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Virtues of reciting Surah al-Kahf on Friday
There are sahih ahadith from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) concerning the virtues of reciting Surah al-Kahf during the day or night of Jumu’ah (Friday). These include:
[1] From Abu Sa’id al-Khudri, who said: “Whoever reads Surat al-Kahf on the night of Jumu’ah, will have a light that will stretch between him and the Ka’bah.” (Narrated by al-Darimi, 3407. This hadith was classed as sahih by Shaykh al-Albani in Sahih al-Jami’, 6471)
[2] Another hadith narrates: “Whoever reads Surat al-Kahf on the day of Jumu’ah, will have a light that will shine from him from one Friday to the next.” (Narrated by al-Hakim, 2/399; al-Bayhaqi, 3/249)
[3] Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: ‘Whoever reads Surat al-Kahf on the day of Jumu’ah, a light will shine for him from beneath his feet to the clouds of the sky, which will shine for him on the Day of Resurrection, and he will be forgiven (his sins) between the two Fridays.’”


00:00In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
00:04All praise is due to Allah, Who has sent down to His servant the Book, and has not made any crookedness in it,
00:15established, that He may warn of a severe punishment from Him, and give good news to the believers who do righteous deeds, that they will have a good reward,
00:31abiding therein forever. And He warns those who say, Allah has taken a son.
00:41They have no knowledge of it, nor do their forefathers. A word is thrown out of their mouths. They say nothing but a lie.
00:59So perhaps you will cause yourself to weep over their traces, if they do not believe in this Hadith. Alas!
01:12Verily, We have made that which is on the earth an adornment for it, that We may test them as to which of them is best in deed.
01:22And verily, We will make that which is on it a steep ascent.
01:30Or did you think that the dwellers of the cave and the rock were of Our signs in wonder?
01:40When the young men took refuge in the cave, they said, Our Lord! Give us mercy from Yourself, and make easy for us the right course of our affair.
01:55So We struck upon their ears in the cave for a number of years.
02:03Then We raised them up, that We might know which of the two parties of the horse had stayed for how long.
02:14We tell you their story in truth.
02:20Verily, they are young men who have believed in their Lord, and We have increased them in guidance.
02:28And We struck upon their hearts when they stood up and said, Our Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth.
02:37We will not call upon any god other than Him. We will surely say, then, Shatatar.
02:50These are a people who have taken gods besides Him.
03:00If they had not come to them with a clear authority, then who is more unjust than he who invents a lie against Allah?
03:13And when you have left them, and they worship none but Allah, then go to the cave.
03:21Your Lord will spread for you His mercy, and will make easy for you the right course of your affair.
03:32And you will see the sun, when it rises, moving away from their cave to the right,
03:40and when it goes out, it throws them out to the left, and they will be in a void from it.
03:48These are among the signs of Allah.
03:52Whomsoever Allah guides, he is the guided one, and whosoever He leaves astray, you will not find for him a right-guiding friend.
04:03And you think of them as waking up, while they are sleeping.
04:09And We turn them to the right and to the left, and their dog is wide, its arms in the middle.
04:21If you had turned to them, you would have turned away from them, fleeing, and you would have been filled with fear from them.
04:30And thus did We raise them up, that they might ask one another.
04:38A speaker among them said, How long have you stayed?
04:44They said, We stayed a day, or a part of a day.
04:50They said, Your Lord knows best how long you have stayed.
04:54So send one of you with your passport, this one, to the city,
05:02and let him see which of them is purer in food, and let him bring you provision from it,
05:11and let him be gentle, and let him not cause you any harm.
05:19Verily, if they turn against you, they will stone you, or turn you back in their religion, and you will never succeed.
05:34And thus did We raise them up, that they might know that the promise of Allah is true,
05:43and that the Hour is in it no doubt, when they dispute among themselves their affair.
05:52So they said, Build upon them a building, their Lord knows best.
06:00Those who have won over their affair said, We shall surely take upon them a Masjid.
06:09They will say, Three, the fourth of them is their dog, and they will say, Five, the sixth of them is their dog,
06:19a stone in the unseen, and they will say, Seven, the eighth of them is their dog.
06:27Say, My Lord knows best in their number what only a few know.
06:38So do not cause them to dispute except with an outward appearance, and inquire not about them from any of them.
06:51And say not of anything, Verily, I will do that tomorrow,
07:00except that Allah wills.
07:07And remember your Lord when you forget, and say, Perhaps my Lord will guide me to a nearer way than this.
07:20And they stayed in their cave three hundred years, and increased nine.
07:29Say, Allah knows best what they stayed in, the unseen of the heavens and the earth.
07:36Observe with it, and listen.
07:39They have no protector besides Him, nor does He associate anyone with Him in His judgment.
07:50And recite what has been revealed to you of the Book of your Lord.
07:58There is no one to change His Words, and you will not find besides Him any refuge.
08:06And be patient in your soul with those who call upon their Lord morning and evening,
08:14seeking His Countenance, and turn not your eyes away from them,
08:20seeking the adornment of the life of this world.
08:25And obey not him whose heart We have made heedless of Our Reminder,
08:31and whose desire he has pursued, and whose affair is ever in disorder.
08:36And say, The truth is from your Lord.
08:40So whoever wills, let him believe, and whoever wills, let him disbelieve.
08:51Verily, We have prepared for the wrongdoers a Fire, encircling them in its midst.
09:01And if they seek to escape, they will be added to it with water like molten copper,
09:08burning their faces.
09:11Evil is the drink, and evil is the reward.
09:17Verily, as for those who believe and do righteous deeds,
09:22Verily, We do not waste the reward of one who does a good deed.
09:29Those will have Gardens of Eternity, under which rivers flow.
09:38They will be adorned therein with bracelets of gold, and they will wear green garments of silk,
09:54and brocade, reclining therein on couches.
10:02Excellent is the reward, and excellent is the reward in abundance.
10:08And set forth for them the parable of two men.
10:12We made for one of them two Gardens of Grapes,
10:17and We made them light with date-palms, and We made between them a field.
10:25Both the two Gardens gave their fruits, and you did not do wrong to any of them.
10:33And We made a river flow between them.
10:38And he had a fruit, and he said to his companion, while he was speaking to him,
10:46I am more perfect than you, and more powerful than the others.
10:53And he entered his Garden, and he was unjust to himself.
10:58He said, I do not think that this will ever perish.
11:07And I do not think that the Hour will be established.
11:14And if I should return to my Lord, I will surely find better than this, a return.
11:23His companion said to him, while he was speaking to him,
11:29Do you disbelieve in Him Who created you from dust, then from a sperm, then proportioned you to a man?
11:41But He is Allah, my Lord, and I associate no one with my Lord.
11:51And if you had not, when you entered your Garden, said,
11:58Allah willed it, there is no power except with Allah.
12:05If you see that I am less than you in wealth and children,
12:12then it may be that my Lord will give me something better than your Garden,
12:21and He will send upon it a thunderbolt from the sky, and it will become a rising cloud.
12:32Or its water will become a deep well, and you will not be able to ask for it.
12:41And he was surrounded by its fruit, and he began to turn his hands over what he had spent in it,
12:51while it was lying on its thrones, and he said,
12:56O I wish I had not associated anyone with my Lord.
13:01And he had no party to help him besides Allah, nor was he able to help.
13:15Therein is loyalty to Allah, the Truth. He is the best reward and the best reward.
13:26And set forth for them the example of the life of this world,
13:31like the water which We have sent down from the sky,
13:36and the plant of the earth mixed with it, and it became a thing which the winds blow.
13:45And Allah is Powerful over all things.
13:52Wealth and children are the adornment of the life of this world,
13:57and the good things that remain are better in the sight of your Lord as a reward, and better as a hope.
14:06And on the Day when We will move the mountains, and you will see the earth standing out,
14:12and We will gather them together, and We will not leave any of them.
14:18And they will be brought in line before your Lord,
14:21saying, You have come to Us as We created you the first time.
14:27Nay, but you claimed that We would not make for you an appointed time.
14:34And the Book will be placed, and the criminals will be afraid of what is in it,
14:41and they will say, O woe to us! What is this Book?
14:45It leaves not a small or a great thing, except that it has counted it.
14:54And they will find that which they did is present, and your Lord does not wrong anyone.
15:03And when We said to the angels,
15:07They prostrated to Adam, but they prostrated except Iblis.
15:13He was of the jinn, but he disobeyed the command of his Lord.
15:19Will you then take him and his offspring as allies instead of Me, while they are to you an enemy?
15:30Evil is the exchange for the wrongdoers.
15:34I did not make them witness the creation of the heavens and the earth,
15:40nor the creation of their own selves, nor did I take as My servants those who mislead.
15:49And on the Day when He will say, Call the partners of Mine whom you claimed,
15:57and they will call upon them, but they will not respond to them, and We will place a barrier between them.
16:05And the criminals will see the Fire, and they will think that they are about to fall into it,
16:15and they will not find any escape from it.
16:20And indeed We have expounded in this Qur'an for the people every kind of parable.
16:28And man is ever the greatest of all things in dispute.
16:35And what prevented the people from believing when guidance came to them,
16:45and they asked forgiveness of their Lord, except that the way of the ancients should come to them,
17:03or that the punishment should come to them in full.
17:07And We send not the Messengers but as bearers of good tidings and warners.
17:15And those who disbelieve dispute about falsehood, that they may take away the truth therewith,
17:21and they take My Ayat and that which they are warned of, in mockery.
17:29And who is more unjust than he who is reminded of the Ayat of his Lord,
17:36and he draws nearer to them, and forgets that which his hands have sent forth?
17:41Verily, We have placed a barrier over their hearts, lest they understand it, and in their ears is deafness.
17:54And if you call them to guidance, then they will never be guided.
18:03And your Lord is Oft-Forgiving, Possessor of Mercy.
18:07If He should take them for what they have earned, He would have hastened for them the punishment.
18:14Nay, but for them is a promise, which they will not find other than it.
18:22And those are the towns which We destroyed when they did wrong, and We made a promise for their destruction.
18:34And when Musa said to his servant, I will not leave until I reach the junction of the two seas, or pass through the firewood.
18:48So when they reached the junction between the two, they forgot their fish,
18:55and he took his way through the sea, running away.
19:00And when he had passed, he said to his servant, Bring us our breakfast.
19:09We have indeed met this morning from our journey.
19:15He said, Do you remember when we turned to the rock, and I forgot the fish, and none made me forget it, except Satan, that I should remember him.
19:31And he took his way through the sea, wondering.
19:36He said, That is what we were looking for.
19:40So they turned back to their footprints, telling stories.
19:48And they found a servant of Our servants whom We gave as a mercy from Us, and We taught him knowledge from Ourself.
20:03Musa said to him, Shall I follow you, so that you may teach me from what you have been taught, the right way?
20:15He said, You will not be able with me to be patient.
20:22And how can you be patient on that which you have not been given knowledge of?
20:29He said, You will find me, if Allah wills, patient, and I will not disobey you in any matter.
20:43He said, If you follow me, do not ask me for anything, until I give you a reminder of it.
20:55So they set off, until, when they were on board the ship, he broke it.
21:04He said, Did you break it, so that you may drown its people? You have done a terrible thing.
21:12He said, Did I not say, You will not be able with me to be patient?
21:21He said, Do not hold me to account for what I have forgotten, and do not make my affair difficult for me.
21:29So they set off, until, when they met a boy, he killed him.
21:37He said, Did you kill a pure soul without a soul? You have done a terrible thing.
21:47He said, Did I not say to you, You will not be able with me to be patient?
21:57He said, If I ask you for anything after this, do not hold me to account, for you have reached from me an excuse.
22:09So they set off, until, when they came to the people of a town, they asked for food for their people,
22:21but they refused to host them, so they found in it a wall that wanted to collapse, so he built it.
22:34He said, If you had willed, you would have taken a reward for it.
22:40He said, This is the separation between me and you. I will tell you the meaning of what you could not bear patiently.
22:52As for the ship, it was with poor people working in the sea.
23:00So I intended to spoil it, and there was behind them a king who seized every ship by force.
23:10As for the boy, his parents were believers, so we feared that he would incite them to transgression and disbelief.
23:24So we intended that their Lord would give them a better charity than him, and a closer mercy.
23:37As for the wall, it was for two orphans in the city, and under it was a treasure for them,
23:49and their father was righteous, so your Lord intended that he should reach their maturity and take out their treasure as a mercy from your Lord.
24:13And I did not do it out of my own accord. That is the interpretation of what you could not bear patiently.
24:23And they ask you about Dhul-Qarnayn. Say, I will recite to you from him a reminder.
24:32Verily, We established him in the land, and We gave him of all things a means,
24:43and he followed a means,
24:46until, when he reached the setting of the sun, he found it setting in a boiling spring,
24:55and he found with it a people.
25:00We said, O Dhul-Qarnayn, either you will be punished, or you will take in them a good reward.
25:15He said, As for him who does wrong, We will punish him, then he will be returned to his Lord,
25:24and He will punish him with a terrible punishment.
25:29And as for him who believes and does good, he will have a goodly reward,
25:39and We will speak to him of Our command easily.
25:44Then he followed a means,
25:48until, when he reached the setting of the sun, he found it rising on a people
25:57whom We had not made a cover for them.
26:02Thus it was, and We had surrounded him with what he had of knowledge.
26:08Then he followed a means,
26:12until, when he reached between the two mountains,
26:17he found besides them a people who could hardly understand a word.
26:26They said, O Dhul-Qarnayn, indeed Gog and Magog are corrupting in the land,
26:33so shall we make for you a way out, so that you may make a barrier between us and them?
26:44He said, What my Lord has established in me is better,
26:49so help me with strength that I may make a barrier between you and them.
26:56Give me pieces of iron, until, when it is equal between the two sides,
27:04he says, Blow, until, when he makes it into a fire,
27:13he says, Give me, I will pour on him a piece of clay.
27:19But they could not remove it, and they could not make a cover for it.
27:27He said, This is a mercy from my Lord,
27:31so when the promise of my Lord comes, He makes it a barrier.
27:40And the promise of my Lord was true.
27:45And We left some of them, that Day, to waver among themselves,
27:51and the trumpet was blown, and We gathered them together.
27:57And We presented Hell, that Day, to the disbelievers as a display.
28:04Those whose eyes were covered from My Remembrance,
28:13and they could not hear.
28:18Did those who disbelieved think that they would take My servants as protectors besides Me?
28:30Indeed, We have prepared Hell for the disbelievers as a place of descent.
28:40Say, Shall We inform you of the greatest losers?
28:47Those whose effort has gone astray in the life of this world,
28:52and they think that they are doing a good deed.
28:57Those are the ones who disbelieved in the signs of their Lord and in meeting Him,
29:07and their deeds were in vain, so We will not give them a weight on the Day of Resurrection.
29:16That is their recompense, Hell, because they disbelieved
29:24and took My Signs and My Messengers as a mockery.
29:31Indeed, those who believed and did good deeds,
29:36they will have the Gardens of Paradise as a place of descent.
29:43They will abide therein, they will not desire any change therefrom.
29:48Say, If the sea were an adornment for the words of my Lord,
29:53the sea would surely overflow before the words of my Lord would overflow,
30:00even if We brought with it the like of it as a support.
30:05Say, I am only a human being like you.
30:11It has been revealed to me that your God is one God.
30:21So whoever hopes to meet his Lord,
30:27let him do a good deed,
30:31and let him not associate anyone with the worship of his Lord.
