• last year
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¡Hola y bienvenidos! Aquí encontrarás una variada selección de películas en inglés y español. Disfruta del cine y déjate llevar por su magia.
00:00:00Tweedledum and Tweedledee agreed to have a battle.
00:00:05For Tweedledum said Tweedledee has spoiled his brand new rattle.
00:00:11Just then flew down a monstrous crow as black as a turban.
00:00:16Since the dawn of time, people have been fascinated and a little frightened by identical twins.
00:00:36They are, after all, two halves of the same whole.
00:00:42If one is hurt, does the other feel pain?
00:00:46Can they read each other's minds?
00:00:50Maybe this special bond is only revealed when it's tested.
00:01:04I heard you.
00:01:34I heard you.
00:02:05I'm scared.
00:02:08So scary.
00:02:11So scary.
00:02:14So scary.
00:02:17So scary.
00:02:20So scary.
00:02:23So scary.
00:02:26So scary.
00:02:29So scary.
00:02:32So scary.
00:02:35So scary.
00:02:38So scary.
00:02:40Shh, shh, shh.
00:02:43Thank you all for respecting our request for wearing scary costumes.
00:02:47Hey Heather, don't you think you should take your mask off too?
00:02:50Very funny.
00:02:53Since this was my sister's idea, I'm going to pass it over to Erica.
00:02:57Thank you all for coming. Everyone looks really great.
00:03:01Thought it would be fun to celebrate Halloween the way the ancient Celts did?
00:03:05They believe that on October 31st, spirits of the recently departed flew through the air, searching for unsuspecting bodies to possess.
00:03:15So they would dress as ghouls themselves, trying to fool the evil spirits in passing them by.
00:03:21Wow. But ghosts aren't real, are they Aunt Erica?
00:03:26Yes they are, David. Rosie says they are.
00:03:29Well, I said they're spirits all around us, but they're not looking to possess us.
00:03:34Positive? Positive.
00:03:37Well, just to make sure, they would put out the fires in their fireplaces so that the evil spirits would pass overhead and think that nobody was home.
00:03:46Go quick, turn out all the lights. Go, go, go, go.
00:03:49Go keep an eye on them.
00:03:53I'll catch it.
00:03:56Look, David, your shoes light up. You better hide them.
00:03:59No, Sarah. Let me.
00:04:06Hurry up.
00:04:13Excuse me while I suck your sister's blood.
00:04:18Hey. Hey, everybody.
00:04:21Hey, who are you supposed to be?
00:04:23I'm a guy who just got in from Atlanta.
00:04:26Richard's working on a huge deal. He's been traveling a lot.
00:04:29I'm so tired. My body's not worth possessing.
00:04:32Erica, did you tell them about the book?
00:04:35Her agent sold it. Apparently the publisher, they flipped for it.
00:04:38Is this a new one?
00:04:40Yeah, I'm interviewing sets of identical twins to see if twin mythology had any impact on how they view themselves.
00:04:45All those myths. One twin is good and one twin is evil.
00:04:50Which one are you, Heather?
00:04:52Oh, and you'd like to know.
00:04:59Last couple of candles, guys.
00:05:02Erica, look at those two. They're more like twins than we ever were.
00:05:08What should we do now, Mommy?
00:05:12I think I just saw some spirits heading this way.
00:05:15Be very, very quiet.
00:05:23Good job.
00:05:25Come on, Tara. Let's go see if we can catch them flying away.
00:05:29Let's go.
00:05:38What is it?
00:05:39We got the jack-o'-lanterns. Now the girls know where David lives.
00:05:45Go with me. Let's go.
00:05:47Go see if the ghosts are there.
00:05:57You know, sweetie, it's a tummy ache, okay?
00:05:59But it really, really hurts.
00:06:01You know what? Why don't you stay home from school today and rest?
00:06:04Can you stay home with me?
00:06:06I'd love to, but I have to go to work.
00:06:08Rosie's going to stay with you, okay?
00:06:12Mommy, where's Robbie?
00:06:14Honey, I don't know. Where'd you leave him last?
00:06:16My backpack. But he isn't here.
00:06:19Well, maybe you left him at school.
00:06:21I didn't. I lost him. I know I lost him.
00:06:24David, why don't you try your pockets?
00:06:26Good idea.
00:06:31This happens every morning.
00:06:33He's right here.
00:06:35Hi, Robbie.
00:06:37You're welcome. Let's go. Grab your jacket.
00:06:44Not to state the obvious, but no candy for her today.
00:06:47Oh, you think?
00:06:49Did you call Heather?
00:06:51Oh, shoot. I forgot. I'll call her on the road.
00:06:53All right.
00:06:55Thank you. Bye.
00:06:57I love you.
00:06:59Bye, Rosie.
00:07:08Sarah's got a stomachache.
00:07:10I guess Erica forgot to call you.
00:07:12Or she remembered to call but forgot her cell phone.
00:07:15Tell Sarah the doctor in the family says no more candy.
00:07:18No worries. Already been hidden.
00:07:21See ya.
00:07:25Why are you here?
00:07:27There had to have been other courses more relevant to your major.
00:07:31Or at least classes that weren't held so early on.
00:07:34But you chose mythology.
00:07:37Or did you?
00:07:39What if there are dark, unknowable forces?
00:07:44Forces that have the power to create and or the power to annihilate?
00:07:51Heaven and earth in the eyes of the ancient Egyptians.
00:07:57Good and evil in the eyes of medieval Europeans.
00:08:01The great hoop of the universe in the eyes of the Navajo.
00:08:05Three disparate cultures with one distinct message.
00:08:12These walls between heaven and earth,
00:08:15good and evil, and life and death...
00:08:20are illusions.
00:08:22And whether we're from Mesopotamia or modern-day Chicago,
00:08:27we all have the same burning existential questions.
00:08:33Okay, let's go.
00:08:36So I'll try to pick you up after school, all right?
00:08:39Hi, guys.
00:08:41Oh, hi. How are you?
00:08:43Good. Where's Sarah?
00:08:45Acute candy-itis, which I'm sure I'm going to see lots of today.
00:08:48Dr. Ward, my scar's almost gone. You want to see?
00:08:51Why were we born?
00:09:01Why is there suffering?
00:09:59Dr. Curtis, please report to radiology.
00:10:02Dr. Curtis, please report...
00:10:52Haven't said anything to Sarah.
00:10:54She, uh, fell asleep watching cartoons.
00:11:12Hey, pumpkin.
00:11:16Hey, pumpkin.
00:11:24I have to tell you something.
00:11:26I know.
00:11:28David's gone away.
00:11:31Who told you?
00:11:33David did.
00:11:35Sweetie, that's not possible.
00:11:37David isn't here anymore.
00:11:39Yes, he is.
00:11:41He's right over there.
00:11:56Sarah, listen to me.
00:12:01David was in a terrible accident today, and he died.
00:12:05I know, silly. He told me in my dream.
00:12:11Can I have a snack?
00:12:29Heather? Heather?
00:12:31What's wrong with her?
00:12:35I don't know. I think she's a little sad.
00:12:39Yeah, honey, why don't you go play?
00:13:02I can see myself recording myself.
00:13:07I can see myself recording myself
00:13:10Recording myself, recording myself
00:13:13Recording myself, recording myself
00:13:16Recording myself, recording myself
00:13:25What's going on, Heather?
00:13:27I can't find Robbie.
00:13:31David's toy, I can't find it.
00:13:36I looked everywhere. I know that they gave it to me the day
00:13:40that I went to the hospital and they gave me the rest of his stuff,
00:13:43because he had it that day.
00:13:58I'm afraid.
00:14:02I'm afraid of losing the memory of him.
00:14:10I'm so very close.
00:14:12I'm hiding in the closet, and no one's ever going to find me.
00:14:23I can see myself recording myself
00:14:25Here he is then, Heather.
00:14:27Recording myself, recording myself
00:14:30Recording myself, recording myself
00:14:34Recording myself, recording myself
00:14:40Can I tell you a secret, Aunt Heather?
00:14:47Of course, Cookie.
00:15:01I win.
00:15:03Yes, I do.
00:16:16I win.
00:16:27I'm not playing anymore.
00:16:30What are you doing, honey?
00:16:32What's this doing open?
00:16:34I opened it.
00:16:37Oh, it's freezing.
00:16:39Quick, come on, get into bed.
00:16:41Here, scootch over, I'll get it with you.
00:16:50David says paper doesn't wrap rock in heaven,
00:16:54but I think he's cheating.
00:16:56Well, I think you should be sleeping.
00:17:07Sarah is a very bright little girl.
00:17:12Sarah and David were very close.
00:17:14More siblings than cousins, really.
00:17:17Yeah, and I'm sure it's nothing,
00:17:19and it was probably just her way of processing David's death,
00:17:27she talks about David all the time.
00:17:29Which is fine, because we did encourage her to talk about David.
00:17:32Yeah, but it's how she talks about him.
00:17:34Well, it's like she doesn't really understand that he's dead.
00:17:37I mean, she hasn't cried, not once.
00:17:40And her crying about this is important to you?
00:17:45Well, it's just...
00:17:47It's not that it's important, I just...
00:17:49I don't know, I mean, she cried when my mother died,
00:17:52so I just kind of thought it was normal.
00:17:54Well, maybe Sarah senses you feel like that,
00:17:57and she's rebelling against you.
00:17:59Well, maybe Sarah senses you feel like that,
00:18:01and she's rebelling.
00:18:03It's a very age-appropriate response.
00:18:05At seven, it's all about asserting your independence.
00:18:08So, uh, what do we do?
00:18:13She may not be crying, but she's grieving.
00:18:16And she's telling you she needs to do it in her own way.
00:18:20Let her.
00:18:30Is that the accident?
00:18:34What is it?
00:18:36I don't know.
00:18:38You doing okay, Sarah?
00:18:42Okay, put your supplies away.
00:18:46Today is the first Monday of the month,
00:18:48and that means we have a new patient.
00:18:52Okay, put your supplies away.
00:18:56Today is the first Monday of the month,
00:18:58and that means we have a new class leader.
00:19:02Yay, Ben!
00:19:04Yay, Ben!
00:19:06Yay, Ben!
00:19:08Yay, Ben!
00:19:10Yay, Ben!
00:19:12Yay, Ben!
00:19:14Yay, Ben!
00:19:16Yay, Ben!
00:19:18Yay, Ben!
00:19:20Yay, Ben!
00:19:22Yay, Ben!
00:19:25Go, go, go!
00:19:27Move, Sarah.
00:19:29David says it's not your turn to be class leader.
00:19:31It's his.
00:19:32David doesn't get a turn.
00:19:33He's dead.
00:19:50Sarah, you don't like Ben?
00:19:54Teacher says you've been acting out in class.
00:19:57You've been telling the other kids
00:19:59that David isn't really dead,
00:20:01but you know that's not true, right?
00:20:05What, they called us out of work in the middle of the day
00:20:07to come and get her?
00:20:08They say I should talk with her?
00:20:09Can we just do this when I get home?
00:20:25Why did we take the bridge?
00:20:27What are you talking about?
00:20:28We always take the bridge.
00:20:31Right there, David told me.
00:20:33No, David doesn't tell you things.
00:20:36No, I just don't want her to talk about David, okay?
00:20:41But he...
00:20:42No, I mean it!
00:20:44But he...
00:20:45No, I mean it!
00:20:47But he...
00:20:48No, I mean it!
00:20:50But he...
00:20:51No, I mean it!
00:20:52Sarah, no more David, okay?
00:20:54This has gone far enough.
00:20:55I don't think that your mommy and I have done a very good job.
00:20:58We can't get on the bridge.
00:20:59We can't.
00:21:01I have to go to the bathroom.
00:21:02Well, we're almost home, so...
00:21:04I can't wait!
00:21:05Yes, you can.
00:21:06It's ten minutes.
00:21:07We can't.
00:21:08I have to go to the bathroom.
00:21:09Please, mommy!
00:21:11Edgar, just pull over.
00:21:12We'll find a gas station or something.
00:21:49Did you put your homework in your folder?
00:21:56Did you draw this?
00:21:57Yeah, but it was David's idea.
00:21:59He told me what to draw.
00:22:06Sarah, listen to me.
00:22:07We're not going to talk about David like that anymore, okay?
00:22:09And we're not going to save a spot for him at the table or put out cereal anymore, alright?
00:22:16Can you get it packed up?
00:22:22Okay, Miss Thing.
00:22:25Let's get going.
00:22:32Hey, hang on a second.
00:22:33What happened to your neck?
00:22:35Did you bump into something?
00:22:52I've got more visitors, daddy.
00:22:53Yeah, I am going to try, alright?
00:22:56Have fun?
00:22:58Hey, they do have stores up near the cabin.
00:22:59You know that, right?
00:23:00That's right, smarty-pants.
00:23:01They're for the cars.
00:23:02I'm going to go get my stuff.
00:23:20Little heart.
00:23:24I miss you, Ray.
00:23:25I miss you, too.
00:23:31Hey, come on.
00:23:33We agree this is the best thing for Sarah, right?
00:23:35Getting her out of the city, away from all the reminders of David.
00:23:39It's going to do wonders for her.
00:23:43I love you.
00:23:44Heather, we can always try another specialist.
00:23:50Come on, Heather.
00:23:57When are we going to get there?
00:24:16We'll be there soon.
00:24:44Come on, Heather.
00:25:06Come on, Heather.
00:25:21I don't think anyone's been here since last summer.
00:25:38Oh, well.
00:25:40Sarah and I are going to give this place a good clean tomorrow.
00:26:00What's wrong?
00:26:01This place reminds me of my mom.
00:26:05It was her favorite place in the whole world.
00:26:08Come here.
00:26:15Do you miss her?
00:26:22She misses you, too.
00:26:35I'm tired.
00:26:36I don't feel like swimming.
00:26:38Honey, you're going to love it once you get in.
00:26:40How come you weren't coming in then?
00:26:42Because I'm a mommy, and mommies like it nice and warm.
00:26:46Don't look at me.
00:26:47I'm a mommy, too.
00:26:52Is Aunt Heather still a mommy?
00:26:55Maybe she could come in with me.
00:27:02You want more to join the party?
00:27:04Hi, Aunt Heather!
00:27:21Aunt Heather, look at me!
00:27:23Watch this!
00:27:28Wow, that was great!
00:27:30Heather, what are the chances of having another child?
00:27:32Not enough viable eggs to justify in vitro.
00:27:34Vitro is kind of how the doctor put it.
00:27:36You can always try again, right?
00:27:39Yeah, I just...
00:27:42I don't know if I can handle another loss right now.
00:27:44I told Richard that I needed some more time,
00:27:46and Janet's going to cover my practice for me for the summer.
00:27:49Well, I'm glad you're here.
00:27:51Aunt Heather, did you see that one?
00:27:54Oh, cookie, I missed it.
00:27:55Do it again.
00:28:03You know, I blamed you at first.
00:28:06I kept thinking that if you had called me that morning,
00:28:08I wouldn't have come by your house.
00:28:11We would have gotten to David's school sooner.
00:28:13I know.
00:28:14I know you know.
00:28:15It's just it's kind of been sitting there between us,
00:28:17so I thought I'd put it out there.
00:28:20You know, so I can move on.
00:28:23We'd all can move on.
00:28:31I'm happy I'm here.
00:28:37You seen Sarah?
00:28:44Sarah, do you see her?
00:28:47Sarah, Sarah, Sarah?
00:28:58Here I am.
00:29:01What are you doing?
00:29:02Playing hide and seek.
00:29:05Oh, baby, don't do that.
00:29:06You scared me.
00:29:07Don't do that.
00:29:15It's all a mistake.
00:29:16You know you shouldn't scare your mama like that, right?
00:29:19It was fun.
00:29:20No, it didn't sound like any kind of fun to me.
00:29:23That's because you're mean.
00:29:24Oh, you think so?
00:29:27Or is that what he thinks?
00:29:31I thought so.
00:29:37Protect this child.
00:29:40Look, I made you a friendship bracelet.
00:29:47He's my friend.
00:29:50No, he isn't, baby.
00:29:52He really, really isn't.
00:29:59Night-night now.
00:30:35Is she down?
00:30:39We're really going to have to watch her up here.
00:30:41She's in the water, I mean, all the time.
00:30:44She's been wandering off alone.
00:30:46Yeah, you notice she's still got those bruises on her shoulders.
00:30:51Erica, have you ever heard of hands?
00:30:55Like a voodoo hand?
00:30:59Oh, come on, Rosa.
00:31:01Spirits looking to cross back over.
00:31:03Grab onto the neck of a living person and they won't let go.
00:31:06I know what it is.
00:31:08I used to teach this stuff, remember?
00:31:11David always was stubborn, had to have his own way.
00:31:15It's not that hard to believe he can't accept he's dead.
00:31:18Or she simply just bumped into something.
00:31:21She's a kid.
00:31:22Do kids draw pictures of car crashes that haven't happened yet?
00:31:26Look, her therapist thought it was perfectly normal
00:31:28considering what she's going through.
00:31:30He's talking to her, Erica.
00:31:32I mean, how else does she know the details?
00:31:34The truck?
00:31:35David's off for her, letting her know he can see the future.
00:31:39So David's ghost is a psychic now, too, huh?
00:31:42Look me in the eye, Erica,
00:31:44and tell me that drawing didn't spook you.
00:31:47It didn't spook me.
00:31:50It made me sad, Rosie.
00:31:53She used to draw happy pictures.
00:31:57Okay, now, maybe I'm a little out of line here,
00:32:00but I thought the whole point of coming up here
00:32:02was to keep her away from things that might remind her of David.
00:32:07Are you referring to Heather?
00:32:10Maybe her leaving her job was good for her,
00:32:13but is it good for Sarah?
00:32:15You are out of line now.
00:32:28How was your run?
00:32:30It was good, thanks.
00:32:44Baby, what is it?
00:32:45What is it?
00:32:48Oh, my God.
00:32:49Rosie, it's the bracelet.
00:32:51I can't get it off.
00:32:52Her wrist is too swollen.
00:32:54Heather, get the scissors out of the medicine cabinet.
00:32:56No, Rosie gave it to me.
00:32:58She must be allergic.
00:32:59What's it made of?
00:33:00Just leather with some herbs braided in.
00:33:02Please, Mommy, don't cut it off.
00:33:04Baby, I have to.
00:33:05It's hurting your wrist, okay?
00:33:06No, Rosie said I needed it to protect me.
00:33:09It's okay, baby.
00:33:10I'll protect you.
00:33:11I'll protect you.
00:33:13I got it.
00:33:15I got it.
00:33:26Okay, I'll wash it off with soap and water
00:33:28and give her an antihistamine for the swelling.
00:33:31That's enough excitement for one night.
00:33:34I'm gonna go close the windows on the rest of the house, okay?
00:33:38I gave her the antihistamine.
00:33:40Oh, she's finally asleep.
00:33:44I love Rosie.
00:33:45You know I do.
00:33:47She's like a member of the family,
00:33:48but her beliefs might not be the best thing for Sarah.
00:33:52It was a friendship bracelet.
00:33:54With protective powers?
00:33:56It was just a game.
00:33:58You know, David's death affected all of us, including Rosie.
00:34:01And she's teaching Sarah to be a friend.
00:34:04Just think about it, Erica.
00:34:12Maybe this would be a good time for her to take a break.
00:34:15Heather, I have to finish this draft.
00:34:17I haven't published anything in two years.
00:34:19Well, so let me help out.
00:34:21What else am I gonna do up here?
00:34:24Maybe you're right.
00:34:26I'll just...
00:34:28I'll take a break.
00:34:30Maybe you're right. I'll just...
00:34:33I'll talk to her in the morning.
00:34:36I think I saw her light on.
00:34:39She's probably still awake.
00:35:01Come in.
00:35:09Rosie, I think maybe now would be a good time
00:35:11for you to go see your kids.
00:35:13Stop raining.
00:35:15Yeah, look at the lake.
00:35:17Reminds me of my grandmother's house in Barbados.
00:35:19During hurricane season, always be real careful.
00:35:22Yeah, I know.
00:35:24You know, it's a good place to be.
00:35:28During hurricane season, always be real
00:35:30still in the eye of the storm.
00:35:32Just beautiful.
00:35:34Next thing you know, it'll be tearing your house down.
00:35:37So what do you think?
00:35:39I think David's up to something.
00:35:41I don't know what, but he's got a plan,
00:35:43and Sarah's a part of it.
00:35:45David is dead, and it's not doing anyone any good
00:35:47talking about him as if he's still alive,
00:35:49especially not for Sarah.
00:35:51Now, I respect your beliefs. I do.
00:35:53Erica, we're so far beyond
00:35:55respecting beliefs here.
00:35:57The longer he's caught between worlds,
00:35:59the angrier he's gonna get.
00:36:00Rosie, stop it.
00:36:02Look, I think we could all use a break from one another.
00:36:04At least for the summer,
00:36:06and then come September, we can reassess.
00:36:10There's a bus back to the city first thing in the morning,
00:36:13and I think it would be best for Sarah
00:36:15if you left before she woke up.
00:36:17Heather will take you in the morning.
00:36:43What's going on, Rosie?
00:36:45She didn't tell you?
00:36:49You know I love that little girl, right?
00:36:52Of course.
00:36:54Do me this favor.
00:36:56Take the bracelet,
00:36:58put it under Sarah's mattress.
00:37:00Erica doesn't need to know.
00:37:08Thank you. Sure.
00:37:12Rosie, don't worry about it.
00:37:14This will all blow over in a couple of days.
00:37:16Come on, you know the way Erica is.
00:37:18And in the meantime, I'll work on her,
00:37:20and I'm sure I can turn this all around, okay?
00:37:23Okay, everybody on.
00:37:25We'll be back in a minute.
00:38:24Erica, we're here.
00:38:32Sarah couldn't sleep.
00:38:34You could have woken me up.
00:38:36No, I don't mind.
00:38:38I've been a light sleeper myself lately.
00:38:46Can I see?
00:38:49We're gonna build a dollhouse.
00:38:57This is great.
00:39:05The man said the wood is in the back.
00:39:07It is nice to see her excited about something.
00:39:09She's been so lethargic.
00:39:11Yeah, who knows?
00:39:13Maybe we have an architect in the family.
00:39:15Yeah, well, we could use one.
00:39:17Edgar met with a real estate agent,
00:39:19and basically there is nothing in our price range.
00:39:21Don't worry, you'll find something.
00:39:23Yeah, well, we have to.
00:39:25We've outgrown our apartment.
00:39:27We need more space.
00:39:29Yeah, well, space is overrated.
00:39:31Yeah, says the woman who lives in a huge house.
00:39:35Okay, I'll look at the paint.
00:39:39I hear someone needs wood for a dollhouse.
00:39:41That's right.
00:39:43When you two smile, you look just like twins.
00:39:47I tend to go one way, and Jolene goes the other way.
00:39:49It's hard to say if that's something that we just...
00:39:51We just like those styles and those particular things,
00:39:54um, just because of who we are,
00:39:56or if it's purely based on the fact
00:39:58that we want to try and run the opposite ways
00:40:00to be more of an individual.
00:40:02Yeah, I agree with that.
00:40:04Yeah, I've almost finished transcribing the twin interviews.
00:40:06Hey, that was fast.
00:40:10Heather and Sarah are so intent on this dollhouse,
00:40:12I can barely talk them into taking it.
00:40:14Yeah, no partners to your procrastination, huh?
00:40:18Honey, I'm kind of lonely up here.
00:40:20I miss you.
00:40:22Hey, I miss you too, but it sounds like you're doing great.
00:40:24And the realtor's still looking for us.
00:40:26Hey, how's Heather?
00:40:28Hey, we're running into town to get some stronger glue.
00:40:30Our walls are falling down.
00:40:32Hang on, why don't you have her stay here with me?
00:40:34Oh, well, she's already in the car.
00:40:38Yeah, Heather's good.
00:40:40Yeah, Heather's good.
00:41:10What are you doing?
00:41:12Hey, look, I'm helping.
00:41:14I got the walls to stay up.
00:41:16No, you've ruined it. That's not how they go.
00:41:18Don't take that tone with me.
00:41:20Take them down now!
00:41:22Sarah, what are you doing?
00:41:24Sarah, stop it.
00:41:26Sarah, what are you doing? Stop it.
00:41:28Listen to me. Come here. Give that to me.
00:41:30If this can't be fun for everyone,
00:41:32then maybe we shouldn't do it.
00:41:34I have to do it. I'm making it for David.
00:41:38Hey, what's wrong? What's wrong?
00:41:40I told her we were making it for David.
00:41:46Isn't that a sweet idea?
00:41:48Let's go inside now.
00:41:52I told your mom
00:41:54that you wanted to make a memorial for him.
00:41:56What's a memorial?
00:41:58It's like a statue
00:42:00that people make for someone who's dead.
00:42:02She believed me,
00:42:04but we have to be more careful.
00:42:06Why can't we just tell her?
00:42:08We will.
00:42:10Just not yet.
00:42:12She's not ready to hear it.
00:42:14I'm not ready to hear it.
00:42:16I'm not ready to hear it.
00:42:18I'm not ready to hear it.
00:42:20Just not yet.
00:42:22She's not ready to hear it.
00:42:50Here I am!
00:43:14Look at us
00:43:16when we smile
00:43:18when we smile
00:43:20we look like twins
00:43:34Mommy, wake up!
00:43:38Honey, what is it?
00:43:40What's wrong?
00:43:42Where's Aunt Heather?
00:43:44It's not Aunt Heather. It's the baby.
00:43:46There's something wrong with the baby.
00:44:10How many weeks pregnant?
00:44:11From the look of this, I'd say about 12 weeks.
00:44:15The bleeding is due to a small separation in the uterine wall here.
00:44:20These things usually resolve themselves, but we'll want to keep an eye on it.
00:44:25Bed rest for three weeks, then we'll do another sonogram and see where we're at.
00:44:33The doctor said I have to stay in bed for at least three weeks.
00:44:39So you had no idea that you were pregnant?
00:44:42Well, I've used my period before, and, you know, we hadn't officially started trying.
00:44:47Well, I guess no one told the baby that, so that's it.
00:44:55Honey, how'd Sarah know?
00:44:57She must have known what you were thinking about it.
00:45:00She's a pretty intuitive kid.
00:45:02No, I mean she knew that there was something wrong.
00:45:04Honey, before I even stood up, she knew.
00:45:06Hey, who cares how she knew?
00:45:09The important thing is this is good news, right?
00:45:17Hello? Hello? It's your daddy.
00:45:22Hey there.
00:45:25All right, let's see what we got going on.
00:45:33Come in.
00:45:36Wow, honey, that looks amazing.
00:45:40Go on, cookie.
00:45:43Did you make that by yourself?
00:45:46No, I didn't either help you.
00:45:49You want to share it?
00:45:51I'm not really hungry right now.
00:45:54Sweetie, you have to eat something. You're getting too skinny.
00:45:59Don't worry about it. She already ate. I made her pancakes.
00:46:02We've been up for hours.
00:46:07Why don't you keep your mommy company while she eats?
00:46:10It's okay.
00:46:14It's okay. Go ahead, go play.
00:46:19Good job, cookie.
00:46:25I feel like she's slipping away from me.
00:46:28I can't tell you how many of my patients tell me that when they're pregnant with number two.
00:46:32It's just a natural pulling away.
00:46:35Yeah, but I'm not pulling away. She is.
00:46:37You're all she talks about.
00:46:40Really. You and the baby.
00:46:48Why don't you guys bring the dollhouse up here? That way I can help too.
00:46:52That's a great idea.
00:46:56You know, it's really heavy. I don't know if we can lift it.
00:47:01But maybe if we took it apart we could bring it up in pieces.
00:47:06No, no, don't do that.
00:47:08You sure?
00:47:37It's getting sick.
00:47:47Come here.
00:47:50It's my turn.
00:48:23Erica! Are you trying to lose this baby?
00:48:26What? I was just...
00:48:28Get upstairs. Now.
00:48:44Erica has been acting very strange.
00:48:47She's scared and she's lonely and you guys are having all this fun decorating the dollhouse.
00:48:51I know. I've tried to include her.
00:48:54I even brought the wallpaper swatches up for her to look at.
00:48:56She's just... I don't know. She just didn't seem that into it.
00:48:59Come on. You know Erica. Interior decorating isn't exactly her forte.
00:49:03Come on. Piles of books and papers can be very chic.
00:49:08Yeah. Yeah, for a dorm room.
00:49:13And we'll be in the office and just be like, stop that. Stop that, Julie. Stop it.
00:49:17No cat fights or anything.
00:49:19It's just so late. I don't know. Exactly.
00:49:23Hey. I've got a surprise for you.
00:49:28I made something for your dollhouse.
00:49:30Look, I took an old yogurt container and then I put this felt on there for a tablecloth.
00:49:34And if you give me some toothpicks, maybe I can put little chairs around it.
00:49:38Okay. Can I go now?
00:49:41Come here. Come cuddle just a little bit with me, okay?
00:49:45I can't. Aunt Heather's waiting.
00:49:47Fine. Go.
00:50:15No. No, it's what we talked about. No, no.
00:50:19No, what? What'd she want?
00:50:21Just to give me this.
00:50:23Well, you shouldn't have gone by there. You didn't tell her, did you?
00:50:28Good girl.
00:50:30Don't come in.
00:50:35What are you guys doing?
00:50:43Heather, open up the door. This was supposed to be our vacation.
00:50:49Heather, look, you can't just come up here and take over.
00:50:52But Mommy...
00:50:53It's okay, Cookie.
00:50:54Her name is not Cookie. It's Sarah and you're not her mother.
00:50:57Open up this door. Heather, open...
00:51:00What are you guys doing?
00:51:02She ruined it.
00:51:03It's okay.
00:51:04Jeez, Erica, we were trying to surprise you.
00:51:07We managed to get it upstairs.
00:51:09What are you talking about?
00:51:12Oh, my God.
00:51:16That's amazing.
00:51:18No wonder you guys have been so busy.
00:51:22Want to show me?
00:51:28Oh, sweetie, I'm sorry I ruined the surprise.
00:51:31It has fireplaces.
00:51:33Oh, yeah?
00:51:51Here, look at this.
00:51:53You have to be careful on the left, right... Yeah, right there.
00:51:58I'm sorry.
00:52:00It's fine.
00:52:04This is great, honey. Wow.
00:52:08Good news.
00:52:10Looks like the fire is going out.
00:52:14It's a miracle.
00:52:16It's a miracle.
00:52:18It's a miracle.
00:52:20It's a miracle.
00:52:22It's a miracle.
00:52:24Good news.
00:52:26Looks like the rupture has healed itself.
00:52:32Baby looks good.
00:52:34Oh, thank God. Does that mean I can get out of bed?
00:52:36Well, I wouldn't run any marathons, but, uh, sure.
00:52:39Resume normal activity.
00:52:42Can you tell the sex of the baby?
00:52:44I don't want to know.
00:52:45Even if you wanted to, the way this little one is turned...
00:52:49I can't tell.
00:52:51All I can really see is the face.
00:53:11I'm just, uh...
00:53:13I'm really happy for her.
00:53:21I love you, too.
00:53:42Edgar? Oh, my God, Daddy's here.
00:53:44Here's a surprise.
00:53:46What do you mean?
00:53:48You'll see.
00:53:50You're going to love this, I swear.
00:54:00I called the agent and apparently they've just fallen out of escrow.
00:54:20It's perfect, huh?
00:54:22And the price.
00:54:23I mean, the price is, uh...
00:54:25I, uh...
00:54:26It's perfect.
00:54:27I, uh...
00:54:28Put an offer on it.
00:54:30I just...
00:54:31I just didn't want to wait for someone to swoop in and take it.
00:54:42Can we get out of it if it doesn't...
00:54:49No, no.
00:54:50It's perfect.
00:54:51Come here.
00:54:52Look at this.
00:54:53Look at that.
00:54:54It's perfect.
00:54:55Come here.
00:54:56Look at this.
00:54:57It's perfect.
00:54:58It's perfect.
00:54:59Come here.
00:55:00Look at this.
00:55:01It's perfect.
00:55:02Oh, you'd think a fire like that would give off a little heat.
00:55:22Now let's, uh...
00:55:23Let's put another log on.
00:55:26Let's get this thing going then.
00:55:29You want to come help me get some wood?
00:55:32No, thanks.
00:55:33Honey, eat your dinner, please.
00:55:34I'm not really hungry.
00:55:35I don't care.
00:55:36I want you to eat something.
00:55:37I don't feel so well.
00:55:38You know what?
00:55:39Then you can be excused.
00:55:56Where'd she go?
00:56:00She doesn't feel well again.
00:56:06She went to bed.
00:56:07A year ago, she would have been a total fit.
00:56:13I don't understand.
00:56:15She's not eating.
00:56:17She's not sleeping.
00:56:18She hasn't made any new friends at the school.
00:56:20Let's just eat.
00:56:22Let's not analyze Sarah tonight.
00:56:24All right?
00:56:25I can't stay here.
00:56:27Look, we agreed we were just going
00:56:31to give it some time, right?
00:56:32Yeah, I've given it time.
00:56:33OK, look, we've been through this.
00:56:34The house was listed all summer.
00:56:36There was a big ad.
00:56:37There was pictures.
00:56:38There was a floor plan.
00:56:41Where could she have seen it?
00:56:42It's not like we get the paper delivered to the cabinet.
00:56:44I don't know. She probably saw it in town.
00:56:45I don't know.
00:56:46All right, let's say she did see it.
00:56:48How do you explain that you bought the exact same house?
00:56:51It is not the same house.
00:56:54Edgar, look at it.
00:56:56Look at the floor, and the kitchen, the fireplace,
00:56:58the porch.
00:56:59It's exactly the same.
00:57:00All right, so why can't that be a good sign?
00:57:06You don't get it.
00:57:07Let's go.
00:58:07He won't let me stop playing.
00:58:24And what would happen if you stopped playing?
00:58:26He would be alone.
00:58:28His mommy doesn't play with him anymore.
00:58:32Why doesn't she play with him?
00:58:35Because my mommy won't let me see my Aunt Heather.
00:58:40Does that make David sad?
00:58:43Can he tell her that?
00:58:46He tries to, but she can't hear him.
00:59:00Those bruises must hurt.
00:59:03How'd that happen?
00:59:04I'm not supposed to talk about it.
00:59:09There is nothing physically wrong with her.
00:59:11They have done every kind of test,
00:59:13and they have all come back normal.
00:59:15So you've been to the doctor a lot.
00:59:17Yes, constantly.
00:59:19She's lost five pounds.
00:59:20She has no energy, no appetite.
00:59:22Their attitude is, if nothing comes back in the lab test,
00:59:25well, then it's just all in my head.
00:59:27Sarah says she misses her Aunt Heather.
00:59:29Yeah, we haven't seen her since we got back from the lake.
00:59:32Tell me about your relationship with Heather.
00:59:41Well, I know you two are identical twins.
00:59:43Tell me about that.
00:59:44How is it relevant?
00:59:46Does it bother you to talk about Heather?
00:59:49No, I just.
00:59:50Because you seem bothered.
00:59:52Are you aware that your entire body language changed
00:59:55when I mentioned her name?
01:00:10What's going on?
01:00:11Here, give me that.
01:00:16The news is concerning.
01:00:18Atmospheric, she fired her nanny,
01:00:20moved Sarah to a new school.
01:00:22It's classic Von Munchausen's.
01:00:24Isolating Sarah while she appeals to medical professionals
01:00:27for attention.
01:00:28Honestly, Heather, I'm seriously considering
01:00:31contacting social services,
01:00:33but I wanted to talk to you first.
01:00:39Come on.
01:00:40Let's go.
01:00:44Sarah, go upstairs.
01:00:48Now, go.
01:00:50Heather, get out of my house.
01:00:54Erica, we're very worried about you.
01:00:56Get out of my house.
01:00:57What were you doing talking to Dr. Koenig?
01:00:58Dr. Koenig called me.
01:01:00Why is she calling you?
01:01:01Sarah is my daughter.
01:01:02Honey, honey, relax, okay?
01:01:05Dr. Koenig thinks that you're hurting Sarah.
01:01:11Oh, come on.
01:01:12What, you think I'm here beating my daughter
01:01:13while you're at work?
01:01:14No, no, of course not.
01:01:15Well, then get her out of the house
01:01:17so that we can deal with our daughter's problems privately.
01:01:19Look, I told Dr. Koenig not to call social services,
01:01:24and she won't as a courtesy to me.
01:01:25Oh, as a courtesy to you?
01:01:27Do you think this is all about you?
01:01:28I told her that I would examine Sarah.
01:01:30The hell you will.
01:01:31Look, Erica, can we just sit down and discuss this?
01:01:35Come here.
01:01:36Because I'm gonna have to call Dr. Koenig myself.
01:01:37Oh, well, you know what?
01:01:38Okay, let's call social services right now,
01:01:39and we'll tell them the truth,
01:01:41that you think I'm pregnant
01:01:41with the reincarnation of your dead son.
01:01:43Oh, but you know what?
01:01:44Who's gonna believe crazy, hormonal Erica?
01:01:46No, no, don't you see what she is doing?
01:01:49She is trying to push me out so that she,
01:01:51no, don't touch me.
01:01:51Get away from me.
01:01:52All right, okay, okay.
01:01:55Look, how about this?
01:01:57Let me at least just talk to Sarah.
01:02:00If I have my way, you will never see her again.
01:02:02Now, get out.
01:02:06Yeah, let's go.
01:02:07I'll call you.
01:02:10I'll call you.
01:02:27I'll call you.
01:02:58Honey, let me see your neck.
01:03:03Honey, how'd you get those?
01:03:06I'm not sure.
01:03:07Do they hurt?
01:03:08A little bit.
01:03:10I'm really worried about you.
01:03:12Can you tell me what's wrong?
01:03:15No, do you know what's wrong?
01:03:18Sweetie, I wish you could tell me.
01:03:20Are you afraid?
01:03:22Is it David?
01:03:23Is he telling you something that's scaring you?
01:03:50How'd you get here?
01:03:52Come on.
01:03:57You shouldn't have done that.
01:04:27You shouldn't have done that.
01:04:57Where's my daughter?
01:05:23I don't understand.
01:05:24Sarah, where is she?
01:05:27Last I saw she was with you.
01:05:29What are you talking about?
01:05:33I signed her out 20 minutes ago.
01:05:35There. See?
01:05:37Here it is.
01:05:40Oh my God.
01:06:26I'm going to play hide and seek.
01:06:55I'm playing hide and seek.
01:06:57My daughter's in there.
01:06:58I'm sorry. You can't go back there.
01:07:00Why are you mad, David?
01:07:01I'm sick of waiting.
01:07:02I want to be born now!
01:07:05Now! Now! Now!
01:07:09Move! Get out of my way! Sarah!
01:07:13Now! Now! Now!
01:07:15Now! Now! Now!
01:07:17Heather, pick him up.
01:07:19Now! Now! Now!
01:07:20Now! Now! Now!
01:07:21Oh my God.
01:07:23Now! Now!
01:07:24Now! Now! Now!
01:07:28Stay away from me, you bitch. You're not my mother.
01:07:33I love you. Let go of me.
01:07:35Let go of me.
01:07:36Sarah's not here.
01:07:37She's with me. Maybe I'll keep her.
01:07:39Maybe we'll both play hide and seek.
01:07:42Oh my God.
01:07:44Throw it! Throw it!
01:07:48Oh God.
01:07:49Oh my God.
01:07:52Oh my God.
01:07:57What did you do to her?
01:07:58I thought if I could talk to David, then it would be okay.
01:08:01Look, you would have done the same thing in my position.
01:08:05Come here. Come here, baby.
01:08:07Get her back. Get her back now!
01:08:09David, it's time for Sarah to come back.
01:08:13She doesn't belong there with you.
01:08:15I don't care.
01:08:16I don't care.
01:08:29Mommy, I'm tired.
01:08:31It's okay. It's okay. Come on.
01:08:33I'm going to take you home. Get out of my way. Move!
01:08:36Come on.
01:08:43Where will you go?
01:08:44I don't know. Anywhere. Just not here.
01:08:46Look, I promise you. I had no idea.
01:08:48Don't lie to me. You're on her side.
01:08:50Erica, please. Look, she is in bed.
01:08:52She is so tired. Just let her sleep.
01:08:54I can't be around you. I can't be around any of you.
01:08:58Okay, then I'll go.
01:09:01If that's what it takes.
01:09:03You can stay here. I will...
01:09:05I will go. I'll stay in a motel.
01:09:31Come on.
01:09:40Let's get to work.
01:09:45That boy's been walking skin close to her since the day he passed.
01:09:48Just waiting. Feeding off her.
01:09:51Biding his time till he can be reborn.
01:09:54This baby is not David.
01:09:56Not yet.
01:09:57This spurt can't come into a child till after it's born.
01:10:00Which is why he's hanging on to Sarah.
01:10:02Problem is, it's taking longer than he expected.
01:10:05Our little girl isn't going to survive another month of this.
01:10:08So what do we do?
01:10:09Do what I'm doing.
01:10:10Get everything at David's out of this house.
01:12:31That's a spirit house.
01:12:33What's it doing here?
01:12:35I don't know. I thought we left it up at the cabin.
01:12:39No wonder David's been so strong.
01:12:41You invited a spirit into your home.
01:12:44Give him a place to live.
01:12:59Rosie, turn.
01:13:01All right.
01:13:02You're coming up on the step, okay?
01:13:05Are you all right?
01:13:07I don't think it's going to work.
01:13:08Ow! Damn it!
01:13:09Are you okay?
01:13:10Stop. Stop.
01:13:11Look, maybe you shouldn't be doing this, Erica.
01:13:13I have an idea.
01:13:44That's the last of it.
01:13:47May my hands be fresh.
01:13:49May the road be clear.
01:13:50May this house and this child be clean.
01:13:55Okay, honey.
01:13:56It's your turn now.
01:13:58I'm scared.
01:13:59Oh, don't be scared.
01:14:01Feel sorry for him.
01:14:03Poor boy doesn't know he's dead.
01:14:05It's up to us to help him move on, okay?
01:14:08Go ahead now.
01:14:14It's okay.
01:14:15Come on, you can do it.
01:14:17I know you can do this.
01:14:19This is the last thing you have to do,
01:14:21and then everything's going to be okay.
01:14:25You can do it.
01:14:26Go on, Sarah.
01:14:28Finish it.
01:14:29I'm sorry, David.
01:14:30I really am.
01:14:32But it's true.
01:14:33You're dead.
01:14:34You're dead.
01:14:43It's okay.
01:14:44It's okay.
01:14:45It's okay.
01:14:47He's quiet.
01:14:48I can't hear anything.
01:14:51It's done.
01:15:09Rosie called.
01:15:10I asked her to.
01:15:13Look, I'm, uh...
01:15:15I'm sorry.
01:15:17Look at her, Edgar.
01:15:19She's sleeping.
01:15:21I mean, for the first time in months,
01:15:23she's really sleeping.
01:15:43Oh, God.
01:15:44Oh, God.
01:16:13Look at us.
01:16:15When we smile, we look like twins.
01:16:24Look at us.
01:16:26When we smile, we look like twins.
01:16:35Look at us.
01:16:37Look at us.
01:16:39Look at us.
01:16:42Look at us.
01:16:44Look at us.
01:16:46Look at us.
01:16:48Look at us.
01:16:50Look at us.
01:16:52Look at us.
01:16:54Look at us.
01:16:56Look at us.
01:16:58Look at us.
01:17:00Look at us.
01:17:02Look at us.
01:17:04Look at us.
01:17:06Look at us.
01:17:08Look at us.
01:17:10Look at us.
01:17:12Look at us.
01:17:15Where is she?
01:17:16In the attic.
01:17:34Sarah, honey.
01:17:36Where is she?
01:17:38In the attic.
01:17:50Sarah, honey.
01:17:54Don't move.
01:17:57Mommy, you said you'd leave me alone.
01:18:01Daddy is just coming to get you, okay?
01:18:06Baby, then we're gonna take you down to your bed, all right?
01:18:08That way you can sleep.
01:18:10No, he won't let me.
01:18:14Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, honey.
01:18:15Sarah, Sarah, Sarah.
01:18:18Sarah, honey, you're scaring Mommy.
01:18:26Sarah, it's okay.
01:18:30David says it doesn't hurt.
01:19:04Mr. and Mrs. Lewis?
01:19:07We did a CAT scan.
01:19:10The good news is she didn't fracture her skull.
01:19:12But I'm not gonna lie to you.
01:19:14She suffered severe head trauma.
01:19:18There's a lot about these kind of brain injuries
01:19:20that we just don't know.
01:19:22We drained the excess fluid and stabilized her,
01:19:24but the rest is up to Sarah.
01:19:39Who called you?
01:19:40No one.
01:19:41I just knew.
01:19:53Do you really believe David is trying to come back
01:19:55and won't let go of Sarah until he does?
01:19:58I do.
01:20:02Then we're gonna give David what he wants.
01:20:10Hello, Dr. Lord.
01:20:11Hello, Dr. Lord.
01:20:37This should induce labor within the next hour.
01:20:39You're at 34 weeks.
01:20:41The last six weeks are mostly insurance.
01:20:45Are you sure you want to do this?
01:20:48If I don't, he's gonna take her.
01:20:51Just do it before I lose my nerve.
01:21:07There you go.
01:21:11So what happens now?
01:21:14You're gonna have a baby.
01:21:16Good, good.
01:21:20Come on, small breaths.
01:21:23The head is crowning.
01:21:25You're doing great.
01:21:27This baby's in a big hurry to come into this world.
01:21:29Come on now, Erica.
01:21:30Just give me one more push.
01:21:42You come back to us, okay?
01:21:48Take it.
01:21:52I hear it come.
01:21:57Congratulations, Erica.
01:21:59You have a beautiful baby girl.
01:22:06That's not right.
01:22:07It can't be a girl.
01:22:09Say hello to your new daughter.
01:22:11No, that's not right.
01:22:13No, it can't be a girl.
01:22:15Call Edgar.
01:22:26Edgar, it's Heather.
01:22:27How's Sarah?
01:22:32How's Sarah?
01:22:35Heather, how's my baby?
01:22:37Nothing's changed.
01:22:39Maybe this was a mistake.
01:22:40Maybe this was all wrong.
01:22:49Heather, what is it?
01:22:51We've got another one.
01:22:53It's a footling breech down that won't budge.
01:22:57What are we going to do?
01:22:59Page anesthesiology in the OR.
01:23:02Erica, I'm going to have to do an emergency C-section.
01:23:06I think we have a cord around the neck.
01:23:11It's okay.
01:23:12I'm right here.
01:23:13Anesthesiologist in the OR.
01:23:14What's that?
01:23:15Anesthesiologist in the OR.
01:23:17What's that?
01:24:17Happy Halloween, everybody.
01:24:19What do you say we welcome this newest little pumpkin?
01:24:22It's a boy!
01:24:52Trick or treat!
01:25:14You're it!
01:25:21Come here!
01:25:33Apparently, having a hidden twin isn't all that uncommon.
01:25:39And if the heartbeats are in sync, and they're aligned just right,
01:25:44it's easy enough to miss the second baby on a sonogram if you weren't looking for it.
01:25:50But it wasn't David. He's Jack.
01:25:56Even Heather can see that.
01:26:02Heather, I want to show you something.
01:26:10If identical twins can read each other's minds...
01:26:14My sister already knows this, but just in case, I believed in him too.
01:26:40Happy Halloween, David.
01:27:08Now, I'm the one in charge.
01:27:38Trick or treat, the winter storm.
01:27:47I don't know what you are.
01:27:51Up above the world so high.
01:27:55Like a diamond in the sky.
01:28:07Trick or treat, the winter storm.
01:28:11I don't know what you are.
01:28:15Up above the world so high.
01:28:19Like a diamond in the sky.
01:28:37Trick or treat, the winter storm.
01:28:42I don't know what you are.
01:28:45Like a diamond in the sky.
01:28:48Trick or treat, the winter storm.
01:28:51I don't know what you are.
01:28:54Like a diamond in the sky.
01:28:57Trick or treat, the winter storm.
