• last year
No telling where your mind will go playing with numbers.... | dG1fdVlpMDdFaEVOSkk
00:00Curiosity comes to see me every now and then.
00:05Good friend.
00:06What do you talk about?
00:07It can be anything.
00:08Like what?
00:10The other day, Curiosity came by and we got to talking about a guy who used to play around with numbers.
00:16Who was it?
00:18Da Vinci?
00:19No, Leonardo Fibonacci.
00:21How long ago was that?
00:23Back in medieval times.
00:25See, what Fibonacci would do is pretty simple.
00:29He started with one, and adding one to itself, he got two.
00:33Yeah, that is pretty simple.
00:35But then he had one next to one, next to two, so he said to himself,
00:39I'll take the last two numbers in the list, the one next to the two.
00:43One next to the two.
00:44And that would give him three.
00:46And then the three next to the two would give him five.
00:49Five, yeah.
00:50The five next to the three would give him eight.
00:53And he kept playing with the numbers, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89.
00:59Sounds like a waste of time.
01:01Well, that's what I thought.
01:03That he didn't have anything better to do.
01:06But it turns out that the curiosity that had him playing with this kind of adding up of numbers,
01:11what's now remembered as the Fibonacci numbers,
01:14turns out to have a curious and very surprising relationship to botany and classical art.
01:20How so?
01:22I don't know why, but there seems to be examples of Fibonacci numbers all over the place in nature.
01:27Like what?
01:28Well, like the spirals of the tiny florets found in the core of daisy blossoms.
01:32You're kidding.
01:34There are sets of clockwise, counterclockwise spirals,
01:38each set a predetermined number of spirals.
01:41In daisies?
01:42Yeah, in daisies.
01:4421 clockwise, 34 counterclockwise.
01:48The 21, 34 ratio is made up of two adjacent Fibonacci numbers.
01:54The leaves on several trees, even the bumps on pineapples bear an 8 to 13 ratio.
01:59Think he knew what he was getting into?
02:01Yeah, I don't know.
02:03Sure made me curious.
02:05You know what I was wondering?
02:07If he could do something with Lotto.
02:10Yeah, Lotto lessons.
02:12Help pick winners.
02:14In two weeks, the Fibonacci winner will be...
02:171, 2, 3, 5, 8...
02:22Let me write this down.
02:23...13, 21, 34...
