The Day of the Jackal is a thrilling, high-stakes thriller that follows a ruthless assassin known only as "The Jackal." Hired for the highest fees, he's carried out hits across the globe with unparalleled precision. But when his latest target is a high-profile political figure, a determined British intelligence officer is hot on his trail. The Jackal's meticulous planning and cold-blooded efficiency are put to the test as he's drawn into a deadly game of cat and mouse with the relentless agent. The trailer promises intense action, stunning visuals, and a gripping narrative as the Jackal's reign of terror is challenged.
Short filmTranscript
00:00Who's the target?
00:04My clients need to know if you think it's possible.
00:08It'll cost.
00:10A hundred million is a big ask.
00:12You're paying me to kill him.
00:20I am charging you for getting away.
00:30Police all over Europe are looking for him.
00:33We are reaching out to all our international partners for assistance.
00:37He's an exceptional assassin.
00:39He will kill again unless we stop him.
00:42There's no record of him anywhere.
00:45This guy's a ghost.
00:48I know I can find him.
00:50I've heard good things about you, Bianca.
00:52Don't let me down.
00:55His code name's Jackal.
01:00He's a mimic.
01:04Oh my God!
01:06Somebody's hiring the Jackal for another kill.
01:10What do you do?
01:11If I told you the truth, then I'll lose you.
01:14This is a wild goose chase and it's not helping our department's reputation.
01:18Are you saying we should just walk away?
01:20That's not the job I signed up for.
01:24I'm sorry.
01:32There's only so much I can do to protect you.
01:34I will find him and I will kill him myself.
01:40One man is not worth all this loss.
01:44You like to win.
01:46So do I.
01:54I just want to know who you are.