que Ayu es puro amor.
07:58¿Sabes que me encanta esa canción que tienes?
08:00¿Cómo era?
08:01Love, Wind, Soul.
08:02Ah, Love, Wind, Soul.
08:03¿En serio?
08:04Cuando la oí.
08:05La publiqué y fuiste el primero que me escribió.
08:08¿Ah, sí?
08:09Sí, sí, el primero.
08:10¿En serio?
08:11Le mandaste un mensaje muy largo.
08:13Guau, es que sí me conmovió muchísimo.
08:15Por eso el mensaje largo.
08:16De hecho, hace rato, antes de que llegaras,
08:19estaba tocando esa canción en la guitarra.
08:23Amo esa canción.
08:26Por aquí escribí los acordes para practicarla.
08:30¿Estabas practicándola?
08:31¿En serio?
08:32Sí, claro.
08:34Ay, cómo me gusta.
08:41Es la primera vez que la oigo en guitarra.
08:43¿En serio?
08:50La practiqué mientras esperaba.
08:53Es una gran canción.
08:54Me encanta.
08:57¿La vas a cantar?
09:45Ey, sigue cantándola.
09:53Ay, qué bonito.
10:23¿Te la aprendiste toda?
10:30Si apenas tiene unos días.
10:48Me encanta.
10:51Junseok, no estás llorando, ¿sí?
10:53Ay, cómo me gusta.
10:55Ah, el capotraste.
10:57Sí, esta es la parte.
11:01Un, dos, tres, cuatro, un, y.
11:21Un, dos, tres, cuatro, un, y.
11:23Un, dos, tres, cuatro, un, y.
11:24Un, dos, tres, cuatro, un, y.
11:25Un, dos, tres, cuatro, un, y.
11:26Un, dos, tres, cuatro, un, y.
11:27Un, dos, tres, cuatro, un, y.
11:28Un, dos, tres, cuatro, un, y.
11:29Un, dos, tres, cuatro, un, y.
11:30Un, dos, tres, cuatro, un, y.
11:31Un, dos, tres, cuatro, un, y.
11:32Un, dos, tres, cuatro, un, y.
11:33Un, dos, tres, cuatro, un, y.
11:34Un, dos, tres, cuatro, un, y.
11:35Un, dos, tres, cuatro, un, y.
11:36Un, dos, tres, cuatro, un, y.
11:37Un, dos, tres, cuatro, un, y.
11:39Un, dos, tres, cuatro, un, y.
11:40Un, dos, tres, cuatro, un, y.
11:41Un, dos, tres, cuatro, un, y.
11:42Un, dos, tres, cuatro, un, y.
11:43Un, dos, tres, cuatro, un, y.
11:44Un, dos, tres, cuatro, un, y.
11:50Ay, lo disfrute mucho.
11:53Es lo que practicaba.
11:54Qué bonito.
11:56Soy malo en la guitarra, pero Ay-Yu estaba cantando y yo le
11:59estaba acompañando.
12:02Me sentí como un guitarrista de verdad.
12:04Como el mejor guitarrista.
12:06I once dreamed of being a guitarist.
12:09And today it felt like that.
12:11This is the first time I sing it in a low voice.
12:14But it goes very well with your accompaniment.
12:17Hey, I want to show you some things.
12:20Look, a little bit of this and a little bit of that.
12:23Are they your songs?
12:25They are my songs.
12:26The lyrics are also...
12:27Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.
12:28Stay there.
12:28I'll pass them to you now.
12:29Oh, what a shame.
12:30Let's see.
12:31Well, when you're ready, I'll listen to you.
12:32Go ahead.
12:34During the presentation, there were four people.
12:37There were four people and I thought,
12:39oh, okay, if you've come this far, do it.
12:42And I just added the lyrics I wrote and I started singing.
12:44Oh, my God.
12:45Yes, what a shame.
12:47And even more when they gave you the sheet with the lyrics.
12:50Oh, okay.
12:52Oh, I got goosebumps at that moment.
12:56It's just that my lyrics are pretty ridiculous.
12:59Should I try to explain this?
13:03What a shame.
13:04It's practically in English.
13:07They're in English, but people use them a lot.
13:09I just wanna love you and things like that.
13:10I just also says a lot.
13:11Yes, I just.
13:12I'm gonna too, right?
13:13I wanna too, right?
13:14Yes, wanna.
13:14And look, you put I just wanna love you.
13:16It's all there.
13:16I know.
13:17Wanna, gonna.
13:18Yes, gonna.
13:21And you are empathizing with me.
13:23Waiting for you, waiting for you.
13:26Don't crazy for that night.
13:28For that night.
13:31Oh, I'm so ashamed of this.
13:32The lyrics.
14:01Tell me, tell me loud, tell me loud.
14:11I just wanna love you.
14:14I'm gonna love you.
14:18I loved it.
14:20The music is incredible.
14:25I'm sorry.
14:26The lyrics are not finished yet.
14:29But it's okay.
14:30Let's see, you've been singing for a long time.
14:33It's a great job.
14:34Really, you think so?
14:38It's very nice.
14:40Good, IU said it's nice.
14:43To be honest, does it work?
14:45Well, I think it was something like that.
14:49It's true.
14:51Well, that's how it felt.
14:53As if I had won the world today.
14:56Hey, but IU, are you serious?
14:59I'm not kidding.
15:01I wouldn't lie to you, Junsuk.
15:04Yes, just as you saw, he said he was serious.
15:09I saw his face, and I think he did tell the truth.
15:13I really liked that it has a vintage feel.
15:16You liked it?
15:16Yes, when that rhythm starts to be heard,
15:20that's when the essence of the song emerges.
15:23And before that, you have ideas like that.
15:25I love that.
15:26It's amazing.
15:29God, you're good.
15:31You're a great musician.
15:33No, of course not.
15:35Oh, God, you gave me a great idea.
15:37That's amazing.
15:38Okay, okay, I think it sounds good,
15:40but I'm going to change the lyrics for the first verse.
15:43Tell me, tell me loud.
15:44I think it's good.
15:45Tell me loud is good.
15:46Okay, I'll keep it.
15:48That part is...
15:49I think that part reminds me of Hedwig a little bit,
15:52don't you think?
15:54It had a very cool vibe.
15:55You like rock, don't you?
15:56A lot, yes.
15:57I think that feels a lot in your music.
15:59I love it.
16:00And honestly, I'm not sure what kind of vocalist I am.
16:03With Aloha or I Like You,
16:06there's a nuance that I feel had the original song.
16:10The vocal characteristics of EJ Hull,
16:12and the vocal characteristics of the Weathercast group,
16:16I know those characteristics to a certain extent.
16:19So I can say something like,
16:21I think the mood should be this way for this song.
16:25But when I sing a song like this,
16:27how should I sing it?
16:29But I think inside of you,
16:31you already have all the answers you need.
16:33You think so?
16:34Yes, because this is your song.
16:36There's no one in the world
16:37who can interpret this song better than you.
16:40In this that you showed me,
16:41there was no point that sounded unnatural to me.
16:46I think you already have a defined line that you're following.
16:51So can I sing this as I feel it?
16:53Yes, of course, of course you can.
16:55Do you think it sounds good?
16:56Yes, of course.
16:58Could there be anything better than that?
17:01Oof, I even got hot.
17:04Of the emotion, right?
17:05Yes, my heart accelerated.
17:07What's going on?
17:09That's crazy.
17:12This is...
17:13Did you write this while thinking of a friend of yours?
17:16No, none in particular, all in general.
17:19I was thinking of my high school friends.
17:22I wrote this song while thinking of my teenage years.
17:33So, on YouTube,
17:35there's a video of Kim Jong-shik singing live
17:39in a hospital room.
17:42Since he wasn't feeling well, his voice wasn't well either.
17:45So he was singing live,
17:48just playing the chords and that.
17:52I wanted to compose something with that vibe.
17:59Yes, if I had to sing about something really personal,
18:04it would be my family and friends.
18:13He's got an idea.
18:21He didn't have any.
18:35My head hurts.
18:44He's got an idea.
18:51He didn't have any.
18:53I think now I see why so many singers
18:56have trouble preparing their albums.
18:59The time is quite limited,
19:02and I have to make a complete song within that time,
19:05but I'm losing everything in thinking.
19:07Will this be okay?
19:08Today the melody sounded good,
19:10but yesterday, oh, I think this would sound better.
19:13I'm losing time in those things.
19:17It sounds good. Yes, I like it.
19:28It's just a song I made with the guitar.
19:32I hope you like it.
19:46It's just me on the guitar until the end.
19:49There's no more.
19:50It sounds great.
20:16It's just me on the guitar until the end.
20:19There's no more.
20:21It's just me on the guitar until the end.
20:24There's no more.
20:26It's just me on the guitar until the end.
20:29There's no more.
20:31It's just me on the guitar until the end.
20:34There's no more.
20:36It's just me on the guitar until the end.
20:39There's no more.
20:41It's just me on the guitar until the end.
20:44It's just me on the guitar until the end.
20:47There's no more.
20:49It's just me on the guitar until the end.
20:52There's no more.
20:54It's just me on the guitar until the end.
20:57There's no more.
20:59It's just me on the guitar until the end.
21:02There's no more.
21:04It's just me on the guitar until the end.
21:07There's no more.
21:09It's just me on the guitar until the end.
21:12No matter how long the road takes
21:15When the days pass us by
21:24Let us take it slow
21:33I love it.
21:35I get goosebumps here.
21:39Yes, that feeling that comes out when something is sincere.
21:42Oh, really?
21:43That's great.
21:44The lyrics.
21:45I liked the part about do you remember.
21:49If you start and finish saying...
21:50Okay, okay.
21:51Do you remember?
21:52I think that would be incredible.
21:53I was just thinking about that.
21:54I love it.
21:56I like that it sounds like you're talking.
21:57When I read the lyrics to the song Friend,
21:59I felt what I really wanted to convey.
22:02And then when I heard the song in the voice of Jungseok,
22:04I was able to feel it even more strongly.
22:06It made me understand that when you have something to say,
22:09the music you compose is always good.
22:12I think Jungseok has to compose following that line he's following.
22:16Hey, have you played this for your friends yet?
22:18No, I haven't done it yet.
22:20And what do you think they'll say?
22:22In fact, I recorded this at home with my guitar,
22:25but I had to be standing by the knot in my throat.
22:31When you write your lyrics,
22:34do you have to lock yourself in and isolate yourself for a while?
22:38No, I don't do that in my case.
22:40I should think about my lyrics when I'm working,
22:42but I think about them more when I'm showering.
22:45So, if I'm going to have to write lyrics fast,
22:49what I do is shower.
22:51When you're showering,
22:52don't you get more ideas?
22:54Yes, that's true.
22:55I mean, I don't know if it's just me,
22:57but I think of things in the shower.
22:59But I think it's also the echo.
23:01The echo of the bathroom.
23:03It's very nice to hear.
23:05Yes, I also sing when I'm in the shower.
23:07But when you say you're writing lyrics,
23:11do you think they should only be about pretty things
23:14and a little...
23:16I mean, in a descriptive way,
23:18but when you just...
23:22Since you spoke so simply,
23:24that made me listen to the song in more detail.
23:27Ah, okay, okay, okay.
23:29If you stay on that path,
23:31that could be what makes you unique.
23:33Okay, okay.
23:34Thank you, Ayu.
23:35What a beautiful comment.
23:37That could become my new color.
23:42I felt brave.
23:44I felt that what I'm doing,
23:49after all,
23:50isn't so bad.
23:53I realized that,
23:55and I felt very comforted.
23:58As if I had regained the value
24:01and that monthly assessment.
24:04What worried me after that
24:06and listening to the advice of several people
24:08was what is my unique color.
24:10And I realized that those concerns
24:13weren't bad.
24:14I feel like I'm earning a lot tonight
24:18thanks to Ayu's help.
24:21Let's see, I just had an idea.
24:23I'm listening.
24:24Now everything seems serious and pleasant.
24:27That's the kind of vibe you have.
24:29And since it's a full album,
24:31maybe a song should be more rebellious.
24:35So if you did something like...
24:39Oh yeah, if you did something like that,
24:41it would be shocking.
24:42Oh, you're seriously amazing.
24:45This is amazing, Ayu.
24:47It's the best of the best.
24:49I think everyone would like to see your rebellious side.
24:52And I think that vocal style would look good on you.
24:55Thank you very much, Siyo.
24:57Hearing you say all this gave me a lot of confidence.
25:01The truth is, with the last presentation,
25:03I felt very depressed.
25:06I didn't trust myself anymore.
25:07You know what?
25:08A rap would be a good idea too.
25:09But you don't normally rap, do you?
25:12I don't know how to do it.
25:13Oh, well, Junsok.
25:14I mean, I think you'd be good at rap.
25:16You think?
25:17Yes, because you have good diction
25:19and you also have a good projection of your voice.
25:21I'm scared.
25:22If you have a sense of rhythm,
25:24rapping will be very easy.
25:25And you can also ask people like Dynamic Duo for help.
25:30I love Dynamic Duo,
25:32but do you really think I can rap?
25:34I think it would be fun.
25:36But would it be okay?
25:37Because they and I have a lot in common.
25:40We're the same age.
25:4140 something.
25:42Oh, that's true.
25:43The three of us are dads.
25:45Hip hop daddy.
25:48I said hip hop.
25:49Hip hop daddy.
25:50I said hip hop daddy.
25:51I thought you said medicinal hip hop or something.
25:53No, no, no.
25:54Hip hop daddy.
25:55I liked it.
25:57Hip hop.
25:59I don't know.
26:00Could I compose hip hop?
26:08Could we say hi to him, even if it's just for a minute?
26:10Yes, of course.
26:11Who is it?
26:12BDNS, do you know him?
26:13Oh, I love this channel.
26:14Oh, really?
26:15Yes, of course.
26:16But what is he doing here?
26:17The thing is, he's promoting the album.
26:19Oh, well, I'd love to see him.
26:21Well, it's better if he doesn't come.
26:23Because he's going to be arrogant.
26:25You see how he is.
26:28Oh, what things.
26:36I'm here, I'm here.
26:37She's here.
26:38She's knocking on the door.
26:40Hello, friend.
26:41Hello, friend.
26:42What are you doing here?
26:44Excuse me.
26:45Nice to meet you.
26:46Nice to see you.
26:47Nice to meet you.
26:48What are you doing here?
26:49I thought we had to meet and I could only today.
26:50Hey, but when I was alone, you never came.
26:53I meant to join Aiyu.
26:55It's a pleasure to meet you.
26:56Nice to meet you.
26:57They called me and said that Aiyu was going to be there.
27:03How was I going to say no?
27:05I'm a super fan of your channel.
27:06Can I take off my shoes?
27:08Oh, no way.
27:09Do you really know who I am?
27:10Of course.
27:12And for a long time.
27:13Oh, no.
27:14And I...
27:15Don't let her down.
27:16Come on.
27:17Hey, I'm serious.
27:18For a long time.
27:19Since before they came out on television.
27:22I was a subscriber since then.
27:24Are you serious?
27:25Yes, I'm serious.
27:26No kidding.
27:27I swear.
27:28Now I understand the fans who cry.
27:31Thank you very much.
27:32Hey, I'm serious.
27:33What a thing.
27:34I'm a big fan.
27:35Isn't it a joke?
27:36To tell you that I've seen everything that has come out.
27:39Oh, my God.
27:41Where did you get that?
27:43Where did you get it?
27:44It's my cane.
27:45I love it.
27:46Hey, I'm fascinated.
27:48Hey, and you're...
27:52Can I...
27:53Can I say that?
27:55You're very handsome.
27:59Oh, Yu.
28:00Why are you doing this?
28:01Oh, it's so cool.
28:04Oh, I didn't even brush my hair.
28:06The company with the most benefits,
28:08Yun San Productions.
28:10I'm going to try my best.
28:13I mean, I'm going to try very hard.
28:15I've always been your fan.
28:18And now he's so famous and everyone knows who he is.
28:21And he's running away from me.
28:30I think I'm going to pass out.
28:33In fact, I sent many emails to Edama Entertainment.
28:36Oh, to collaborate with me?
28:38Well, let's do it.
28:42Hey, let's see, Moon.
28:44Did you come here to do your personal business?
28:46It's true, it's true.
28:47Hey, how's it going on my channel, huh?
28:49Did you check it out?
28:50There's going to be problems here.
28:52I was telling Yu that I'm his fan.
28:56And Yu, I didn't even look at him.
29:00I offer you an apology.
29:03Okay, let's not talk about personal stuff anymore.
29:06Anyway, today I'm...
29:08The album promotion boss.
29:10So, in fact, we have a lot of work to do.
29:13We have a two-way system.
29:16We can't neglect YouTube, okay?
29:18So we're going to make a channel like this.
29:20It's called...
29:22Chongye San Dengi Records.
29:25This is our plan for YouTube.
29:27We want when the album is released,
29:29people to say,
29:30What? I already saw a video of Yung So singing?
29:33And we thought, what would be entertaining?
29:35So we came up with a cover with Nia
29:38of a Gummy song.
29:39So we just uploaded that video and...
29:47We've only posted one thing so far.
29:50This is just the beginning.
29:51It's the beginning.
29:52So you're going to have this channel
29:54pretending it's not you, right?
29:56It's a hidden channel.
29:57It has almost no views,
29:58but a comment says,
30:00even the real Cho Yung Sok would be surprised to hear it.
30:03Exactly, yes.
30:04So we're doing this advertising.
30:09Hey, since we're at it,
30:11why don't you do covers of idols?
30:14Of course, covers of idols.
30:15It could work.
30:16For example, a song by Seraphine.
30:19Sounds fun, right?
30:20I love it.
30:21You should be writing all this down, of course.
30:24First of all, I'm going to sing one of yours.
30:26Oh, so you're going to upload a song of mine too?
30:30That's right.
30:31Well, when you do,
30:32and the Love Wins video comes out,
30:34I sometimes post covers of my songs
30:37on Instagram stories and stuff.
30:40And from there I can...
30:45This can't be!
30:46This is real!
30:47This is crazy!
30:48This can't be!
30:50Is this your personal camera?
30:54It's ours, right?
30:56I just don't get it.
30:59Oh, no.
31:01I think we need to hurry with this,
31:03because if we post Love Wins All,
31:05and she reposts it,
31:07or posts it on her stories,
31:08we're going to have a huge window of opportunity.
31:13Like the shares.
31:15I'd better not make that comparison.
31:17No, I'm very grateful.
31:21And even Moon...
31:23She looks adorable.
31:25I don't know what we're going to do with that channel.
31:27I hope it works.
31:28But now we know,
31:30that thanks to you, it's going to go well.
31:32Exactly. It's going to be a success.
31:34Oh, no.
31:35Well, I don't think I'm that helpful either.
31:37What are you saying?
31:38That you're not that helpful?
31:39No, I don't think I'm that helpful.
31:41I also need water.
31:43I'm going to try even harder.
31:45That was just a comment in the air I made.
31:50I hope my feedback cheers Junseok up.
31:54And I also hope he can achieve
31:57everything he set out with his first album.
32:00I hope he has confidence,
32:02because he's very good.
32:06Thank you very much.
32:07Thank you all.
32:08Thank you very much.
32:09Did you hear that?
32:10What? No.
32:11Then why did we do all that?
32:12I was in the corner.
32:20Oh, my stomach.
32:21Why does it hurt so much today?
32:23I'm going to have to rest.
32:24Okay, okay.
32:25I need a doctor.
32:26It still hurts.
32:31Are you okay?
32:32No, I don't feel well.
32:39I'm sorry.
32:40I'm sorry.
32:41I'm sorry.
32:42I'm sorry.
32:43I'm sorry.
32:44I'm sorry.
32:45I'm sorry.
32:46I'm sorry.
32:47I'm sorry.
32:48I'm sorry.
32:49I'm sorry.
32:50I'm sorry.
32:51I'm sorry.
32:52I'm sorry.
32:53I'm sorry.
32:54I'm sorry.
32:55I'm sorry.
32:56I'm sorry.
32:57I'm sorry.
32:58I'm sorry.
32:59I'm sorry.
33:00I'm sorry.
33:01I'm sorry.
33:02I'm sorry.
33:03I'm sorry.
33:04I'm sorry.
33:05I'm sorry.
33:06I'm sorry.
33:07I'm sorry.
33:08I'm sorry.
33:09I'm sorry.
33:10I'm sorry.
33:11I'm sorry.
33:12I'm sorry.
33:13I'm sorry.
33:14I'm sorry.
33:15I'm sorry.
33:16I'm sorry.
33:17I'm sorry.
33:18I'm sorry.
33:19I'm sorry.
33:20I'm sorry.
33:21I'm sorry.
33:22I'm sorry.
33:23I'm sorry.
33:24I'm sorry.
33:25I'm sorry.
33:26I'm sorry.
33:27I'm sorry.
33:28I'm sorry.
33:29I'm sorry.
33:30I'm sorry.
33:31I'm sorry.
33:32I'm sorry.
33:33I'm sorry.
33:34I'm sorry.
33:35I'm sorry.
33:36I'm sorry.
33:37I'm sorry.
33:38I'm sorry.
33:39I'm sorry.
33:40I'm sorry.
33:41I'm sorry.
33:42I'm sorry.
33:43I'm sorry.
33:44I'm sorry.
33:45I'm sorry.
33:46I'm sorry.
33:47I'm sorry.
33:48I'm sorry.
33:49I'm sorry.
33:50I'm sorry.
33:51I'm sorry.
33:52I'm sorry.
33:53I'm sorry.
33:54I'm sorry.
33:55I'm sorry.
33:56I'm sorry.
33:57I'm sorry.
33:58I'm sorry.
33:59I'm sorry.
34:00I'm sorry.
34:01I'm sorry.
34:02I'm sorry.
34:03I'm sorry.
34:04I'm sorry.
34:05I'm sorry.
